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Coffee making accessories for the coffee wanker in your life


Changing the facts
Speaking as someone who has graduated from the occasional coffee after a restaurant meal, to owning several different coffee making devices, a tamper, a collar, a preference for different beans for different moods, I confess to becoming quite the coffee wanker.

I am now the coffee wanker in my life, and I deserve good accessories.

Another thread has led me to realise that ai have further to go with this .

I don’t have a grinder. This is apparently a serious oversight. I don’t even have a dibbler thing.

Educate and elucidate please Urban.

What’s your set up, what are your tips and tricks for how to get from bean to cup in the most satisfying way?
I got the knock out pot, the dosing collar, and the tamper just to avoid the mess.

Clearly I’ve neglected the issue of flavour.

I’d like recommendations for a burr grinder that’s small enough for one person to use in a tiny galley kitchen.

The online options are bewildering.
I find coffee utterly revolting so it's all immaterial to me, but this (plus an Aeropress) is Mr K's set up - he's the sole coffee drinker in the house and it seems to work well for him:

The beans are from our friends' business:

Apparently they're top tier. If you like that sort of thing.
I’ve just bought the other one you suggested on the other thread kalidarkone .

And I’m going to see if some cocktail sticks stuck into a cork does the trick for the distributor.

I’m seeing suggestions for making one with acupuncture needles, or a tiny balloon whisk cut apart, but with warnings about scratching the plate. But if I’m going to buy a little balloon whisk I may as well buy the WDT thing, and who has acupuncture needles just lying around.
I find coffee utterly revolting so it's all immaterial to me, but this (plus an Aeropress) is Mr K's set up - he's the sole coffee drinker in the house and it seems to work well for him:

View attachment 444032
The beans are from our friends' business:

Apparently they're top tier. If you like that sort of thing.
I have the same grinder and it is excellent and for me performs almost as well as a burr grinder. My mum has had two blade grinders that cost far more and were both shit but the cheap Krups one is just simple enough to work.
As a dedicated tea drinker and only occasional coffee drinker, the sole coffee making implement I use is a kettle. I do like the odd fancy coffee from Starbucks/Costa etc when out
I'm another one who has the same Krups grinder in my house, except I've got the white one. I think it has to about 30 years old as well. Works like it's brand new still, as I had used it about a month ago to grind up some dark roast Peet's Coffee to use as cold brew.

It's such an easy and small contraption to use. Simple to clean as well since there's not a lot of mesh or extra blades. It is an all in one, though, minus the push cover that makes the beans in whatever type of ground you want. The more you push the top, the finer it gets. I made the mistake of having too fine of beans and they started sifting through the mesh holder in the brew basket.

It's worth looking into, for sure.
Can someone please be more specific about the Krups grinder please? What model is it please?

I’m now doubting my purchase of the Groove Compact grinder….

I think I’ve impulse purchased something unnecessarily….

abe11825 May Kasahara
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I have a De’Longhi KG79 electric burr grinder. It’s cheap and cheerful and works, and produces a great grind for my moka pot. Highly recommended.


I also have a wee Japanese hand grinder that actually cost me more than the De’Longhi, but I never use it.
I have a De’Longhi KG79 electric burr grinder. It’s cheap and cheerful and works, and produces a great grind for my moka pot. Highly recommended.

View attachment 444065

I also have a wee Japanese hand grinder that actually cost me more than the De’Longhi, but I never use it.
My mum has one of those and I can't get on with it (despite adjustments and reading, and following, instructions it only ever gives me powder far too fine to use). She makes shit coffee with it and tells me it's really nice, but that's what she does with everything.
I'm a heathen and grind it in a spice grinder. I think if you use a cafetière/aeropress it's very forgiving. The single best upgrade is better beans.
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And this

Sure lots of other stuff is equally as good.


And this

Sure lots of other stuff is equally as good.
I've never seen an Aeropress before. £30 for a bit of plastic?!? :eek::facepalm:

Mrs V got me one of these for Xmas and it's great. The milk frother thing is very good. Double espresso from this and you're very very awake.

I have an electric bean whizzer but only buy beans occasionally.

ETA: if you're interested:

Swan SK22110GRYN Nordic Pump Espresso Coffee Machine​

I'd ask for a goose neck kettle
View attachment 444083

and a Chemex

View attachment 444084
I have a couple of pour over cones (solid metal mesh one and a really handy travel one that folds flat) but the closest I've ever got to a proper gooseneck kettle was a manky jug with a bit of narrow irrigation pipe offcut siliconed into it and some fencing wire around the pipe to keep it the right shape :oops: Buying a whole other kettle feels excessive for me but I should probably find a proper gooseneck jug type thing now I no longer have the shit diy one.
I have a couple of pour over cones (solid metal mesh one and a really handy travel one that folds flat) but the closest I've ever got to a proper gooseneck kettle was a manky jug with a bit of narrow irrigation pipe offcut siliconed into it and some fencing wire around the pipe to keep it the right shape :oops: Buying a whole other kettle feels excessive for me but I should probably find a proper gooseneck jug type thing now I no longer have the shit diy one.
I've a couple of v60s and some random "camping" collapsible pour over efforts (and my titanium camping kettle, although not goose neck, has a neat narrow spout.)

Might raid AliExpress for some testers before "asking for" more coffee stuff ;)
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