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Coronavirus in the UK - news, lockdown and discussion

Independent Sage this week is on schools. 10% of the student population out of schools due to covid. Lots of good suggestions of how to improve things without shutting schools that will never happen because of our criminal government.
Independent Sage this week is on schools. 10% of the student population out of schools due to covid. Lots of good suggestions of how to improve things without shutting schools that will never happen because of our criminal government.
this gov't is too much "in hock" to the business world, which needs people working to keep their profits up, people can't work if they have to look after their sprogs, ergo keep the schools open.
a problem with that approach is that older children are also catching covid ...
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I was just coming here to post that beeb story ...

this gov't is too much "in hock" to the business world, which needs people working to keep their profits up, people can't work if they have to look after their sprogs, ergo keep the schools open.
a problem with that approach is that older children are also catching covid ...
There was plenty of suggestion about how to keep schools open more safely to avoid the social fallout caused by closing them. But the government will not even acknowledge the issues because then they'd have to act, they are deliberately concealing the evidence.
Independent Sage this week is on schools. 10% of the student population out of schools due to covid. Lots of good suggestions of how to improve things without shutting schools that will never happen because of our criminal government.
Was it really?
a problem with that approach is that older children are also catching covid ...
A problem with that approach is that, like adults, children of all ages can catch and spread SARS-CoV-2. A small number of children develop COVID-19 (risk of developing serious disease/dying typically dropping with age; for deaths between/across sub-15 y.o. age cohorts the difference is close to negligible).
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A copy of this newspaper should be shown to every one of those Tory rebel MPs, then it should be rolled-up and shoved up their arses.

A 'major incident' has been declared within the critical care unit at the Royal Stoke as more seriously-ill coronavirus patients are being transferred to hospitals across the West Midlands.

The critical care unit has seen its alert level increased from three to four as the Royal Stoke University Hospital last night had 38 Covid-19 patients on ventilators.

They were among 322 coronavirus patients currently in beds across the Royal Stoke and Stafford's County Hospital - and there are only seven ventilators left.

Now Royal Stoke bosses have reached an agreement with NHS trusts in Birmingham and Coventry and Warwickshire to transfer some of their critically-ill patients to hospitals in the West Midlands.

I honestly wonder whether a lot of MPs believe in the future at all. If there was a hurricane warning they'd be wandering around outside saying "well it's not even breezy, can't go boarding things up, what about the economy eh?"

I mean I know the Cabinet's attitude is frequently that the consequences of what you do don't matter as long as you can spin your way out of them when the time comes. But I wonder whether this has gone on so long that there's a basic conceptual problem now.

Even Gove is forced to resort to saying sensible things when trying to appeal for sense from the deluded tory backbenchers.

"The tiers we had in place before the lockdown had not suppressed [Covid] sufficiently: they were neither strong enough to reduce social contact sufficiently, nor applied widely enough to contain the virus's spread," he wrote.

He added that, across the UK, about 16,000 beds are filled with Covid-19 patients, compared to a peak in April of almost 20,000 and a low of 740 on 11 September.

"When the country is facing such a national crisis, the truth is that all of us who have been elected to Parliament, not just ministers, must take responsibility for difficult decisions," he said.
And people (in general) need to take proper care by following the rules ...

A lot of cases would be avoided if people did that.

Even keeping to the simplistic "Hands, Face, Space" would make a difference, if everybody was doing it.
Not when they are marching against wearing them.
There'll be plenty of anti mask nutters there but it's an anti lockdown march and there'll be plenty who are okay with masks but not other restrictions too. In my experience masks aren't widely worn outdoors nor are they required to be.
There'll be plenty of anti mask nutters there but it's an anti lockdown march and there'll be plenty who are okay with masks but not other restrictions too. In my experience masks aren't widely worn outdoors nor are they required to be.
Compulsory here if you cant socially distance on the streets
Oh great, swans are dying all over the place, because of an outbreak of bird flu in the UK.

Poultry farms are being locked down.

Just fuck off 2020. :mad:

Maybe this needs it's own thread. An uncontrolled bird flu pandemic would be a civilisation ending event, luckily it doesn't transmit efficiently between humans really.
Not here except indoors in certain circumstances, and even then, not really. I mean technically the guidance is to distance at all times, but you are actually required by law to wear masks in shops too and loads of people don't and nothing happens to them.
In Brixton lots of the staff don't, even in the major retailers.
Not here except indoors in certain circumstances, and even then, not really. I mean technically the guidance is to distance at all times, but you are actually required by law to wear masks in shops too and loads of people don't and nothing happens to them.

In some areas, which seems to be areas of fairly high infection rates, judging by posts on here & media reports.

Around here over 99% of people do, which I am sure is part of the reason we are now down to under 40 cases per 100k.
I am pretty sure that they still are. Either that or literally every shop here, including the big chains, is breaking the law constantly.

Well you are wrong, and yes they are breaking the law.

Again, around here shop staff are wearing masks, unless behind plastic screens on the tills, and even then some are.
Not here except indoors in certain circumstances, and even then, not really. I mean technically the guidance is to distance at all times, but you are actually required by law to wear masks in shops too and loads of people don't and nothing happens to them.

Here if you haven’t got a mask they won’t serve you and the local Police inspect premises . I haven’t ever seen anyone kick off about it , they just go. By and large bars remind you to put a mask on moving about inside , some stricter than others . Don’t have to wear a mask in bars or cafes if you sit outside in the sheltered area. Fortunate where I am that infections are very low .Tbh it’s the economic downturn with long term lay offs that mean the bars and cafes don’t have many people in them .
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