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Change UK: Chuka Umunna resigns from Labour party and launches Independent Group

"Mike Gapes, the party’s foreign affairs spokesperson, said: “Seems that far left trot trolls and cultists are worried about @TheIndGroup hence all the vile abuse and lies being directed at some of our candidates today.

“It’s all a tactic designed to divert attention from the abject failures of the pro Brexit Corbyn Labour. It won’t work.”"

Change UK says criticism by Muslim community groups is 'smear campaign'

E2A: :hmm::rolleyes::facepalm:

That is exactly the mirror image of groups like Labour Against The Witch Hunt, etc.
Chris Leslie of the CUK's has a real brain-melt about 'THE HARD LEFT', as seen here where he defends now departed Dugher and gets his 'the haaaarrd left' on

Seriously though, let's just say that power and influence in Britain has been concentrated into the hands of a very small group of people these last few years.

Have a read: The address where Eurosceptics and climate change sceptics rub shoulders

55 Tufton Street

The Tufton Street Network - Hacking our democracy - Real Media - The News You Don't See/

Revealed: how the UK’s powerful right-wing think tanks and Conservative MPs work together/

Tufton Street - Powerbase

And guess who is at 11 Tufton Street? Why, The Social Market Foundation/Progressive Centre, Policy Network (another Mandelson vehicle) Progress Ltd and The Independent Group, amongst others. And any browse through their various websites listing personnel, advisors, trustees, donors and board members, will reveal the same names reoccurring over and over again.

From CIF very interesting, all together?
A first bit of an electoral test for the Chukkies. Steve Wilson, aka Mr Angela Smith, was up for his ward, having become an Indie (couldn't be a a formal Chuk as they didn't exist in time).

102 votes. Just over 2%, and not even enough to have caused the loss of the seat to the LibScum.
A first bit of an electoral test for the Chukkies. Steve Wilson, aka Mr Angela Smith, was up for his ward, having become an Indie (couldn't be a a formal Chuk as they didn't exist in time).

102 votes. Just over 2%, and not even enough to have caused the loss of the seat to the LibScum.

So today the professional sensibles in CHUKa/TIG changed their twitter handle.

Not such a big deal if they hadn't left the old one available for someone to hijack.
in the euros its hard to see who will vote for them - for left leaning remainers the greens are a far more attractive option - unsullied by any sort of past history, contain no "former" or "might as well be" tories and have the added bonus of being all about the 2nd most important issue on the planter (after brexit obvs).
That leaves tory remainers - some might go chuk - but why bother when you have the lib dems? who are the bigger brand and less likely to be a wasted vote.
And - though its not directly connected the euro elections - you then have their farcical strategy of bringing about a 2nd referendum by keeping the tories in power for as long possible. Its a gift to their opponents - they may as well pin a "kick me" sign on seat of their trousers.
There really is no point in their existence, they represent nobody but themselves and a gaggle of hacks from the guardian.
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