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Cineworld and Picturehouse 'temporarily' close all UK and US cinemas

I was going to my local Vue every week or so with my ex, free tickets from their Vitality healthcare thing. £5.99 if I had to pay, it made for a night out for under a tenner and I saw some decent films I wouldn't have got to otherwise. The only time it was an unpleasant experience when I went to a film popular with "young people", otherwise I was often the youngest in the room.

However I can't see me going as often on my own or without the free tickets. Certainly not until everything has settled down, and due to the issue of being off work as I'm a contractor and don't get sick pay.
aw man you're missing out - going on your own is way better than going with other people. you can cry all you want and no one is distracting you with stupid questions.
as i said, it's not the same as watching on a big screen with good sound with an audience and it holds one's attention better than home with all of its distractions.
Sit closer to the TV :D
I have a decent sound setup, so I don't suffer in that regard, and the only distractions are cats purring. As for watching with an audience... I have no idea why anyone would find that preferable.
Sit closer to the TV :D
I have a decent sound setup, so I don't suffer in that regard, and the only distractions are cats purring. As for watching with an audience... I have no idea why anyone would find that preferable.
well bully for you but it still wouldn't be the same.
and cos other people are different - at home, i keep pausing every five minutes to check out imdb - can ony really concentrate properly if the only thing to look at is a massive screen in darkness and a booming sound system,
There are some films which I prefer seeing at the cinema but since I've got a projector, I watch most stuff at home. Living in Berlin has made going to the cinema even less appealing. Most cinemas show everything dubbed into German and many films which aren't blockbusters take forever to get released here. I often get hold of a blu-ray or an HD download long before the film comes out in Germany. We also have nothing like the BFI/NFT here, which I used to go to lots in London.

If the film is good, I have no problem concentrating at home. I still enjoy going to film festivals though, it has a sense of occasion and audiences are better behaved.
Short to middle term cinemas are doomed to close. It is no judgement on the quality of their management or their staff, or the product they and the film industry have been promoting. They just were unlucky, that their MO is just incompatible with the implications of this virus.
Exactly. Nobody in cinemas means no income from cinemas. I've no idea what the alternative is but they need to come up with one fairly sharpish.
If ‘exactly’ then there is no point delaying releasing No Time To Die, it’s returns are only going to get smaller.

Except, some tax shenanigans most likely
My local indie cinema seems to still be getting bums on seats, but more in the "studio" rooms than in the main screen. The studio rooms already have social distancing built in, so you won't be getting an alert because you won't have been close enough to someone with covid.

The high ceilings cinemas necessarily have also help with ventilation.

I suspect the indie cinema might be doing well partly because a lot of its customers are young people who don't have a TV, let alone a projector, so just watch on a laptop screen. That's really not as good when there's more than one of you or it's a visually beautiful movie.
If you’re still sending your kids to school, I think the risks from going to the cinema are the least of your worries. Seating is socially distanced so you wouldn’t be a close contact for track and trace anyway.

But cinema margins aren’t huge and profitability hangs on refreshment/bar sales. I wouldn’t be surprised if people are doing less eating and drinking at the moment.

And the limited number of cinema releases means people aren’t thinking “let’s see what’s on” in the same way as before.

We have to hope that the corporate entities can keep paying site rents etc until there’s a vaccine. Because if they can, the industry will bounce back. But if they start losing the sites, it’s going to take decades to regain the lost ground.

The film industry itself will carry on happily. Certainly anyone starting an undergrad now will be fine in three years, but if it’s a Masters (“film school” generally refers to postgrad study) I reckon he’ll still be fine.

The type of film entertainment is going to shift: lower budget titles will still make their money on limited theatrical release/via streaming licences. But demand on those platforms has never been higher, and they’re not short of cash to splash. The industry won’t let itself fail. Far too many fortunes at stake.
As various posters have pointed out in recent threads about Covid & the cinema industry (perhaps ITT as well- sorry, feeling lazy today so haven’t read it in full), if the pandemic results in the end of the of the life-sucking superhero Hollywood mega blockbusters, that would be the mother of all silver linings in the longer run. Marvel and DC can go the way of the Dodo frankly. Sick to fuck of the genre.
it’s going to take decades to regain the lost ground.
Slight 'bigger world' tangent, but it does feel like that's true of so much at the moment.
The type of film entertainment is going to shift: lower budget titles will still make their money on limited theatrical release/via streaming licences. But demand on those platforms has never been higher, and they’re not short of cash to splash. The industry won’t let itself fail. Far too many fortunes at stake.
Exactly; people aren't going to stop making films any time soon, they're just going to be different, and probably work to a different model.

It's not even really about industry at some point; humans make art, it's what we do, and will continue to do, in all forms of media.
I’ve been wanting to support the local picturehouse but after Tenet there really hasn’t been anything to watch. I’m a member and I’ve still 6 free tickets to use. Problem lies with Hollywood getting very worried about movies tanking than anything the cinemas did. Case in point, Dune, which looks amazing, has just been delayed over a year.
With Nothing to watch nobody’s going. Kinda twisted thinking from Hollywood, cinemas are the way Hollywood makes their money. Yet they seem ok with throwing them to the wolves.

