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D&D confession/tabletop rpg thread

Do you D&D

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Nothing at all.

Not even the part where it leads to offline meets and giant pissups with people you know really well but have never met?

Took my ex to MUDmeet. That was an experience for her. She came the next year too though so she must have enjoyed it.
that is a bit too dismissive... is computer based interaction not social.. then what about the telephone? is it only social when it is face to face?

and if it isn't social what do you call it? it groups of people getting together talking and interacting, for me that's a type of socialality
I played 'Wrath of Arshadalon' and its basically Heroquest but D&D lite. It's got great production values and is different every time - due to drawing random cards, dungeon tiles and the creatures 'A.I.' there is no DM so people play against the game.. its a nice game. But Talisman has more edge to it I think..
Arshadalon and raven quest do sound like nice kits. i ma get one of them to help break our party into d&d

although we have some DMing ideas we first ned to get the mechanicals down

fuck it just put in a big check from work so i can splurge i just ordered Arshadalon
Old school AD&D was a shit system tbf. Didn't stop it being fun though.

Best role-playing system == ars magica imo.

This is probably true - I certainly think it's one of the best at promoting role playing rather than dice rolling.

Although MERP critical rolls are always good craic.
amusing quote from the weekend

Me: ok tonight i'm going to be doing some D&D
Aunt: oh great that mewans your going to be fucked all weekend
~dawning realisation~
Me (laughing): no not DMT, Dungeons and Dragons
The game zone

My mate juts bought talisman :cool:

I think I had every Talisman expansion :cool:

I managed to download an unofficial talisman game from bit torrent.

Nowhere near as fun as playing the real deal, and very very basic, (and without expansions etc) but was a fun trip down memory lane for me. :D

The Prophetess is still basically the best character you can play with although the Monk and Warrior of Chaos are good too. :cool:
Talisman Expansion
Talisman Adventure
Talisman Dungeon
Talisman Timescape
Talisman City
Talisman Dragons

This is a list of the Talisman expansions. In order of acquisition. I also had some Master Level characters cut out from White Dwarf.

Just routed through my parents' cupboards and although my talisman 1st edition with expansion (adventure?) is lost to a never-to-be-returned lend once (although I haven't actually asked for it back, seems too long now though) my Talisman some other version* is still there :)cool:) and there is a city, forest, dungeon and mountain expansions with corner playing boards, all that seems missing is the centre 'tower' expansion.

Good thing about my later talisman version; although lacking some of the cooler early characters (chaos warrior and high priestess ruled) I have 23 plastic miniatures that I now intend on painting, despite the fact I'll probably never play it again! :D

Never heard of timescape / dragons ... either I missed a trick or they appeared as expansions for a different edition.

*Googling seems to suggest that it's the 3rd edition with the 'dragon king' that needs defeating rather than the original inner region and the 'crown of command'.
my d&d partner in crime is on extended holiday so i've no to D&D with. a couple of my freinds say they are intrested but i can't see any of them being up for a full on campaign
I've always quite wanted to, but wasn't allowed as a kid (xtian parents), and now I am a grown up I don't have time.
it does kinda take up time although i guess we were going slow as we were just starting but we'd easly drop anm hour or two on just setting up and clearing a single room
Among the peers I grow up with, D&D seem to take hold, so it was only natural that I would play. Also played LOTR, White Wolf, various Palladium spin offs (including Rifts which in hindsight was awful) and a few others (star wars one was pretty good I remember).

Have not done any RPG'ing since my uni days but recent MTG computer game as got me interested again.
ok where to begin with the rpgs i have played over the years...

I shall attempt to do it in a sort of chronological order

Space Opera

have probably missed a few out but you get the idea. some superhero ones mixed up in that but i cant remeber their names as i wasnt really into them
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