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    Lazy Llama

Woke Content Detector: An entertaining chud meltdown

I think some people are using 'woke' in a way that just means any ham fisted /awkward 'diversity' content tbh even if its written by a racist.

I read a Lynda Laplante book that was full of weird fatphobia, the main character is triggered by having to interact with a trans woman etc (and this is depicted as a good thing) and the author wrote another book where the plot was about the dangers of illegal immigrants in the UK. One of the goodreads reviews I read complained that the book I'd read was 'too woke' as well as pointing out legitimate issues with it ... I checked their other reviews and they had given positive ratings to books with much less of a reactionary message lol!
I actually think it’s just morons using it for anything they find threatening tbh…
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