"I'm upper class and I look down on him."
You could try hanging yourself then ...
Perhaps you are unfamiliar with what the rank of Warrant Officer entails?
And someone with a working class background, can even get a commission without a degree. In the case of the RAF, starting at Pilot Officer then on to Flying Officer. Junior ranks.
A) Are you working class then Attica?
B) What's your job?
C) PS Have you ever been to a football game in your life? And if so, when was the last time you went?
"I'm upper class and I look down on him."
TBH i have never done a study of the armed forces, this is my take on it from the outside. Of course a serious labour process study would have to done.
In your case above, i suspect you are talking about a case where a working class person enters the ranks of the middle class through work responsibility and power....
I just think it's useful to have an idea of how and why you categorise people before you write them off as being upper class. For instance, a working class kid can apply to be a pilot and be accepted while they're in the 6th form. But a pilot is officer class. Even if that working class kid never sees active service and leaves to become a commercial pilot, by your measure you'd class them as upper class and their kids (if they have any) worthy of being thrown off horses etc. Perhaps you need to add all pilots to your list of the upper class?
And that's just one example.
Good to see that certain academics can retain their 'working class' credentials whilst concurrently berating other working class people for becoming upper class in the pursuit of their chosen specialist career eh, Attica?
I'm quite calm thanks Attica
But how can you have a class struggle unless you're clear about what constitutes class?
Doh! An individual does not have to know every fekking facet of the particularities of the class composition. It's enough that they recognise that they are working class, that they organise with others at work or in the community, against the capitalist class...
Oh FFS.What's the 'capitalist class' ? That's a new one to me. We are all capitalists to some extent living within a capitalist system.
We are not all capitalist class - they are the owners and controllers of the means of production. Use google and wikipedia, then read Capital by Karl Marx, vol. 1. Start at the Primitive accumulation chapters approx 2/3rds of the way through and then go back to the beginning.
So ... to summarise the classes as you seem to perceive them:
There are some peasants left around the world but not many.
1) Working class
2) Petit Bourgeois/ Middle Class*
3) Upper Class/Capitalist Class*
* All fair game for attacking in the name of the Struuuuuugle (you have to say that with a Russian accent for maximum effect)
Corrected your view of my view of class above. Carry on.
Lost me there.
You displayed a 7 class model, i shortened it down to a 3 class model, except for a minority of peasants, which if you include them is 4.
Are these 'peasants' the underclass? Like refugees etc?
I disagree that the middle class aren't capitalists from your truncated model btw
Small capital is not big capital, small capital does not have control and command capability.
The 'peasants'? You forgot to reply.
You don't think the middle classes/petit bourgeois have command and control capability?
At the micro level, but not the macro.
Are these 'peasants' the underclass? Like refugees etc?
No. They are not proletarianised, and their behaviour is taking from the land, although there is some minor trading sometimes. The wealthier peasants I suppose would be middle class then, especially if they employed people.
Between jobs? Proles.What about refugees? How would you classify them?
Can we push middle class people off horses?
did attica do in christopher reeve?
You don't think the middle classes/petit bourgeois have command and control capability?
Yeeeeeah that... plus there was the justifying punching women thing, oh and the whole 'only toff kids ride horses' stuff.