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"Darwin made it possible to be an intellectually satisfied atheist"

Do you agree with Dawkins statement?

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In Bloom said:
My point is that the writer of Genesis didn't know a whole lot about cosmology, biology or physics. Plants need the sun to live.

I understand that, Bloom. My point is that Genesis is not supposed to be taken literally. "For a *sign,*" remember that bit?
phildwyer said:
Who is Jack Chick, is he related to Jack Shit? And more seriously, as a feminist, wouldn't you concede that professional "hard" scientists are overwhelmingly male? Absolutely disgraceful state of affairs I know, but that is the fact of the matter, non?
No, he's a christian fundie with the same liberal, intelligent views on women and science as you.

Whilst there may not be as many women as men in academic science, that's more down to the fact that for a long time women were chained to the house and not encouraged into learning as much as men. Things are changing though, no thanks to attitudes like yours..
hard science is inately sexist!!!! why is it called "hard" science? it is obvious that the hard is in reference to the male phallic rape weapon, why is it not called "wet" science. it preveliges male "reason" over female "intuition" etc etc.
treefrog said:
No, he's a christian fundie with the same liberal, intelligent views on women and science as you.

Oh right, I thought it was some new kind of Chick Lit, not that you'd lower yourself to such trivialities, natch. But really, he's a Christian fundie who writes tracts about how to pick up babes? Strange doctrine and new, doctrine which we would know whence learned. Tell me more.
revol68 said:
hard science is inately sexist!!!! why is it called "hard" science? it is obvious that the hard is in reference to the male phallic rape weapon, why is it not called "wet" science. it preveliges male "reason" over female "intuition" etc etc.
revol, do you by any chance live under a bridge and have an innate fear of billygoats?
phildwyer said:
I understand that, Bloom. My point is that Genesis is not supposed to be taken literally. "For a *sign,*" remember that bit?
I would dispute that it wasn't meant literally, in the context of the rest of the Bible (the contingency of Christian theology on the fall of man, the geneologies that go to great pains to demonstrate a line of descent from Adam to Jesus).
phildwyer said:
Oh right, I thought it was some new kind of Chick Lit, not that you'd lower yourself to such trivialities, natch. But really, he's a Christian fundie who writes tracts about how to pick up babes? Strange doctrine and new, doctrine which we would know whence learned. Tell me more.
I wouldn't actually, but thanks for that. He writes tracts that have wording almost identical to your hilarious little skit above, and is as away with the fairies as you are...
treefrog said:
revol, do you by any chance live under a bridge and have an innate fear of billygoats?

See, that's the kind of thing I was trying to warn you against. There's a lot of it around, too.
treefrog said:
revol, do you by any chance live under a bridge and have an innate fear of billygoats?

hmm im not sure whether or not you got the irony in my post.

And if you did are you accussing me of being a troll?
In Bloom said:
I would dispute that it wasn't meant literally, in the context of the rest of the Bible (the contingency of Christian theology on the fall of man, the geneologies that go to great pains to demonstrate a line of descent from Adam to Jesus).

That's pure Christian propaganda (the geneologies, not you, Bloom). The early Christians had to claim that Jesus was a direct descendent of David, so that he could appear to be fulfilling the Old Testament prophecies about the Messiah. I wouldn't take them seriously if I were you.
revol68 said:
hmm im not sure whether or not you got the irony in my post.

And if you did are you accussing me of being a troll?
it's called sarcasm, dear, not irony. And no I didn't. Given the level of some of the arguments in here subtle humour is very easy to miss...
phildwyer said:
Makes sense to me. I've never been a fan of Popery.
you're hardly ingratiating yourself with anyone here you know. I've a special hatred of bigots, coming from somewhere that's full of them...
treefrog said:
I wouldn't actually, but thanks for that. He writes tracts that have wording almost identical to your hilarious little skit above, and is as away with the fairies as you are...

I just checked out the links that Bloom posted. The man is obviously a genius. "I love drugs, do you?" He must have been studying Kyser's chat-up lines.
so you seriously thought someone could make that argument?

see all this bullshit about everyone being entitled to their retarded view, i fucking hate that. No, not every opinion is equally valid, some people talk shit and should be ridiculed and bullied till they wise up or go cry in a corner.

All this "all discourses are equal" shite is just the fucking logic of bourgeois exchange value imposed into the realm of intellectual debate.
revol68 said:
so you seriously thought someone could make that argument?

see all this bullshit about everyone being entitled to their retarded view, i fucking hate that. No, not every opinion is equally valid, some people talk shit and should be ridiculed and bullied till they wise up or go cry in a corner.

All this "all discourses are equal" shite is just the fucking logic of bourgeois exchange value imposed into the realm of intellectual debate.
normally? No. On this thread, on these boards? I've heard worse...
Fruitloop said:
It's an occasionalist religion - there is no causation, everything flows from the GSM who is the sole causal agent.

I see your GSM and raise you...


revol68 said:
All this "all discourses are equal" shite is just the fucking logic of bourgeois exchange value imposed into the realm of intellectual debate.

Hang on, that sounds like something I'd say. In fact, I *have* said it, in one of me bukes. Where did you go to school?
revol68 said:
All this "all discourses are equal" shite is just the fucking logic of bourgeois exchange value imposed into the realm of intellectual debate.

And that's the fucking logic of fundamentalist marxism imposed on intellectual debate.

None of this of course is to be confused with...intellectual debate.
revol68 said:
All this "all discourses are equal" shite is just the fucking logic of bourgeois exchange value imposed into the realm of intellectual debate.

No, seriously, I said that, I did, I did. I said the same thing about Darwinism too. Gurrier will back me up! This is intellectual theft, call the intellectual police!
In amongst all the silliness, there's still some interesting points. Can we get back to them?

Specifically, where is this line drawn between real 'things' and ideas - see the virus question upthread a bit.
* bows head before bin-god *

Oh shiny one, give me the strength to endure the heretic blasphemers, followers of the great mathematician and the apostates of the GSM. Wrap them in your bottomless embrace and send them to the great landfill in the sky. Praise be to your roundness.
phildwyer said:
Hang on, that sounds like something I'd say. In fact, I *have* said it, in one of me bukes. Where did you go to school?

I went to queens university and got a straight up mutha fucking 3rd!

you know why cos it's not about displaying critical faculites it's about summarising your lecture notes and adding a shitey wishy washy conclusion like "all these models/theories raise interesting questions, yet none of them alone give a fully adequate analysis blah blah",

i suppouse turning up for your exams helps too. :(
Brainaddict said:
And that's the fucking logic of fundamentalist marxism imposed on intellectual debate.

No, he's right about this one Brainaddict, he nicked it from me. He'll be saying Darwin is based on Adam Smith next, ooh it makes me *seethe,* where's my copyright lawyer?
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