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Like all phones/laptops etc you don't get updates for infinity.

Like phones. Not like computers. You'd need to find some pretty ancient hardware that won't run Win 10, even if perhaps you can, maybe you shouldn't.
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Kind of fustratingly, despite being x86 rather then Arm, it appears my Acer is a bugger to get Linux on, which is what I'd planned to do with it when it got end of life. I've been given a very posh work laptop, so was going to bring the project forward, but it really looks like way to much ball ache.
The updates on Chromebook are the least intrusive updates you'll ever come across. The usually take less than a minute to install and update. And yes, you should update for new features and security.
don’t updates wipe your saved files?
aye, that’s why i am always reluctant to update as it will be wiped

I've never had it happen and I've had mine a few years. That said on any computer if you have data you can't live without if it breaks or gets nicked tomorrow, then it should be backed up! The joy of Google drive is means if you wipe a chromebook, it takes seconds to pick up where you left off.
I've never had it happen and I've had mine a few years. That said on any computer if you have data you can't live without if it breaks or gets nicked tomorrow, then it should be backed up! The joy of Google drive is means if you wipe a chromebook, it takes seconds to pick up where you left off.
aye, i have that but haven’t found out how to backup to it automatically
No, but the ethos of a chromebook is that anything important should be in your drive.
And that's where it will be automatically, unless you've fiddled around with default settings.
That's one of the best things about Chromebooks: if someone nicks yours you can guy/borrow another one, log in and everything comes back - files, programs, apps, photos - the lot!
The cloud. Everything gets saved there by default. You might have to buy a bit more space off Google at some point but it's worth it.
do you know if there’s an option to pay a one off fee rather than a monthly charge for any cloud storage?
I think I pay £1.50 a month for a 100gb. Not just because of the chromebook. It also backs up all my important stuff from my PC and syncs it with my chromebook and other devices. Can even get to it from my phone. Bargain tbh.
i tried that but it always came out of my bank account when it was empty, so had to stop :oops:
i still use it cos it’s the only way for me to transfer music files from the Chromebook to my iphone as you can’t download directly onto an iphone, but there’s not enough capacity for the music files i want to keep
i tried that but it always came out of my bank account when it was empty, so had to stop :oops:
i still use it cos it’s the only way for me to transfer music files from the Chromebook to my iphone as you can’t download directly onto an iphone, but there’s not enough capacity for the music files i want to keep
I think you get 5gb of iCloud storage for free - which you might have if you have an icloud account - which you should if you have an iDevice
i tried that but it always came out of my bank account when it was empty, so had to stop :oops:

That fair enough. How important is this data? You can get 64gb usb sticks/sd cards for £5 to £7. Obviously you need to swap them to ensure the data is safe.

aye this is why i avoided the updates

Updates dont do this. Its more a general principal that data that is stored in one place, on any medium, not just chromebooks could be gone tomorrow, which is why a backup of some kind is so important. If your skint I totally get that drive isn't for you, but it's honestly the best thing to happen to most users, because they just don't have to think about it.
That fair enough. How important is this data? You can get 64gb usb sticks/sd cards for £5 to £7. Obviously you need to swap them to ensure the data is safe.

Updates dont do this. Its more a general principal that data that is stored in one place, on any medium, not just chromebooks could be gone tomorrow, which is why a backup of some kind is so important. If your skint I totally get that drive isn't for you, but it's honestly the best thing to happen to most users, because they just don't have to think about it.
i’m not skint, just crap at having money in my account at fixed dates. i store films and things in USB sticks but my music is a day to day thing so they’re not right for that
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