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Clan u75

the clan did have a battlefield 2 server but i don't think it still does cos not enough people played it. same with day of defeat.

all we play now is css
There's an anniversary get-together for all members, past and present on the U75 CSS server January 16th - has it really been 2 years!!!!!
boom... headshot

i miss my awp.. its just not the same with a scout

anyhow all together now

"the bravest animals in the land were..."
...I'm effectively out of the clan at the moment, laya wont sort my forum login unless I ring him directly, aint had the time and to make things worse my fucking net connection has gone down...crapola...
Ring him up at 4am, well you did say call :D

Nice pic! Might be back on early next week after my extended absence I feel the need to shot some mofo's in the face.
Ive tried to read this thread and the special clan forum, but still have no answer to my question - what is the u75 Half Life 2 DEathmatch Server?
Having said goodbye to computer games a few years back Im pretty embaressed enough to have bought steam/Half LIfe 2 - not sure if I can go through with getting Counter Strike too... maybe Ill give in one day.
i think layabout's working on it

the gun game server was up and running a few days ago

have you got xfire yet?

it allows you to see who's playing where
Ah I'm basically leaving the clan for the foreseeable future (the next 12 months or so at least). Bought myself a laptop, selling my desktop and too busy with other stuff to play these days. Will miss it though, had some cracking games with you guys!
the server will be back up tomorrow. the PSU died

the clan site will be back up in the next few days with new software
Kid_Eternity said:
Ah I'm basically leaving the clan for the foreseeable future (the next 12 months or so at least). Bought myself a laptop, selling my desktop and too busy with other stuff to play these days. Will miss it though, had some cracking games with you guys!

keep online, will miss fragging yo ass on CSS!
the clan seems to be dead

it was stunned by a grenade and then shot in the head at close range with a deagle

Server providers (4-u Servers) just went tits up, it's hit a lot of clans in the UK. Normal service resumed asap, possibly this weeekend, more like next.
We now lease 2.13 Ghz Quad Core 2 Xeon 3120 with 3 GB of RAM, over at the Blue Square datacentre in Maidenhead, which is on the Rapidswitch network, which is directly peered with the Telecity datacentres and all the other usual suspects like LINX in London. The Rapidswitch network is now reputed to be the fasted datacentre network in the UK.

We will be hosting:

CounterStrike Source (64 players) - This game was running with about 3 GB of supporting files, it will be at least a week before it's back.

Team Fortress 2 (24 players) - the game will not support more and it is likely that we will end up with more than one TF2 server). - The admin plugins for TF2 will be installed on Tuesday 11th December.

Day Of Defeat Source (32 players) – Admin tools to be installed on Wednesday 12th December.

Call Of Duty 4 (32 players) - Call Of Duty 4, will be running from Wednesday 12th November under *TEST* with a view to getting everything working perfectly for Friday 14th December.

Quakewars (32 players) - The Quakewars server will be ready for Sunday 16th December.

Battefield 2 / 2142 (*IF* we get enough requests)

We use TCADMIN gaming control panel software that allows us to create virtual gaming servers instantly, for either practice or competitive play against other clans. If a multiplayer game exists, somewhere there is a TCADMIN script that will allow us to host the game efficiently.

Clan members can and will have access to the gaming control panels, so that they schedule virtual gaming servers to be available for practice sessions and clan matches.

Suggestions are welcome for any addition games that you want (any recommendations for a car-racing game?)

All are welcome to play on the servers and to suggest games, *BUT* all of this costs the wrong side of £100 per month, so if you want to wear the U75 tags and or have admin control in any one of the games, we ask that you make a contribution towards the running costs of the server.

IP addresses etc on http://www.u75clan.com/ . . .
well the COD server is screwed.

punkbuster errors all over the place

plus tbh if you want to get it loaded then need to move it from team death match to headquarters until people start playing it. HQ maps are nearly allways choca

plus cnat see anyone playing on any of the other servers when I have joined them either. Does anyone still play and if so when?
Right, things are progressing, apparently we had a totally full server t'other night!

The powers that be have asked me to point out that www.u75clan.com is up and running, and is the place to point out any probs with the servers.
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