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Food not Bombs Cardiff are currently struggling to keep it going and need more people to get involved.
a hot vegan meal has been served outside the back of Cardiff Central Market on the Hayes for over 2 years in wind, rain, snow and shine.
The food is served to anyone and is usually between 12:30 and 2:30pm or until food runs out.
Some weeks over 80 people are served, some who have not eaten for a few days.

Besides serving the food there is sourcing the food, cooking the food, transporting the food and stall, taking the kit and stall back and cleaning it, storing it for next week.

If anyone is able to help in any way please post or pm me.
ta :)
"We were really hurt " .,."shocked by the incident".....full investigation ......?...wtf ?

God ...I thought he had run someone over ...........but no .....all he did was give a finger.....jobs stressful enough without people shoving cameras in yer face...!
How about bus stops that don't change from day to day? Depending on whether there's a match/concert, bus stops closed, roads closed, bus stops change according to whether its weekend/weekday. Now the roads are closed in St Mary St and elsewhere on Friday and Saturday nights. Its fucking chaotic, and not easy when you've just spent 4-5 hours on a megabus and you don't know where the fuck to go for a bus. The drivers lay the blame on the council, piss-up and brewery. I find it embarrassing to be honest, and feel sorry for visitors to the city.
And what the fucking fuck has all the work in the current bus station been about for years, just to end up with something that's half a bus station and half I dunno what?
it is embarrassing! I've long given up getting a bus from town and now only get one to town if I see it on my way.
yeah I do where possible! still surprises me how quick you can cross the city on a bike!
walking can even be easier than working out and getting the bus!
which part will you be based?

that said, last night I was going to town late last night and was planning to walk but saw a bus and ran for it, I only had 40p or a £5 and they don't take change but the drive let me on! :cool:
Public transport is in a shocking state, it's a major reason so many use cars and we're so congested. I try to walk into town and back whenever possible but not everyone can do that. I'm appalled they've managed to fuck up one positive the city has : a central bus station next to the trains.
We'll be moving to Waterloo Gardens end of Marlborough Rd, close to where my mum currently lives. She''s in a HA 1st floor flat and could only get a transfer to a one bed, so we're renting a 2-bed ground floor flat. Where do you live ddraig?
ooh nice :)
walk the dog sometimes look after around there
i'm not too far from there
Love the fact children are sited as to why it's unacceptable.

Children won't have been disturbed by it. They'll be either curious or oblivious. It's transference of their own prejudices.
Woman and daughter evicted for bedroom tax arrears today in Cardiff
Ms Williams said: “I’m disgusted with the lot of them because I offered a payment plan but they weren’t interested.

“They’ve thrown me out of the house and offered no help.

“It leaves me homeless with a 17-year-old child with nowhere to go and they won’t even give me help for her

Ross Saunders, secretary of Cardiff Against The Cuts, said, “This is a disgrace. While the Assembly Members get a massive pay rise their own cleaners get treated like dirt by Cardiff’s Labour-run council, which has always claimed to be against the bedroom tax.

“Cardiff council needs to withdraw this eviction notice and the Assembly must urgently take the Scottish road and abolish the bedroom tax for all tenants.”
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