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Cities Skylines - The Simcity we should've got

Oh, and in other news, after downloading some more LUTs last night, every single one of them in my drop-down list now has the same name, making it impossible to pick the right one :facepalm: Shall have to investigate.
Found a colour LUT I really like:



I feel a bit sentimental about Cherry Town (not least because of its awesome name), and don't want to abandon it, but as my first real attempt with any city builder I think it's probably done its job and taught me a few things. I've been very lucky with it, in that I've had few real problems with traffic (I've had to redo a very small handful of intersections, but only because the tailbacks were a bit tailbacky - everyone was still getting where they needed to get to), I've been able to manage expansion well (I went pretty slowly, focusing on mostly low density housing for a long time, waiting until I had about 60k before I put in a larger high density res area, and now I sit at about 98k), and even the patch that fixed commercial demand didn't break anything. I'm spread out over a largish area, and I'm wary of expanding too much more incase I start having performance issues (at 2.4ghz of processor, even though it's i7 quad core etc, the more people I have the more it'll start to wobble). But I'm thinking, if I'm not doing any more massive expansions, there's not a great deal more I can do to fuck it up in order to need to fix it, and I don't think I'll learn any more about how city builders work unless I have to fix some problems. I doubt a second city would be so smooth - it must have been a fluke considering I haven't played anything like this before. So, I'm wondering if I should start a new one. But I'm attached to this one! And starting is hard. But starting is fun.

I feel a bit sentimental about Cherry Town (not least because of its awesome name), and don't want to abandon it, but as my first real attempt with any city builder I think it's probably done its job and taught me a few things. I've been very lucky with it, in that I've had few real problems with traffic (I've had to redo a very small handful of intersections, but only because the tailbacks were a bit tailbacky - everyone was still getting where they needed to get to), I've been able to manage expansion well (I went pretty slowly, focusing on mostly low density housing for a long time, waiting until I had about 60k before I put in a larger high density res area, and now I sit at about 98k), and even the patch that fixed commercial demand didn't break anything. I'm spread out over a largish area, and I'm wary of expanding too much more incase I start having performance issues (at 2.4ghz of processor, even though it's i7 quad core etc, the more people I have the more it'll start to wobble). But I'm thinking, if I'm not doing any more massive expansions, there's not a great deal more I can do to fuck it up in order to need to fix it, and I don't think I'll learn any more about how city builders work unless I have to fix some problems. I doubt a second city would be so smooth - it must have been a fluke considering I haven't played anything like this before. So, I'm wondering if I should start a new one. But I'm attached to this one! And starting is hard. But starting is fun.

Redeveloping is harder. Turn Cherry Town into something else :)
Part of it is I suffer from chronic restartitis, and I kind of do want to play with a new map. I have your Santa Cruz, one based on Cologne, one based on the Netherlands (totally flat, lol), and a couple of others. I think a tropical one might be nice, since this is boreal (temperate feels boring).

I do worry I'm not proficient enough to deal with difficult terrain, but at the same time that challenge will likely help me learn a lot of things.

One thing I struggle with is non-highway intersections. My brain isn't sufficiently wired to straight away understand traffic planning (unlike you nerds :p) so, for example, when you, Crispy, posted that example of narrowing the lanes to make sure traffic filtered into all the lanes afterwards, I had to look at it for ages before I could work out what was going on, and even now I can't remember the theory behind it. And, like, I see people with highway going right through their zones, with all sorts of off and on ramps here there and everywhere, and I just have the highways that came with the map and everything else is other roads. I mean, they've clearly done their job what with my lack of major traffic problems, but I don't know if I'm 'doing it right'. I have a couple of massive roundabouts a short way off the highways, that feed into my major built-up areas. They seem to keep traffic moving. But beyond them, since I do 'organic' planning, which tbh is no planning at all, instead of grids, all my other intersections are haphazardly placed as and when I decide to place a road to build more shit.

How it hasn't all melted down yet idk. Fluke.

At my cargo train terminal, good god, I had to make the road leading up to that a massive long loop because it would just get ridiculously backed up. tbh, that could be a good project - moving it somewhere else.

The most important thing, however, is getting the road colour changer mod up and running so I can have all my roads be a slightly darker shade of grey than what they are now :D
Part of it is I suffer from chronic restartitis, and I kind of do want to play with a new map. I have your Santa Cruz, one based on Cologne, one based on the Netherlands (totally flat, lol), and a couple of others. I think a tropical one might be nice, since this is boreal (temperate feels boring).

