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Find out where the knives are coming from and stop it. Huge penalties for selling knives.
Make mobile phone messaging traceable and unencrypted.

Looks as though the father of Keelen Wong is some sort of pastor. Be interested on his view. Seems like faith based solutions don't work any more.

Rather sad that picture of him crying at the rally in Windrush Square is available for $29
"Rally for Brixton stabbing Victim in London, UK - 6 Oct 2023 The father of stabbing victim, Keelen Morris Wong breaks down during a speech at the son s rally in Windrush Square. Mr Keelen Morris Wong was fatally stabbed in Brixton s busy Coldharbour Lane in broad daylight in front of horrified shoppers. London United Kingdom Copyright: xThaboxJaiyesimix xSOPAxImagesx untitled-0295"

Everything is now commodified - even a father's grief at the death of his son.
Yes. Do those things too.

I know the father of the boy who died. His church is supporting him. That doesn't mean he doesn't have other views, it's just that right now he is a grieving father.
Yes. Do those things too.

I know the father of the boy who died. His church is supporting him. That doesn't mean he doesn't have other views, it's just that right now he is a grieving father.
I am sorry for all concerned - especially him.
Yesterday morning, Kyiza Sandiford, 23, appeared at Wimbledon Magistrates' Court charged with the murder of Keelen Morris Wong and possession of an offensive weapon. Kyiza Sandiford was remanded into custody until his next court appearance, which will be on 10 October 2023 at the Old Bailey.

Anyone who has information that may assist the investigation should call 101 or post via @MetCC ref CAD 5530/03OCT. To remain anonymous, contact Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.
Well the former was largely about crime and money and the latter is mainly about the fact they live in different housing estates and have no guidance.
Not really no. The only options most of them see for getting any sort of money is through selling crack. The only way most of them get any sort of respect from anyone is by getting approval from fellow gang members by being violent. The only difference is the race element. It's effectively exactly the same sort of pressures on much the same sort of people. The violence of the Krays, Richardsons, and so on was all about revenge or ensuring they were seen as too dangerous to cross, and that is exactly the same reasons the current street gangs kill. The gang ethos is nearly identical in both cases. The big difference is the media perception and stereotyping, which all basically comes down to racism. Have you ever actually had any communication with ANYONE who was involved in gang crime either in the middle of the 20th century or over the last decade? They use exactly the same (crap) rationalisations for what they do. They basically just use different slang and mostly have different skin colour. As far as I am concerned it makes absolutely no difference to me if a violent criminal gang is largely white or largely black. It makes no difference to me if the pressures on them are post-war rationing or neoliberal austerity. We don't solve this by resorting to glib sterotypes.
I don't agree with that. It's a way of avoiding moral responsibility.
Black children killing each other is the result of racism?
The logical answer is that children who kill have not learned basic moral rules. Or have regressed into a culture of "honor killing"
Regression seems likely for the Croydon killing Schoolgirl Elianne Andam 'chased and stabbed in neck with kitchen knife'
Poor girl tries to mediate between her friend and a persistent but unwanted suitor - and gets stabbed to death.

No story yet on Coldharbour Lane - but how can a 3 against one black on black murder be attributed to white racism?

I'm white - and I had to put up with a triade from a mask-wearing black man this afternoon on a 133 bus. Apparently I was closer to him at the bus exit than his required 2 metres - so he balled out the whole downstairs of the bus for a couple of minutes until the driver stopped and opened the door between stops - to get some peace and quiet presumably.
I've been around a long time - I'm 69 - and frankly we shouldn't have to put up with paranoid behaviour on public transport. Or child murder.
They are following the examples they are set. When those in power react to violence with even more violence and claim that is the only acceptable response, when TV and movies endlessly show stories of revenge in which the "happy ending" is the "bad guy" is killed, what morality do you think they are being taught? I'm not responding to your last paragraph, I will leave it to you to ponder what you wrote using empathy and looking from outside of your own perspective.
They are following the examples they are set. When those in power react to violence with even more violence and claim that is the only acceptable response, when TV and movies endlessly show stories of revenge in which the "happy ending" is the "bad guy" is killed, what morality do you think they are being taught? I'm not responding to your last paragraph, I will leave it to you to ponder what you wrote using empathy and looking from outside of your own perspective.
I think you have missed the point on both issues.
Unless I live in a sheltered TV world because I only have Freeview.
I can't think of anything permitted by OFCOM that shows happy endings for out of control behaviours and killing..
Please Sir? Happy Days?
This one was shot as Dulwiich College - featuring Boris-like behavour and the headmaster shot dead at school speech day (made in 1968 incidentally)

I think its not TV or cinema but rather social media which is spreading this violence like cancer. But I don't have a mobile phone or subscribe to Drill channels - so go on deny it.

