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Change UK: Chuka Umunna resigns from Labour party and launches Independent Group

I was curious whether Crispin Hunt was related to Tristram Hunt, so I did some googling - I've yet to establish a firm family connection, but what I did find was that Crispin Hunt is the stepson of Mark Fisher, the aristocratic former Labour MP for Stoke on Trent (and briefly minister for culture in Blair's first government), who's successor in Westminster was the slightly less aristocratic Tristram Hunt.

Even if there is no family connection that's a lot of very posh people scratching each other's backs.
As much as Im not keen on Chuka the recent Thornton heath by election ( one of the Council wards that make up Chuka patch) saw massive swing to the LDs with Labour almost losing the Council seat.

Imo the main reason was Brexit. Labour leadership are perceived to be sitting on the fence over Brexit. In Lambeth Labour ruling Council are for second referendum.

There are many other issues in Lambeth. Greens have picked up Council seats from disgruntled Labour voters over issues of libraries and housing.Greens are also anti Brexit which fits in with average Labour voter in Lambeth.

The result was a real squeaker. Labour’s majority, in a ward that looked rock-solid a year ago, was slashed to 19 votes. Even in February the party had won by a comfortable margin of 309. Manley-Browne goes to the council chamber with the backing of 998 votes while Matthew Bryant fell only just short with 979. The swing from Labour to Lib Dem is 5.6 per cent since February and a massive 27 per cent since May 2018. While the scale of the movement owes a lot to campaigning effort that cannot be replicated everywhere, Labour would be unwise to ignore the result. The two Thornton ward elections, and indeed the defection of the local MP, suggest that the party cannot take the liberal middle classes and the multicultural municipal estates that make up its London core vote for granted.[/QUOTE]

Lambeth: Labour scrapes home from Lib Dems in latest Thornton by-election - OnLondon

To add. This Council by election was after Chuka defected. But when it was not an official party so didn't put up candidate in this Council by election. I think if they had they might have done well.
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As much as Im not keen on Chuka the recent Thornton heath by election ( one of the Council wards that make up Chuka patch) saw massive swing to the LDs with Labour almost losing the Council seat.

Imo the main reason was Brexit. Labour leadership are perceived to be sitting on the fence over Brexit. In Lambeth Labour ruling Council are for second referendum.

There are many other issues in Lambeth. Greens have picked up Council seats from disgruntled Labour voters over issues of libraries and housing.Greens are also anti Brexit which fits in with average Labour voter in Lambeth.
As with the recent locals the turnout tells a story of serious disillusion with politicians. There were 1,000 fewer voters, about 1/3, in the recent byelection than in May 2018. Reading anything into the votes cast has to take that into account.
As with the recent locals the turnout tells a story of serious disillusion with politicians. There were 1,000 fewer voters, about 1/3, in the recent byelection than in May 2018. Reading anything into the votes cast has to take that into account.

As you and me are from are from Lambeth I also base my opinions on everyday interactions.

One of the things that frustrated Chuka was leadership position on Brexit. In that sense I think he was representing his constituents. It doesn't excuse him from leaving. Lambeth Labour party membership are , from my experience, mostly remain.

I don't know about you but I looked up my ward votes in referendum. It was 80% Remain.

And my ward is ( from Council stats on Coldharbour Ward) working class ward.

the highest proportion of people from ethnic minorities, and a high proportion of people not born in
UK. 4.8% of Coldharbour residents speak an African language as their first language, and 4% speak
Portuguese. Coldharbour has the highest proportion of Black Caribbean residents, and the highest
proportion of Black African residents. Less than a quarter of residents are White British.
Much of the ward is in the 10% most deprived in England. Much of the wards is less affluent estates,
such as the Loughborough, Hertford, Angell Town and Moorlands estates. It has the highest
proportion of social rented households (60%, compared to 22% private rented and 16% owner

I don't support the Progress led New Labour or Chuka. But imo the average Lambeth resident sees Brexit as something they don't support. The Labour party leadership aren't listening to inner city London working class voters.

I'm right next to Moorlands, Loughborough and Loughborough estates. They aren't happy with Brexit.
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Worth noting they were less concerned about sticking Farage on question time with a soft panel.
As you and me are from are from Lambeth I also base my opinions on everyday interactions.

One of the things that frustrated Chuka was leadership position on Brexit. In that sense I think he was representing his constituents. It doesn't excuse him from leaving. Lambeth Labour party membership are , from my experience, mostly remain.

I don't know about you but I looked up my ward votes in referendum. It was 80% Remain.

And my ward is ( from Council stats on Coldharbour Ward) working class ward.

I don't support the Progress led New Labour or Chuka. But imo the average Lambeth resident sees Brexit as something they don't support. The Labour party leadership aren't listening to inner city London working class voters.

I'm right next to Moorlands, Loughborough and Loughborough estates. They aren't happy with Brexit.
Sorry I wasn't clear.

I agree with pretty much all of that, this is a Remain area. My point was that while it's true that in the Thornton ward byelection there was a 'massive swing' to the LDs, about 600 votes more than in the election in May 2018, it's also true that nearly 1,000 fewer people bothered to vote. Turnout in byelections is always lower, but at 25% this is a lot lower than last time. That may be down to purely local factors, perhaps including the local MP defecting, but more broadly that one ward can be read as either an endorsement of Remain or as disillusion with politicians around the referendum and the Brexit mess,

The recent locals outside London can be read in the same ways: far more previous voters didn't vote than swung, but among those who did vote the main swing was towards the LDs.
tbf I will never forgive cuck UK for missing hignfy and honestly, I'd consider the BBC not actually covering any member of cuck UK with raw sewage dangerously partisan the only possible excuse is not having raw sewage close to hand:D
tbf I will never forgive cuck UK for missing hignfy and honestly, I'd consider the BBC not actually covering any member of cuck UK with raw sewage dangerously partisan the only possible excuse is not having raw sewage close to hand:D

Maybe Question Time needs to revive Noel Edmond’s gunk tank. They probably still have it sat in a storeroom somewhere.
Worth noting they were less concerned about sticking Farage on question time with a soft panel.

Amusingly Heidi Allan has said the same, maybe forgetting her colleague Anna Soubry was also on QT, along with representatives of other parties.

Another wankstain, Chris Leslie, a Chuckle UK MP, has written an open letter to the BBC's director general asking him to explain why the show was pulled.

He wrote: "The decision to withdraw this programme from air is all the more bizarre given the BBC’s decision to allow Nigel Farage to participate in an edition of ‘Have I Got News For You’ on 11th April 2014 ahead of the May 2014 European Parliamentary elections.

"Please can you explain whether the BBC editorial policy guidelines have changed between then and now, and if so why you have changed your approach?"

BBC hits back at bias claims after Heidi Allen's Have I Got News For You axed

Farage's appearance in 2014 was well outside the 25 day election period for Euro election, which the twat could have discovered from a quick google search :facepalm:, which took me about 10 seconds.

For European parliamentary elections, it is the last date for publication of the notice of election, which is 25 days before the election. In all cases the period ends with the close of the poll.

Section six: Elections and referendums

They really are a bunch of clueless fuckwits. :D
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