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Cecil, famous Lion from Zimbabwe shot dead by Dentist from Minnesota for $55k

They have "bear bells" you can attach to your pack that makes noise as you move. Most of the time they work, but sometimes they have the opposite effect.
There was a joke about how to recognise wild animals based on their poo, wolves poo smells of wild garlic, rabbit poo is small round and full of grass and bear poo is full of bells!
There was a joke about how to recognise wild animals based on their poo, wolves poo smells of wild garlic, rabbit poo is small round and full of grass and bear poo is full of bells!

That's an oldie, but a goodie! And, it has some truth to it.

There's a reason why Yellowstone has an entire park ranger department dedicated to making sure the tourists don't die in stupid ways.
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We've talked about bears. This week there was a fatal bear attack in Yellowstone. Usually, I tend to chalk these things up to tourist stupidity, but this hiker seems to have had some experience. I've been on the trails there, and you can easily round a corner and come face-to-face with wildlife (she did, however, break at least one rule):

BILLINGS, Montana (AP) — Wildlife workers put out bear traps for a third night Monday as they try to capture a grizzly bear that killed a woman who was traveling alone on a forest trail near Yellowstone National Park.

Amie Adamson, 48, Derby, Kansas, died in Saturday’s fatal mauling near the Montana-Idaho border, the Gallatin County Coroner’s Office said. The victim was a marathon runner, and officials said she was likely running or walking at the time of the attack.

Officials ruled out a rare predatory attack, which suggests Adamson instead died following a chance bear encounter as she traveled by herself in a wooded area frequented by grizzly and black bears.

Sadly, what will happen now is that the bear will be trapped and likely killed, along with her cubs.
I can't even:

I've done some stupid shit myself, but I wouldn't do that!

The only thing I'm surprised by is the fact that only a little over 100 people have died in Yellowstone. Its only pure luck its not over 1,000.
Wyoming doesn't have a good track record regarding wolves, but this is over the top. This was just pure sadism and has nothing to do with protecting livestock, or anything else they might try to claim. Other reports say that the animal was beaten and burned before being killed. Most hunters would agree that this is disgusting abuse.

Cody Roberts walked into the Green River Bar joking that he’d found a lost cattle dog. The woman tending bar that evening seemed to know what would happen next.

“The bartender goes, ‘Cody, you better not bring in a fucking lion,’” an eyewitness recalled. “She knew he was going to bring something in that was not a dog.”

Roberts didn’t listen. It wasn’t a dog and it wasn’t a lion, but moments later he reappeared with a muzzled, leashed wolf — an animal that wanted nothing to do with the Green River Bar.

“It didn’t want to go,” the bar patron recalled. “Like you know when your dog doesn’t want to go to the vet?”
The 42-year-old resident of the small western Wyoming town of Daniel muscled the reticent animal inside. The gravely injured wild wolf remained in the rowdy tavern for hours thereafter.

Wyoming, and the rest of the world, wouldn’t learn of Roberts and the wolf for a month. Since then, the allegations against Roberts — that he ran down the wolf on a snowmobile, taped the injured animal’s mouth shut and showed it off at the bar before killing it — have become international news. Authorities have released few details about what happened beyond two short videos and a citation that showed he was fined $250 for possessing a live wolf.

This account of what happened at the Green River Bar on Feb. 29 comes from an eyewitness to whom WyoFile has granted anonymity. The person, who was at the bar that night and later alerted authorities to what had occurred, is being left nameless at their request for their own safety. The worldwide outrage over this incidence of animal abuse has generated rampant death threats — even toward those who had nothing to do with it. The eyewitness provided WyoFile with videos from that night which corroborated their account.

The fact that the bartender knew that he wasn't bringing a dog into the bar, shows that this isn't the first time someone has done this at that bar.
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That's grim. Wolves may be predators but they are wary of humans. Dragging one into a bar full of them is a cunt's trick.
Running over any animal, then muzzling it and dragging it, dying, into a bar, to show everyone how much of a hoot you are, is the work of an unhinged sociopath, and in any right society they would be locked up until a full evaluation was carried out to decide whether or not they can be fixed.
The worrying part is that nobody in the bar challenged him. I can only guess as to why, but by letting this behaviour go unchallenged, it's enabling him, and he'll only get worse. A $250 fine for a crime completely unrelated to the cruelty isn't going to fix him.
Running over any animal, then muzzling it and dragging it, dying, into a bar, to show everyone how much of a hoot you are, is the work of an unhinged sociopath, and in any right society they would be locked up until a full evaluation was carried out to decide whether or not they can be fixed.
The worrying part is that nobody in the bar challenged him. I can only guess as to why, but by letting this behaviour go unchallenged, it's enabling him, and he'll only get worse. A $250 fine for a crime completely unrelated to the cruelty isn't going to fix him.
The article says that half the people in the bar were related to the wolf torturer. Also, from the surprisingly non-mad comments: speaking up in a bar full of armed, drunk crazies is not quite so easy as some of the commenters make it sound.
The article says that half the people in the bar were related to the wolf torturer. Also, from the surprisingly non-mad comments: speaking up in a bar full of armed, drunk crazies is not quite so easy as some of the commenters make it sound.
Yeah, I read that he was related to half the bar, but if I was related to the cunt, I couldn't sit by and allow that to happen. I was thinking maybe his father employed half the town, so everyone was too scared to say anything, but you'd think someone would have had the balls to say something.
You've never been to a small town in Wyoming have you Saul Goodman

I don't disagree with what you're saying but you'd have to be the bigger meaner madder bastard to get any traction with this shit.