As regards being upbraided by someone who is psychotic on the bus - I used to work in a psychiatric unit in my "gap year" - and being abused by patients when you are paid to take it is one thing, but being abused on a bus when you are just going shopping is not acceptable.
Of course if I had got into a fight the mobile phones would have come out - and I would have been starring in a video on TikTok of a white pensioner fighting with a 40 year old black man on a London bus and possibly investigated by the police.
And he would probably have punched my nose or something - leading to something worse than hurt feelings on my part.
Mind you had he been 14 he could have stabbed me - that is the issue for you.
Not really no. The only options most of them see for getting any sort of money is through selling crack. The only way most of them get any sort of respect from anyone is by getting approval from fellow gang members by being violent. The only difference is the race element. It's effectively exactly the same sort of pressures on much the same sort of people. The violence of the Krays, Richardsons, and so on was all about revenge or ensuring they were seen as too dangerous to cross, and that is exactly the same reasons the current street gangs kill. The gang ethos is nearly identical in both cases. The big difference is the media perception and stereotyping, which all basically comes down to racism. Have you ever actually had any communication with ANYONE who was involved in gang crime either in the middle of the 20th century or over the last decade? They use exactly the same (crap) rationalisations for what they do. They basically just use different slang and mostly have different skin colour. As far as I am concerned it makes absolutely no difference to me if a violent criminal gang is largely white or largely black. It makes no difference to me if the pressures on them are post-war rationing or neoliberal austerity. We don't solve this by resorting to glib sterotypes.
I agree with a lot of that. But the two latest stabbings of kids - the girl in Croydon and the boy in Brixton - seem to have more to do with toxic masculinity and pointless postcode gangs than any serious drug trade or crime. This govt has much to do with the wider causes but I don't believe it's the only factor.
Knife crime in London is higher than it was in 2015/16. People on the left blame Tory Cuts and people on the right blame the Woke Mayor. Lib Peck's Violence Reduction Unit was formed in 2019.

Looks as though the father of Keelen Wong is some sort of pastor. ...

Rather sad that picture of him crying at the rally in Windrush Square is available for $29
"Rally for Brixton stabbing Victim in London, UK - 6 Oct 2023 The father of stabbing victim, Keelen Morris Wong breaks down during a speech at the son s rally in Windrush Square. Mr Keelen Morris Wong was fatally stabbed in Brixton s busy Coldharbour Lane in broad daylight in front of horrified shoppers. London United Kingdom Copyright: xThaboxJaiyesimix xSOPAxImagesx untitled-0295"

Everything is now commodified - even a father's grief at the death of his son.

I was able to access the images of the Windrush Square rally in support of The Late Keelen Morris Wong and his family and friends that were taken by the professional photographer who was present without having to pay anyone. Without these photographs, it would be difficult for those who were unable to attend to get any sense of what happened at the rally. I do not see any other images of the rally here at present.
A 15 year-old boy who was arrested on Thursday 5 October 2023 on suspicion of the murder of Keelen Morris Wong and possession of an offensive weapon. He has been bailed, pending further enquiries, to a date in early January 2024.

Another 15 year-old boy who was arrested on Friday 6 October 2023 on suspicion of the murder of Keelen Morris Wong has also since been bailed to a date in early January 2024.

Details appear on earlier posts for anyone who has information that will assist the investigation into this killing.
I was able to access the images of the Windrush Square rally in support of The Late Keelen Morris Wong and his family and friends that were taken by the professional photographer who was present without having to pay anyone. Without these photographs, it would be difficult for those who were unable to attend to get any sense of what happened at the rally. I do not see any other images of the rally here at present.
Same pictures - selling for $29. Not sure of the website.
Alamy have even more Keelen morris wong hi-res stock photography and images - Alamy

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  • People have to make a living - even photographers present at emotionally charged events.

  • Sorry if you think I over-reacted.
There's been friends and family sat by his makeshift shrine outside the Barrier Block almost around the clock since last Tuesday. It's incredibly poignant.
In the evenings, locals come out to chat, drink and play music. I've joined them a few times.

In the afternoon, they're joined by people waiting for food from the soup kitchen which kind of reflects how fucked things up are right now.
Just watched a documentary on iPlayer called Storyville If the Streets Were on Fire. It's about a movement to get kids off the streets through riding bikes. It really illustrates how the police and authorities don't care about these kids, trying to disperse them out of the city into areas that are dangersous for them so people don't have to see youths en masse which is said to be intimidating, criminalising them for just being. It also makes the point that austerity has made billions in cuts to services for these communities in the past 10 years and in that time, knife crime has doubled. Just in case people can't see the correlation.
Just watched a documentary on iPlayer called Storyville If the Streets Were on Fire. It's about a movement to get kids off the streets through riding bikes. It really illustrates how the police and authorities don't care about these kids, trying to disperse them out of the city into areas that are dangersous for them so people don't have to see youths en masse which is said to be intimidating, criminalising them for just being. It also makes the point that austerity has made billions in cuts to services for these communities in the past 10 years and in that time, knife crime has doubled. Just in case people can't see the correlation.

Knife crime hasn't doubled. See above.
There was a truly magnificent firework send off for Keelen Morris Wong tonight behind the block.

