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Cost of living payment


Well-Known Member
Hey guys. Just wondering if anyone on Universal Credit has received the first cost of living payment yet? (£326.00). I know it's due in people's accounts from today and we're being asked to allow up to 31st July.

I was working during May, which is when you had to be claiming in order to be eligible. But I got a UC payment of £44 for my assessment period which ended that month. The guidance linked is a bit confusing but I think it's only if your earnings reduced your UC to £0 that you don't qualify for COL? I don't think you need to have got a full UC payment, can anyone confirm if I'm right?

(I can't post the question in my journal because it's not texting me my passcode, and it's taking me ages to get through to someone on the phone).
I've received it. I have a part-time job and I was off sick for a few weeks and only received SSP, which was topped up by UC, so I qualified. I probably won't qualify for the next payment though, although I don't know for sure.
No one's said anything about a notification, just that when it goes into the account it appears on your bank statement as "DWP Cost Of Living".

I'm on the limited capability for work group of UC as is a neighbour but his has gone in and mine hasnt. I'm sure I'll qualify, I meet the criteria. It's just more a case of open ended stuff like this stresses me. I would much rather be told I get it but not until later in the month than checking every day if that makes sense?
I'm on the limited capability for work group of UC as is a neighbour but his has gone in and mine hasnt. I'm sure I'll qualify, I meet the criteria. It's just more a case of open ended stuff like this stresses me. I would much rather be told I get it but not until later in the month than checking every day if that makes sense?
I kind of get what you mean. It would be nice if everyone could have the same date, but I guess if they've got 7 million payments to make, the system might not stand up to that! I just remind myself that just because it's up to the 31st July doesn't mean it'll automatically be that late. If it's not in your account by then, they're telling people to contact the office that pays your benefit. I'm not sure if that means my Jobcentre or sending a message to the service centre through my journal (most likely the latter). These things do get sorted out in the end, but I agree it's not nice waiting and not knowing.
I kind of get what you mean. It would be nice if everyone could have the same date, but I guess if they've got 7 million payments to make, the system might not stand up to that! I just remind myself that just because it's up to the 31st July doesn't mean it'll automatically be that late. If it's not in your account by then, they're telling people to contact the office that pays your benefit. I'm not sure if that means my Jobcentre or sending a message to the service centre through my journal (most likely the latter). These things do get sorted out, but I agree it's not nice waiting.

For all my moaning, it'll likely hit tomorrow. :D

I'm brasic at the moment, as are a lot of folks, so could really do with it but if I have to wait a few more days then there's nowt I can really do is there? Just annoying all my neighbours got theirs today is all.
For all my moaning, it'll likely hit tomorrow. :D

I'm brasic at the moment, as are a lot of folks, so could really do with it but if I have to wait a few more days then there's nowt I can really do is there? Just annoying all my neighbours got theirs today is all.
Hope it does! It's always lovely having money on a Friday.
Details of eligibility and payments dates are here -

(For the first round of payments at least!)

From that, the first lot of payments (including to UC claimants) will be paid from today, up until 31/07, so don't worry tonysingh ! :)
I'm eligible due to my teeny tiny disabled working tax credit award (as a legacy benefit, I still get it), but won't get anything till October. My daughter should be eligible for the full payment too, and should be getting it in the next couple of weeks.
Just a reminder that it should be paid by Friday 29th July as it’s the last banking day in July

when is the assessment period then, from end of april to end of may roughly?
“To get the first Cost of Living Payment of £326, you must have been entitled to a payment (or later found to be entitled to a payment) of Universal Credit for an assessment period that ended in the period 26 April 2022 to 25 May 2022.”

As per sheothebudworths link :)
Just a reminder that it should be paid by Friday 29th July as it’s the last banking day in July

“To get the first Cost of Living Payment of £326, you must have been entitled to a payment (or later found to be entitled to a payment) of Universal Credit for an assessment period that ended in the period 26 April 2022 to 25 May 2022.”

As per sheothebudworths link :)
And as little as 1p. :)
My friend got his today when he told I thought I must be getting it
today, so paid off a couple of bills and then realized it had not gone in
I know i am an idiot I bet I will get it on the last day.... now skint but
have £13 left in the electric :facepalm:
Just a reminder that it should be paid by Friday 29th July as it’s the last banking day in July

“To get the first Cost of Living Payment of £326, you must have been entitled to a payment (or later found to be entitled to a payment) of Universal Credit for an assessment period that ended in the period 26 April 2022 to 25 May 2022.”

As per sheothebudworths link :)
so essentially, a payment between those two dates?
so essentially, a payment between those two dates?

I think so - to be certain I think you could log into your UC account and look at the payments tab - it refers to the Assessment period which AIUI is your earnings between those dates which is then paid a week or so after the end of the assessment period.

(Edited Screenshot of mine below - I got a small payment for this assessment period - ending May 17th which is in the time frame they specify so I should be due something - as it happens I didn’t get any UC paid from the periods before or after so looks like I’ve been fortunate with timing of weekly payments)

so essentially, a payment between those two dates?

Not exactly!

Like Elpenor says it's a payment for an assessment period that ended within that timeframe.

Could be that you had an assessment period that ended on say 24th April (but were not then due anything after) which might be paid within those dates but wouldn't count - but equally, you could have a claim (where nothing was due before) where the assessment period ended on 25th May that would count, even if it wasn't paid until after that date.

Hope that makes sense! :hmm: :D
I get the relevant benefits to qualify for the payment, but have
totally convinced myself I`m not getting it :( that's good old
mental health for you..... the more I look into the worse it gets
I could do with the money, to, get food and put £100 on the
electric just to give me some breathing space.
Please don't stress passenger !
Do get how long a couple of weeks is when you are always short - unnerving, waiting for it with no actual date set and when you are used to be being fucked about more than helped, too - but it will come.
Really hope it's sooner rather than later so you can stop worrying and that you can manage ok in the meantime, but try not to fret.
There are another 10 banking days to go, and depending on how they’re sending the payments it might not show until 5pm.

It’s annoying not knowing a date isn’t it. Far better advice from sheothebudworths above than I can offer.
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