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The latest Tomb Raider

It is quite easy on normal so far. And the puzzles are mostly optional though they still require a bit of thought.
It's really good though, enjoying it a lot.
I'm really impressed. It's the most filmic game I've played. Pleasingly linear too. One gets a bit fed up of sandboxes after a while.
I'm about a third of the way through now, or so it tells me. It's really very good indeed. The way some of the levels join up and loop back on each other reminds me of Metroid Prime ( a bit ).
If someone enjoyed the old school Tomb Raider games, will they enjoy this?

It's not for me, but OH enjoyed some of the old Tomb Raider games, he doesn't game much these days but still thinking of getting it for him. It is out on PC isn't it?
Cheers! In the end we got it in a bundle with all the other Tomb Raider games which seemed like a good deal as it was only a few quid more than the cost of the new game to get the lot and there are a few he wanted to play again, he's spent a good few hours tonight replaying the first game (with much swearing involved! Although I am pleased to report that it works from Steam using DOSBox with no extra fiddling to get it to run) and he's currently downloading the new one ready to get stuck into tomorrow.
This was cheap this weekend. It's OK but ffs, how, many Quick time events are there.

Press these unannounced series of keys in the correct order to not die from some unannounced event you can't avoid. I thought games had moved on from this, fortunately it's got less.
This was cheap this weekend. It's OK but ffs, how, many Quick time events are there.

Press these unannounced series of keys in the correct order to not die from some unannounced event you can't avoid. I thought games had moved on from this, fortunately it's got less.

I fucking hate QTEs that are just in there for the sake of it. I am enjoying watching the OH playing the latest Tomb Raider, but often find myself telling him that something has flashed up on screen telling him to mash buttons in order to succeed at whatever is happening. And as much as I enjoyed The Witcher 2, most of the game you're fighting in a normal way and then for a boss you suddenly have to start mashing buttons that have nothing to do with the way you've been engaging in combat up to that point - that made little sense to me and although the game is good overall I really hated the QTEs with a passion, because they weren't related to how you'd usually do combat (and if they are annoying in an action game, they're even worse in an RPG ffs!)
Also OH says: "this is Tomb Raider, where are the fucking tombs?"

He is enjoying it though.
But only at the start I discover, have to hunt about to find them and the puzzles are quite cool in them, if a little short. She does exclaim at one point how much she hates Tombs.

Over all the game is pretty decent. The QTE's are not often enough to be a problem. The deaths she suffers are cool enough to want her to die to see them.
Completed it today, done 70% of the game,

First one i have ever played, hated the older ones :D
OH still enjoying it (he doesn't have much time to play games, so it's going to take him a while) but he was well into the older Tomb Raider games and says it's very different, it's not really the same type of game.
Its now only 8.19 with code on Green Man Gaming!:eek:
Tempting, but I bought the new Bioshock more than a month ago now and I've still not even clicked on the icon... :eek:

I've been looking forward to Infinite since it was announced, but have suddenly got right back in to Skyrim. I usually have fuck all staying power with games (never got off the 1st island in GTAIII for eg), so I'm making the most of my continued interest! :D
Tempting, but I bought the new Bioshock more than a month ago now and I've still not even clicked on the icon... :eek:

I've been looking forward to Infinite since it was announced, but have suddenly got right back in to Skyrim. I usually have fuck all staying power with games (never got off the 1st island in GTAIII for eg), so I'm making the most of my continued interest! :D

I refer you to http://www.urban75.net/forums/threa...-games-inless-you-intend-playing-them.309027/
Started playing it from new with graphics up to the max , with new card , it looks fantastic , and the gameplay is as great as I remembered :cool:
Not played this yet. Worth getting it for x-box now it's cheap enough (£13), or should I hold out for the goty edition. Seems to be the dlc content ain't that great - can anyone confirm?
Finished it, also not someone who often finishes games. Although I think this was partly helped by it not being that hard... Great game, but not really challenging enough. In terms of the puzzles rather than the combat.
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