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Crawley Town manager suspended due to Racism

I'd seen news of the suspension and he's known for his interview style, which is a bit forthright but hadn't suspected he was such a cunt. Seems it only got stopped as they've had new owners come in, last lot must have known and ought to face consequences too.
I missed the initial reporting of this:

A whole lot of people would be complicit in this beyond the manager. A lot of players reporting his behaviour too and can't see how this would be the first time.

The reports, which have not been independently corroborated by the Guardian, include allegations that Yems:

Referred to players of Asian heritage within the squad as “terrorists, suicide bombers and curry munchers”.

Created a racially segregated dressing room, with white players told “don’t change in the black boys’ room”.

And made racial slurs about black players and players of Asian heritage.
What a racist scumhole. He's finished:

Other claims include calling one youth team player a "suicide bomber" on a regular basis and telling him not to get the train home wearing a backpack because fellow passengers would think he intended to blow it up.

He was accused of routinely using the n-word and referring to one black player as a "Zulu warrior". Calling a young player of Cypriot extraction a "Greek bobble-head" and mocking Greek music.

He is alleged to have banned two players with ethnic minority backgrounds from training with the first team without explanation.
But then....
Since Yems was suspended, Crawley have lost all three of their matches. He is still a popular figure with fans, who chanted 'We want our Yems back' during Saturday's 2-0 home loss against Leyton Orient.

A whole lot of people would be complicit in this beyond the manager. A lot of players reporting his behaviour too and can't see how this would be the first time.
This. He's been in some sort of coaching or scouting role for 30 years. And aside from the racism - fuck me, a big aside - he looks to be an absolute pig of a human being from the interviews I've just watched.
Such a shame he is scum, but all the Crawley fans I know are nice
people, the idiots singing about yem, it seems to be the majority
and on their fansite 64 % like the new lot :confused: the Leyton orient game
had a rather toxic feeling about it, considering staying up was the main
objective. The defense is really good they just need someone to score
on a more regular basis.
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