I do worry I'm not proficient enough to deal with difficult terrain, but at the same time that challenge will likely help me learn a lot of things.

One thing I struggle with is non-highway intersections. My brain isn't sufficiently wired to straight away understand traffic planning (unlike you nerds :p) so, for example, when you, Crispy, posted that example of narrowing the lanes to make sure traffic filtered into all the lanes afterwards, I had to look at it for ages before I could work out what was going on, and even now I can't remember the theory behind it. And, like, I see people with highway going right through their zones, with all sorts of off and on ramps here there and everywhere, and I just have the highways that came with the map and everything else is other roads. I mean, they've clearly done their job what with my lack of major traffic problems, but I don't know if I'm 'doing it right'. I have a couple of massive roundabouts a short way off the highways, that feed into my major built-up areas. They seem to keep traffic moving. But beyond them, since I do 'organic' planning, which tbh is no planning at all, instead of grids, all my other intersections are haphazardly placed as and when I decide to place a road to build more shit.

How it hasn't all melted down yet idk. Fluke.

At my cargo train terminal, good god, I had to make the road leading up to that a massive long loop because it would just get ridiculously backed up. tbh, that could be a good project - moving it somewhere else.

The most important thing, however, is getting the road colour changer mod up and running so I can have all my roads be a slightly darker shade of grey than what they are now :D
Your pics you've posted up so far look like you're doing great to me.

Thing about these games is that they're ultimately creative: there is no "right way". You'll get the nerds, like you said, with meticulous planning and attention to realism and detail.




Then others just want to make something pretty.




It's all good.
I want to do it all :(

That's always my biggest problem. If I do x, it means I'm not doing y, but what if I'd have more fun doing y? So I'll do y instead, but what if x would have been better?

I'm the sort of person for whom choice is a tool of torture.
Has anyone come across a mod which allows you to unlock any map tile at any time?

I've been building my current city on a custom flat map, but with the tiles I've unlocked so far, and the currently available tiles to purchase, I can't choose the tiles I want :( There's one I want which would allow better train connections and one that would allow better highway connections - my city is generating a lot of incoming traffic but there's only one off ramp feeding the main highways through my city, resulting in a huuuuuuuuuuge tail back of incoming traffic ...
I've just bought this but I've never played a city builder before and it's quite daunting. Are there and good resources for newbies of the genre?
You can't go tooo far wrong just by starting to whack down a few roads and filling some of the squares with green/ blue/ yellow.

Green - residential area
Blue - commercial area
Yellow - industrial area.

Of course these areas will need fresh water, sewage water removal, and a power supply.

And that's the basics :) Apologies if that was obvious or you've figured that out already, I'm sure someone will come along with some more/ better advice and/ or links to some good resources :)
I've just bought this but I've never played a city builder before and it's quite daunting. Are there and good resources for newbies of the genre?

I'd not played one before. It's easy to get the hang of. It leads you through the basics.

It'll tell you that you need to lay some roads. It'll tell you that you need to put in some water and sewage facilities, and something to make electricity. The icons are easy to find, there are descriptions of what each building and utility does.

You 'paint' the little grid squares next to roads with the green/blue/yellow that Enviro described, and buildings will magically appear in those places. You have to place services (fire, schools, cemeteries, landfill etc) yourself, but it'll tell you more or less when you need to do this the first time, and then you judge for yourself later on if you need more.

There are plenty of handy little info panels and different overlays and map views that spell out simply what is going on, and highlight potential problem areas.

You'll see 3 little upright bar graph-style bars at the bottom, green, blue and yellow/orange, and as they fill up it means you need more of that type of zone/building, so you just go ahead and paint a few more areas with that colour and more will come.

You can pause at any point, while you're building, when you get a notification, or whatever, so you'll not be forced to try and fix a problem while more problems are building up.

Just take it slowly. You'll probably make some mistakes, but that's how you learn!
OK. Thanks for the tips. I'll have a go at some of the basics today. Seems like a good relaxing game. I'm playing Bloôdborne at the moment and I need some stress relief between plays and Cities looks perfect for this.
I've just reached the magical 7 500 population goal for the first time without going bankrupt, but my roads - two lanes all connected to freeway roundabouts - ain't standing up to the pressure. Then, my districts just don't feel like semi-independant mini cities, more intricate one-way housing estates. I'm pleased with myself for calling one (the first one) 'The Blah,' and will likely continue to do so in the fifty-seven games that will undoubtedly follow.
I'm up to 16 000 pop now and am raking it in. Not bad going, I've bought up a new region, but I maintain this is more a traffic sim than a city builder.
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