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David Cameron: socialists have no sense of humour

"Alternative" comedy is just comedy that doesn't rely on giving entire demographic groups a good kicking. It was the breath of fresh air after decades of Chalky White and mother-in-law jokes.

Jimmy Carr is a throwback to cuntier times - although some of his political stuff on the 10pm show has been decent. I think his cunty stuff is just because he's too lazy to think of an original angle.

Michael McIntyre is just anodyne shite. Not cunty, not controversial, just safe people-watching territory from a position of slighty sneering superiority.

The 'alternative' label is still useful today - my father-in-law used it the other day to describe comedians who just swear a lot and distinguish them from the type of comedy that he finds funny. Interestingly, as a 1970s immigrant from the Caribbean, he felt Bernard Manning had more comedy value.

But it doesn't really mean anything today. Alternative comedy, for me, is political - overtly or otherwise. There were very few comedians doing anything very political in the 2000s. Things are looking up a bit now. Here's hoping, anyway. The coalition are comedy gold.
Hipsters are usually apolitical, or if political, of a fairly right wing but "liberal" stripe. Might give a fuck about AV, but won't give a fuck about council cuts. From my anecdotal experience of leafleting round South and East London, they are the least likely group to take an anti-cuts leaflet. Posh looking city types are more likely to do so! (give a shit about libraries and adventure playgrounds for their kids)

Completely different to any genuine left-wing still existing in this country.
Hipsters are usually apolitical, or if political, of a fairly right wing but "liberal" stripe. Might give a fuck about AV, but won't give a fuck about council cuts. From my anecdotal experience of leafleting round South and East London, they are the least likely group to take an anti-cuts leaflet. Posh looking city types are more likely to do so! (give a shit about libraries and adventure playgrounds for their kids)

Completely different to any genuine left-wing still existing in this country.
Yes. Into leftie politics because it's 'nice', but completely unaware of why it actually matters.
Hipsters are usually apolitical, or if political, of a fairly right wing but "liberal" stripe. Might give a fuck about AV, but won't give a fuck about council cuts. From my anecdotal experience of leafleting round South and East London, they are the least likely group to take an anti-cuts leaflet. Posh looking city types are more likely to do so! (give a shit about libraries and adventure playgrounds for their kids)

Completely different to any genuine left-wing still existing in this country.

Hipsters are usually apolitical, or if political, of a fairly right wing but "liberal" stripe. Might give a fuck about AV, but won't give a fuck about council cuts. From my anecdotal experience of leafleting round South and East London, they are the least likely group to take an anti-cuts leaflet. Posh looking city types are more likely to do so! (give a shit about libraries and adventure playgrounds for their kids)

Completely different to any genuine left-wing still existing in this country.

Spot on.
Tbh, we can end the thread here - with today's results any socialist (or communist, libertarian communist, anarchist, anti-Leninist Marxist, whatever) is fucking laughing, surely?
I think the majority of 'don't really give a shits' are having a good old chuckle too, no?
Disco Dave: "Never mind Clegg, you lost this one, but I still respect you. Now get down on your knees and shine my shoes, oik!" <crows with laughter>
Clegg: "Yes...master (whimpers)
Disco Dave: "Clegg, I don't hear you laughing. Are you a smelly unwashed socialist?"
Hipsters are usually apolitical, or if political, of a fairly right wing but "liberal" stripe. Might give a fuck about AV, but won't give a fuck about council cuts. From my anecdotal experience of leafleting round South and East London, they are the least likely group to take an anti-cuts leaflet. Posh looking city types are more likely to do so! (give a shit about libraries and adventure playgrounds for their kids)

Completely different to any genuine left-wing still existing in this country.

Just stumbled across this:

Dr James Rockey, of Leicester University, analysed the stated values of 136,000 people in a survey carried out in 48 countries, and found that the well-educated were most likely to misplace themselves on the political spectrum.