As a general rule big bad mean bastards don't tend to fight for the underdog. That's why that fantasy is so massively idealised in Westerns.
I've had a quick look. This shit is being dragged all over the internet. Hopefully he'll get harassed and doxxed and brought to bay over this so he gets some sense of what it feels like to be trapped, humiliated, paraded around for the entertainment of other bullies.

There's a photo of him kissing the wolf. Awful.
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You've never been to a small town in Wyoming have you Saul Goodman

I don't disagree with what you're saying but you'd have to be the bigger meaner madder bastard to get any traction with this shit.

As a general rule big bad mean bastards don't tend to fight for the underdog. That's why that fantasy is so massively idealised in Westerns.
I just watched the video again, this time with sound on, and I think I know who the perp is.

Yeah, I read that he was related to half the bar, but if I was related to the cunt, I couldn't sit by and allow that to happen. I was thinking maybe his father employed half the town, so everyone was too scared to say anything, but you'd think someone would have had the balls to say something.

You've never been to a small town in Wyoming have you Saul Goodman

I don't disagree with what you're saying but you'd have to be the bigger meaner madder bastard to get any traction with this shit.

As a general rule big bad mean bastards don't tend to fight for the underdog. That's why that fantasy is so massively idealised in Westerns.

Yep. In rural areas there's often one or more families that are too crazy to mess with, and very little law enforcement. You'll be biting off a lifetime of shit if you do. This doesn't mean you don't intervene when needed, just that you weight the benefits. We've lost dogs and had to replace vehicles over petty disagreements, for example. That said, I think my dad would have just gone out to the truck, gotten the gun out of the back window and put the wolf down himself. I saw him do something like that once with an injured deer by the side of the road.

I wasn't surprised that this was rural Wyoming by any means. I don't understand why, but people out there hate wolves with a passion. They're terrified that they're going to be mauled or eaten by them, despite the fact that there's almost no evidence of that happening, even in the days when there were lots of wolves. You are much more likely to be killed by a bear, bison, or elk, than by a wolf. It was no surprise that when hunting wolves became legal that massive numbers of them were killed within days. These people probably thought it was ok to torture something they're so afraid of. It probably made them feel less afraid.
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I've had a quick look. This shit is being dragged all over the internet. Hopefully he'll get harassed and fixed and brought to bay over this so he gets some sense of what it feels like to be trapped, humiliated, paraded around for the entertainment of other bullies.

There's a photo of him kissing the wolf. Awful.

Yes, I think they're reopening the case and there may be criminal charges, now that there's internet attention.
Yep. In rural areas there's often one or more families that are too crazy to mess with, and very little law enforcement. You'll be biting off a lifetime of shit if you do. This doesn't mean you don't intervene when needed, just that you weight the benefits. We've lost dogs and had to replace vehicles over petty disagreements, for example. That said, I think my dad would have just gone out to the truck, gotten the gun out of the back window and put the wolf down himself. I saw him do something like that once with an injured deer by the side of the road.

I wasn't surprised that this was rural Wyoming by any means. I don't understand why, but people out there hate wolves with a passion. They're terrified that they're going to be mauled or eaten by them, despite the fact that there's almost no evidence of that happening, even in the days when there were lots of wolves. You are much more likely to be killed by a bear, bison, or elk, than by a wolf. It was no surprise that when hunting wolves became legal that massive numbers of them were killed within days. These people probably thought it was ok to torture something they're so afraid of. It probably made them feel less afraid.

Silently going out to get a gun and then putting the wolf out of its misery would be the calm measured rational approach. Not a word, not a glance at anyone else, and then just walking out. I can imagine that would also put the wind up the others in the bar.

Might bring down the everlasting blight of being shunned by everyone associated with the family in stores and businesses for ever afterwards (maybe not your dad if he was respected as a strong person).

Anyway the point is, as despicable and unforgivable as this is I can see and understand how it happened.

Wolves In Wyoming. Maybe there was some kind of bad wolf event that happened way back when the country was being settled by white invaders and the hate and fear got passed down as a kind of lost-memory inheritance. A kind of localised epigenetic meme.
For hunting with dogs; They received 10 year criminal behaviour order and have to pay £4575. The dos were impounded but they do not appear to be banned from owning dogs.

Hare coursers are some of the foulest cunts it has ever been my great displeasure to meet. The sort of people who exist purely out of spite.
Wolves In Wyoming. Maybe there was some kind of bad wolf event that happened way back when the country was being settled by white invaders and the hate and fear got passed down as a kind of lost-memory inheritance. A kind of localised epigenetic meme.

It's plausible that a generally heightened stress response could be passed along as an epigenetic meme, but not one as specific as a fear of wolves.

Whether past traumas in some way account for white America's fanatical gun culture is a question worth asking though. Once you've got weapons plus nationwide inferiority complex there are bound to be innocent victims, human and animal both.
Hare coursers are some of the foulest cunts it has ever been my great displeasure to meet. The sort of people who exist purely out of spite.
have to agree ...

some of the hare hunters that use beagle packs are just as bad.

however, most of the latter, despite great secrecy around their "meets" are inevitably packed up when hunt sabs / monitors turn up and get their cameras out ...
sadly, hare coursers - unless it a competition / meet - are more difficult to find and prosecute.
This is horrendous. Worse than hunting. IT IS DESTRESSING


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