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Cat ladder (big pic)

The cat ladder runs up the side of the bathroom wall.

Whilst taking a throne break earlier this avo, I twigged that I could hear a series of little rattles, chatters and squeaks as she walked up the ladder, talking to herself.

Which made me genu-lol.

It seems that cat ladders have a number of peripheral advantages.
Bloody hell. It's all go today.

First we had a full-on visit from a black cat:


And we've just had another visit from a gorgeous white and ginger kitty, too (though he hovered around the base of the ladder; Nigel was also, clearly, shitting herself at his presence, so I hissed him off).
Just heard Nigel coming upstairs, only to be greeted by a BIG FAT BLACK MAOING FACE. Who saw me, and swiftly turned around, maoing all the time :D
We have a few 'gentleman callers' for Her Majesty, too. She generally gives them short shrift, though. I don't think she quite *gets* dating, tbh. A bit like her owner, really :facepalm:
Another visit! :D

He's a talkative wee bugger.

We can't work out what's going on between him and Nigel. They have this really odd relationship where they seem to kinda... cling... to one another, or follow one another around, but it's almost as if they're following each other around because they want to know where the other one is and don't want to be stabbed in the back.

It's almost as if they want to be friends but they just don't quite understand how cat friendships might work.

Like, today he was yowling at the back door for her. Shortly before he came up to try and see her. But, like, when they're in DIRECT proximity to each other, she'll frequently be swiping for him or (on Sunday) he made a proper swat at her.

He's also fucking around with her territory, which has prompted Artichoke to chase him away on a couple of occasions :D
Artichoke's just been woken up by Nigel going bonkers. I had a pretty good idea what was going on, so went into the office... and sure enough, there was A.N.Other cat on the other side of the window, with Nigel going absolutely nuts at it. MmuuuuaAaaaAAAOOOoooooooo.

Anyway. Long story short, the other cat's pissed off, but going by the reeking waft of ammonia drifting through the window, I'm pretty sure it pissed all over the sill before off-fucking :facepalm: :D
Back to subject. I'm designing a cat ladder for my design project (last year in the IB) and for that i've made a user study to find out how this ladder should look/work. I would be super grateful if i could get more answers! It only takes a minute, tops 2. Here's the link: http://www.esmaker.net/nx2/s.aspx?id=61cf41942246
Since this is part of a project, I thought I would trap some errors for you to correct:

*In Q2, you say, "If you answered yes or sometimes in Q2..." This should say Q1, not Q2.
*In a later question (possibly Q4 or Q5 from memory?) you say that the ladder should be "discrete". This means "individually separate and distinct". I think you actually mean "discreet", which means "unobtrusive".
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