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Tom Clancy's The Division

Have been following all of the beta news this last few days...it definitely looks like it has potential, but I wonder if there's enough depth to keep me playing after the first few weeks or so. I know there's crafting and all the loot and such but it seems like the PvP is what will draw folk...otherwise it's kinda walking the same streets having gun fights with the same, but more bullet spongy, adversaries.

I don't think this is necessarily a bad thing, mind...not every game has to be a fallout or skyrim...

I think the same applies to this as for Destiny: it's one to play with mates and yes, PVP will be a part of that but what will be interesting is to see how missions play with a group.

Destiny strikes bored me in the end - it's all about the patterns, you have to do some stupid shit in a particular order whilst avoiding getting killed.

If Division avoids that I may well be interested
I popped in for a short while, am not sure if it's my kind of thing though, the urban setting and shooting hoodies.
Just keeps crashing on my PC, says I don't meet the minimum requirements. Oh well. I'd try on the PS4 but that would take years to download 30GB.
Really enjoyed this but this might just be a side effect of not playing anything online for yonks and actually having to talk to/have a laugh with a team.
Yeah, I played this qite a bit over the weekend. Got to level 7 on both Xbox One and PC, and depending on the reviews I might pick it up. The two story missions were ok, hard to tell how different/interesting higher difficulty settings would be. As it was, I can't see myself playing them a lot.

Dark Zone was fucking fun in a group though.

I preferred it on PC because more people had mic's and the graphics were crisper. Though no safa.
Stuck it on, ran for what seemed to be 20 mins, put two clips into one guy and thought fuck this for a game of soldiers.
You could alter the difficulty of the story missions, they were quite fun on hard.

I tried doing that but it wouldn't let me. I think you had to be level 8? And because I was spreading my time between pc/xbox I only managed to get to level 7 on both.
Interesting, I definitely changed difficulty as that was how I got up to level8...

Maybe I was doing it wrong. I took a while to work out the interface for teaming up too. It wasn't the most intuitive thing, compared to Destiny for example.
I tried doing that but it wouldn't let me. I think you had to be level 8? And because I was spreading my time between pc/xbox I only managed to get to level 7 on both.
the morgue mission i dont think you could switch to hard but the madison square garden one you definitely could
Played about an hour so far and the potential is massive I feel now. Great fun and the graphics albeit aren't fantastic, are good for Tom Clancy games.
Was it released today?
How is it storywise?
Edited to add I'm just watching it now... nice use of archive footage ;)
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Any server issues yet? I'm hoping that'll it will be on my metaphorical doormat when i get in.
Nothing for me, my internets shit so when I disconnect its actually me. Storywise I haven't gone into much, mostly side missions. Combat is a fucking pain but very good at the same time, mostly because the wrong move or come out of cover at the wrong time can easily mean death.
Got this on PC yesterday and I played about two hours. There's a couple of little side-missions to get you into the flow, then you're transported to the base which was in the beta. I'm about to do those missions, which I did loads of times in the beta. Looking forward to what is beyond that.

I really really like the way the story is not spoon-fed to you (well, past the opening video), it is told via the gameplay and the atmosphere. I'm sure there is a lot to learn and unravel.

I think it's bloody great so far, I've spent a lot of time just wondering around looking at New Yourk, the graphics are incredible. If anyone wants to add me on uPlay then send me a pm.
Absolutely fucking loving this game! There's just so much to it and the gameplay is really satisfying; you have to actually plan and execute a strategy and tactics while working VERY closely with your team mates.

It's brought my gaming group to life after Destiny basically lost good will with us and we all started playing other games.

Can't wait for the release of the incursion![emoji41]
Fantastic! One of the best games I've played in quite some time. There's just so much too it, love the squad play, the feel of the gunplay, love how it's not dominated by a handful of elite guns too.
Nothings more entertaining when playing this on console and you have people shoot at you in Dark Zone and you end up flooring them and you hear "IM SORRY!" before sending them to the grave.

Almost like I'm playing God.
Nothings more entertaining when playing this on console and you have people shoot at you in Dark Zone and you end up flooring them and you hear "IM SORRY!" before sending them to the grave.

Almost like I'm playing God.

Heh I'm loving this game still! Rank 47 in the DZ every item is now high end gold and I'm raking it in! Picked up 70 gold items yesterday![emoji41]
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