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Cat ladder (big pic)

mrs quoad

Well-Known Member

Artichoke's face has been spot-healed, because I couldn't be arsed to replace it with Prince Harry's again.

She's laughing in the original, though. And pointing in the next pic.


Only when just more than half way up cat will get blown off by that exhaust pipe .... whoosh ...
:D Might not look it, but the pipe is at least a metre above the ladder!
we need to see the cat on it.
and what sort of a name is artichoke - is her dad bob geldof?
She registered on here as Artichoke (she likes globe artichokes), and has either 1 or 0 posts. Then decided you lot were weird, and hasn't posted since.

The cat is still uncertain. She's sniffed it from the office end, and is outside at the moment; but needs a rather firmer introduction, I think.

(That being the office end is kinda the point; I work up there all day, and atm head downstairs 5 or 6 times a day because the cat is yowling like a stuck pig.)
ha, i see. i don't blame her.

hang on a minute, isn't your cat called nigel? nigel the lady cat?

Turns out Artichoke's posted once.

oh mon dieu!
I like the dog's total stoicism! :D

She has no idea what her password is, mind, and no intentions of retrieving it.

hang on a minute, isn't your cat called nigel? nigel the lady cat?

Though it was originally 'not-Nigel,' the gender non-specific cat. It later emerged that she was a girl (though Artichoke claims to've known this all along.)
Nice work quoad, even if the cat doesn't use it at first. :cool:
A trail of cat treats up that ladder ought to give Nigel the right idea very quickly! :D
She's not very treat-inspired, tbh. Not in any predictable or harnessable way.

We've just had a little go with me 'gently introducing' her to it, at a metre or two's height, whilst Artichoke bellowed encouragingly from the window.

She wasn't unduly impressed, but gave it a solid go. When Artichoke started calling, she went up a couple; and then back down again. She's doing alright going down, which is encouraging.

After a couple of treats and a bit of attention, she's hiding under the tandem's tarpaulin atm (tbf, this isn't unusual; she'll often spend 5 or 6 hours of an evening under the tarpaulin. One for cat psychologists there).
on the first floor?

I thought cat flaps were normally installed on the ground floor in houses?

If it's a first floor flat in a house, and since mrs quoad is at home all day, I'm sure he could operate a lift cage with a pulley system. Maybe Nigel is holding out for that and that's the reason he's apparently not so keen on climbing up.
tbf, it's a 2 bed terrace, not a flat.

A cat flap would be one option; but it'd mean knocking a hole in our door, and that'd involve some complicated negotiations with our landlord. And probably quite a bit more expense than the £23 in wood and nails (and £10 for a saw (well, 2 saws (1 with 9 teeth per inch, the other with 11) given saws were on BOGOF)) that this cost.
I made one like this for under the living room window when we first moved in as the window ledge was quite high up.


But it kept falling over because I couldn't attach it to the wall and Schrodes hardly bothered with it anyway, so it's gone now. I think I prefer your ramp :cool:
I made one like this for under the living room window when we first moved in as the window ledge was quite high up.


But it kept falling over because I couldn't attach it to the wall and Schrodes hardly bothered with it anyway, so it's gone now. I think I prefer your ramp :cool:

I always thought mrsQ had made up artichoke :(
I get the feeling that some people think that I make VP up. Surely nobody would invent an alter ego who's actually far more interesting and witty than the main online identity of the same person? :facepalm:
by him. Although I'm thinking you are real. VP doesn't strike me as the psychic type
FWIW he's quite competent at that kind of thing, just held back by a lack of his own energy these days.

BTW sorry about the derail.
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