At 1.30am friends were sheltering from the heavy rain under the canopy by the Moorland Road entrance to celebrate his life.
I was able to access the images of the Windrush Square rally in support of The Late Keelen Morris Wong and his family and friends that were taken by the professional photographer who was present without having to pay anyone. Without these photographs, it would be difficult for those who were unable to attend to get any sense of what happened at the rally. I do not see any other images of the rally here at present.

Friday 6 October 2023 - three days after the murder of Keelen Morris Wong and in Windrush Square we see a far more sombre mood than a mere five minutes' walk away elsewhere in Brixton only a couple of hours later ...


I attended a church service for the late Keelan Wong today. His dad spoke. He is an amazing big-hearted brave man. He told us yesterday he was in court looking at his son's killer but he could not be angry because he doesn't know what brought him there and he has already forgiven him.

Hopefully, some, if not all of those impacted by the murder of Keelen Morris Wong will have been able to gain some comfort from somewhere in its aftermath.
A 15 year-old boy who was arrested on Thursday 5 October 2023 on suspicion of the murder of Keelen Morris Wong and possession of an offensive weapon. He has been bailed, pending further enquiries, to a date in early January 2024.

Another 15 year-old boy who was arrested on Friday 6 October 2023 on suspicion of the murder of Keelen Morris Wong has also since been bailed to a date in early January 2024.

Details appear on earlier posts for anyone who has information that will assist the investigation into this killing.

On Friday (3 November 2023), two 15 year-old children (both boys) appeared for a preliminary hearing at the Old Bailey by video-link from Feltham young offender institution. charged with the murder of the Late Keelen Morris Wong, allegedly acting in concert with Kyiza Sandiford.

The court heard details - some graphic - of the circumstances of the “planned attack” on Keelen Morris Wong, the weapon used, and the fatal wound that it caused.

Judge Mark Dennis KC set a plea hearing for 5 January 2024 and a provisional trial for all three defendants for 2 September 2024.


Anyone who has information that may assist the investigation should call 101 or post via @MetCC ref CAD 5530/03OCT. To remain anonymous, contact Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.
This lot left me a "Sorry you were out" card yesterday. Unfortunately I was in the Holland Tringham attending to important business!
On Friday (3 November 2023), two 15 year-old children (both boys) appeared for a preliminary hearing at the Old Bailey by video-link from Feltham young offender institution. charged with the murder of the Late Keelen Morris Wong, allegedly acting in concert with Kyiza Sandiford.

The court heard details - some graphic - of the circumstances of the “planned attack” on Keelen Morris Wong, the weapon used, and the fatal wound that it caused.

Judge Mark Dennis KC set a plea hearing for 5 January 2024 and a provisional trial for all three defendants for 2 September 2024.


Anyone who has information that may assist the investigation should call 101 or post via @MetCC ref CAD 5530/03OCT. To remain anonymous, contact Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

Brixton mourns the loss of Keelen Morris Wong as over 500 gather for a touching farewell
This feature proved a surprising hit on Buzz this week:

In photos: a 1am winter's walk from Camberwell to Brixton via Coldharbour Lane, Jan 2024's walk from Camberwell to Brixton via Coldharbour Lane, Jan 2024

In photos: a 1am winter's walk from Camberwell to Brixton via Coldharbour Lane, Jan 2024's walk from Camberwell to Brixton via Coldharbour Lane, Jan 2024

In photos: a 1am winter's walk from Camberwell to Brixton via Coldharbour Lane, Jan 2024's walk from Camberwell to Brixton via Coldharbour Lane, Jan 2024

In photos: a 1am winter's walk from Camberwell to Brixton via Coldharbour Lane, Jan 2024's walk from Camberwell to Brixton via Coldharbour Lane, Jan 2024

In photos: a 1am winter's walk from Camberwell to Brixton via Coldharbour Lane, Jan 2024's walk from Camberwell to Brixton via Coldharbour Lane, Jan 2024

You showed the former Jack Beard pub - which seems to be undergoing a really dodgy conversion - the upwardly reinforced gates where the entrance to the beer garden was seem rather suspicious. I believe it's in Southwark by the way, so unusually not one to blame Lambeth Planning for.

This article shows how things have changed for homeowners since 1970 - though the pictures in the article don't match the story. Mr Hasan is shown outside his house on the south side of Coldhabour Lane, and then there is another picture of a totally different (and much bigger) house which seems to be on the north side. Man who bought £5k home on 'UK's most dangerous street' says it's now worth £1m

In one of the shops which used to be called "Norris Bedding" (always made me think of shagging Tory MP and erstwhile London Transport supremo Stephen Norris) there has been a window sign saying "Bad Brew Inc" for some months - which I had wondered might be another micro brewery. No, it seems Bad Brew Inc is some sort of Coffee shop. Maybe that branch never got off the ground.
Also wrong postcode - it’s very firmly SE5!

The one on the left of that pic (with the tiled front) is owned/run by the people from Johnnie’s cafe further down CHL. It was going to be a burger bar or something but they could never get the planning through because of the residents above apparently. Odd little row, so many empty shops.
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