I’ve been missing my Monday night cinema. a very reasonable £5.70 for members. Who knows when that’s coming back now.
Closing cinemas doesn't really affect the amount of filmed content, does it? :confused:

massively, as someone mentioned down thread, cinema distribution is still a massive component of any feature funding. Films might go straight to DVD but not many that have known stars/directors are intended to. Without theatrical release it’s really hard to secure the rest of the budget. Obvious exceptions as Netflix funding but they can’t prop up the entire industry xx
I’m with Saul Goodman on this. Some years ago I bought a HD projector which I use at 120” screen size. It can be connected to a coax for TV should I want to. I bought a good surround sound system. About £1000 in total. The sound and picture is more than adequate for my needs. I can eat pizza, or curry, or less smelly food, drink coffee or tea, or beer or wine. I can do as I want while enjoying a film.

I‘ve a 4K UHD 55” TV for everything else.

Why would I go to a cinema to be surrounded by people talking, using their phones, eating noisily, when I can have a better experience at home?
I’m with Saul Goodman on this. Some years ago I bought a HD projector which I use at 120” screen size. It can be connected to a coax for TV should I want to. I bought a good surround sound system. About £1000 in total. The sound and picture is more than adequate for my needs. I can eat pizza, or curry, or less smelly food, drink coffee or tea, or beer or wine. I can do as I want while enjoying a film.

I‘ve a 4K UHD 55” TV for everything else.

Why would I go to a cinema to be surrounded by people talking, using their phones, eating noisily, when I can have a better experience at home?
Well I guess the cinema lovers amongst us will never convince you but I certainly love watching films at the pictures. It's a totally different and more absorbing experience.

And if you go to see films aimed at grown-ups, nobody is talking, using their phone or eating noisily.
Well I guess the cinema lovers amongst us will never convince you but I certainly love watching films at the pictures. It's a totally different and more absorbing experience.

And if you go to see films aimed at grown-ups, nobody is talking, using their phone or eating noisily.
Most of the films I like are world cinema rather than Hollywood. It’s difficult to find them in most cinemas, but you are right. On the few occasions I do go to the cinema the audience is usually older. But seldom better behaved.
tbf the risk in cinemas is minimal compared to pubs/public transport/work etc
Is this simply your opinion, or do you have some proper research study to point to to back this assertion up?

One of the things which has most annoyed me about this whole covid thing* is the number of people who have engaged in special pleading for their special interest, whether it's something their livelihood depends on or just something they enjoy.

There are lots of sacrifices we all have to make in order to get infection levels down, but saying the risk is less in a cinema than elsewhere just because you like going to the cinema really isn't a great look.

*apart from the shit but utterly predictable response of the government, obviously.
last film i saw at the cinema was the new Blade Runner, everyone was on their phones and ipads, turned up to 100%, the projector had a worn out lamp in it, possibly the worst projection i've ever seen, like a dim grey mush that rendered at least 50% of the film impossible to see and there was a moth in the projection booth trying to fuck the lens, i did think it was the worst cinema experience of my life, but at least there was no risk of catching a deadly virus.

I do like going to the cinema, particularly for comedies, theres nothing like an entire cinema pissing themselves, but for the most part I'd far rather be sitting in a darkened room in front of a large OLED TV with a big spliff.
Is this simply your opinion, or do you have some proper research study to point to to back this assertion up?

One of the things which has most annoyed me about this whole covid thing* is the number of people who have engaged in special pleading for their special interest, whether it's something their livelihood depends on or just something they enjoy.

There are lots of sacrifices we all have to make in order to get infection levels down, but saying the risk is less in a cinema than elsewhere just because you like going to the cinema really isn't a great look.

*apart from the shit but utterly predictable response of the government, obviously.
Mask on at two metres away from other people vs cramped in a pub with shouting drunks? It’s not rocket science
Mask on at two metres away from other people vs cramped in a pub with shouting drunks? It’s not rocket science
So just your "reckon" then.

I get that you like going to the cinema, but as far as I'm concerned, if the film industry (and various other non essential sectors of the economy) have to be scaled back a bit for a few years in order to get us through covid with less infection and fewer fatalities, that's not really a massive sacrifice as things go.
So just your "reckon" then.

I get that you like going to the cinema, but as far as I'm concerned, if the film industry (and various other non essential sectors of the economy) have to be scaled back a bit for a few years in order to get us through covid with less infection and fewer fatalities, that's not really a massive sacrifice as things go.
It's not but it is also the only thing I've been able to do apart from brief pub/restaurant trips for months. I mean yeah - it's not the end of the world but it sucks.

It is also yet another thing that is just getting totally fucked by the pandemic. I wonder what kind of world is going to be left in a year's time and how the hell we are going to recover from it.
It's not but it is also the only thing I've been able to do apart from brief pub/restaurant trips for months. I mean yeah - it's not the end of the world but it sucks.

It is also yet another thing that is just getting totally fucked by the pandemic. I wonder what kind of world is going to be left in a year's time and how the hell we are going to recover from it.
Since mid-March, I've been to the pub once -- for lunch and sat outside. I've been to the cinema a couple of times. Maybe that wasn't wise but going mad by spending pretty much all my time inside and alone isn't great either.
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