A tendency was observed among this group to identify as left-wing, and vote accordingly, despite holding views on wealth distribution that placed them further to the right, Dr Rockey reported.

In his paper, Dr Rockey suggested that this was due to the fact that "people compare themselves not to the population as a whole but to the people they know" and that "political preferences change over time".

The Daily Telegraph pounced on these findings, proclaiming them as evidence that "many middle-aged 'champagne socialists' fail to notice their views shifting" and have become, despite their left-wing university days, right-wingers who cannot bring themselves to acknowledge the fact.

The newspaper's editorial stated that the research proves "the facts of life are, as Margaret Thatcher had it, conservative", and that those who do not face up to this are simply displaying an inversion of the Marxist theory of false consciousness.


I think it's right, up to "people compare themselves not to the population as a whole but to the people they know". That's it. All the explanation you need. The rest is bollocks - they were never lefties in the first place.
I think it's the contradiction that destroyed Labour. Two core constituencies, with the smaller but more powerful one hell bent on ignoring the other.
"Alternative" comedy is just comedy that doesn't rely on giving entire demographic groups a good kicking. It was the breath of fresh air after decades of Chalky White and mother-in-law jokes.

Jimmy Carr is a throwback to cuntier times - although some of his political stuff on the 10pm show has been decent. I think his cunty stuff is just because he's too lazy to think of an original angle.

Jimmy Carr is what you get if you neuter Jerry Sadowitz and stop him doing magic tricks, graft a knowing smirk onto his face and give him a haircut. He's piss-weak Jerry Sadowitz for the over-sensitive middle-classes.

Michael McIntyre is just anodyne shite. Not cunty, not controversial, just safe people-watching territory from a position of slighty sneering superiority.

His delivery leaves me cold. His material could be as funny as fuck, but the way he delivers it makes me want to lever his eyeballs out with a spoon.
The article is very interesting. Rather than ageing lefties, I was meaning young hipsters. Many of the hipsters I'm talking about are in their 20s and 30s. It's just that they have no experience of, or understanding of, a world where you might struggle to afford university or a media internship, rent/buy and live in trendy areas of cities, wear expensive and disposeable clothing, go on pricey holidays and have to give a shit what your local hospital or school is like. But they might well care about AV, or enviromentalism of a status-y type, and they might vociferously go on about corporations (all whilst being extremely label-conscious). Their entire experience is of a very narrow social clique, and they are usually apolitical - even if self-describing as left - and precisely the type New Labour fell over themselves to cater for. I hope I don't sound too patronising or judgemental and I'm sure there are exceptions, but that's the perception I have of a lot of them.

They wouldn't see an anti-cuts campaign as having much to do with them.

Ageing lefties are a different creature. It's not, I'd argue a natural thing to become more right-wing as you get older. But I can think of friends who have been successful and find it hard to comprehend that their own interests it no longer equate to the struggles of the common man (I'm thinking in particular of a dinner party where an old school friend became very angry at my assertion she was in an incredibly small fortunate minority to be facing paying inheritance tax). Not an unusual trajectory I'd imagine.
also doesn't a lot depend on your level of political activity, ie getting stuck in to long haul campaigns might be slightly different to going on the odd march etc.
also doesn't a lot depend on your level of political activity, ie getting stuck in to long haul campaigns might be slightly different to going on the odd march etc.

Yeah. It was a glib generalisation. It's not that none of them learn better, it's just that it doesn't occur to a lot of them that there is anything to learn.
Ageing lefties are a different creature. It's not, I'd argue a natural thing to become more right-wing as you get older. But I can think of friends who have been successful and find it hard to comprehend that their own interests it no longer equate to the struggles of the common man (I'm thinking in particular of a dinner party where an old school friend became very angry at my assertion she was in an incredibly small fortunate minority to be facing paying inheritance tax). Not an unusual trajectory I'd imagine.

You can't win though. I've done my utmost to remain utterly unsuccessful all my adult life and I still lost my faith in the possibility of a better world.
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