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    Lazy Llama

Coronavirus meme/panic/fear mongering general thread


1. Say “hasta la vista, baby” whilst closing every work-related tab on your computer

2. Try to find yourself on Google Earth

3. Tighten the screws on your saucepan handles
4. Organise your computer desktop so it’s all neat and tidy and you no longer know where anything is
5. Clean the kitchen
6. Rank every crisp flavour in order from best to worst
7. Come up with a new signature
8. Download TikTok
9. Spend fifteen seconds on TikTok
10. Decide that’s enough TikTok for one day
11. Clean the kitchen again
12. Rank every chocolate bar in order from best to worst
13. Use the nutritional information on your canned goods as a makeshift version of top trumps
14. Watch a marble race on Youtube
15. Get far too into marble racing
16. Decide you’re going to have your own marble race
17. Realise you don’t own any marbles
18. Put your marble-based dreams on the backburner for now
19. Watch a years worth of Netflix in an afternoon
20. Avoid eye contact with all the books you own but have never read
21. Rank every biscuit in order from best to rich tea
22. Resist the urge to cut your own hair
23. Figure out what your three wishes would be, in case you ever come into possession of a magic lamp, fish, or monkey paw
24. Learn your debit card number off by heart like a Jedi or something
25. Clean the kitchen for a third time
26. Play Scrabble
27. Pull out two Qs and no Us
28. Argue about whether “Qi” is a word
29. Put Scrabble away
30. Spend fifteen minutes looking at pictures of quokkas on the internet
31. Decide you’re going to have an early night
32. Spend two hours in bed on your phone
33. Go to sleep
34. Wake up
35. Decide you’re going to have a productive day
36. Spend two hours in bed on your phone
37. Have a sitdown shower because you’re an adult and you can do what you want
38. Use a 48-pack of Weetabix as a makeshift Jenga set
39. Spend fifteen minutes hoovering up crumbs of wheat
40. Research who would win in a race between a zebra and an ostrich
41. Check the news
42. Quickly close the news
43. Give the kitchen a once over
44. Brush up on either the history of the Roman Empire, or the history of tomato ketchup, depending on what sort of a mood you’re in
45. See what’s happening on Instagram stories
46. Is anyone NOT doing online yoga?
47. Research home workouts
48. Instantly feel exhausted
49. Call your parents
50. Call your best friends parents, see how they’re getting on
51. Facetime someone with a dog
52. You know what, that quick once over really wasn’t enough, give the kitchen a proper clean
53. Look around your kitchen and decide which of your friends would be what household appliances
54. Ponder who invented the coat hanger
55. Learn to spell onomateopia
56. Play Rock Paper Scissors over Skype, first to 500 wins
57. Search “two dogs dressed as one dog carrying a present”
58. Attempt to clean your oven
59. Realise you’re in way over your head here
60. Have a picnic in your lounge
61. Enjoy the pleasant lack of wasps
62. Try Scrabble again
63. Pull out two Qs again
64. Decide Scrabble can self-isolate itself at the back of the cupboard
65. Give your kitchen a deep clean
66. See what’s happening on Instagram Stories
67. Is anyone NOT making their own sourdough?
68. Research how to make sourdough
69. Decide that quarantine or no quarantine, you do not have the time or patience to make sourdough
70. Tidy up all the tangled cables behind your TV
71. Put on your shoes, just to remember how it feels
72. Go through your phone contacts and guess whether each person keeps their ketchup in the fridge or cupboard
73. Try to figure out how many seconds you’ve been alive for, without using a calculator
74. Choose which knife, fork and spoon are your favourite
75. Choose which are your least favourite
76. Make up mean names for them
77. Think about doing the ironing
78. Decide against doing the ironing
79. Crave ice cream
80. Check your freezer - no ice cream
81. Really crave ice cream
82. Check your freezer - still no ice cream
83. Debate whether going to the shops for ice cream counts as “essential travel”
84. Reluctantly accept that it definitely doesn’t
85. Check your freezer again - just in case
86. Research how to do that magic trick where you whip the tablecloth out from under everything
87. Attempt that magic trick
88. Spend fifteen minutes cleaning up broken glass
89. Make a drawing for a friend using MS Paint
90. Clean your kitchen, but this really is the last time now
91. Casually check your fridge every forty five minutes, on the off chance the contents has changed
92. Watch a Youtube tutorial on folding fitted sheets
93. Try to fold a fitted sheet
94. Fail
95. Decide that if you’ve made it this far without learning to fold fitted sheets, your fitted sheets can jolly well go unfolded
96. Read a needlessly long Facebook post because you’ve got nothing better to do
97. Start dusting your skirting boards
98. Remember this is a marathon not a sprint and you’re going to need to save some fun for next weekend
99. Realise you haven’t cleaned the kitchen in a while
100. Clean the kitchen

Shoudn't it be a 101 things, for..

Feel slightly guilty now for complaining loudly about our neighbour for having builders over to do his roof (and coming into our garden to get something) as it turns out his roof was leaking!
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