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Motorists really are the worst people. What other group would complain about being caught committing a life-endangering crime?

Entitled pricks.
video of secret 13th century tunnel in city centre around Greyfriars rd
Simon Fenoulhet believes that the tunnel may be related to a 13th century friary that once stood where the city centre is now.

He is reluctant to reveal its precise location, although he said it is in the Greyfrairs Road area.

Mr Fenoulhet, one of the Cardiff Contemporary festival’s artists in residence, has embarked on exploring the parts of Cardiff not normally seen above ground.

The artist is aiming to create an alternative map of the city linked to markers above ground for people on the streets to discover what lies beneath their feet.
more work going up for the empty walls project :cool: (to the left of boots by the station)

right, so the head thing in post 757^^ is apparently on display in the blockbuster on Albany Rd until November as part of this

Cardiff Open 2014

Blockbuster #50-52 Albany Rd Roath Cardiff Caerdydd CF24 3RR &
Cardiff MADE #41 Lochaber St Roath Cardiff Caerdydd CF24 3LS

7 October Hydref - 1 November Tachwedd 2014
10-5 Tuesday-Saturday Mawrth-Sadwrn & 11-4 Sunday 19 October

Private View: 6-8pm Friday 10 October at both locations

Artist in Residence 1: Sera Wyn Walker 15 - 19 October
Artist in Residence 2: Tiff Oben 21 - 25 October
Artist in Residence 3: Jon Pountney 28 Oct - 1 November

Cardiff Open acts as a platform for showcasing the best contemporary art practice from an open call of submissions, alongside site-specific work from selected artists in residence. The work of Cardiff and Vale based artists, photographers, ceramicists, sculptors, designers and makers will be on show - from the young and emerging to the established and respected - in the bustling area of Roath. The Open exhibition’s 3 artists in residence will be housed at the transformed old blockbuster #50-52 Albany Rd with the Open exhibition spread across the empty shop and at Cardiff MADE #41 Lochaber St.

Exhibiting Artists:
John Abell, Sebastian Aplin, Luke Barker, Philippa Brown, Sophie Buckingham, Mark Cooke, Richard Cox, Catrin Lloyd Evans, Michael Goode, Eluned Glyn, Ruth Harries, Bernard Heslin, Mary Jones, Lisa Krigel, Arron Kuiper, Jorge Lizalde, Samantha Lyle, Nikita McBride, Ruth McLees, Anne Morgan, Mike Murray, Aidan Myers, Tiff Oben, Jon Pountney, Zoe Preece, Margo Schmidt, Sophie Southgate, Carmen Stahl, Lisa-Marie Tann, Sera Wyn Walker, James Mark Whittet

Selectors: Iwan Bala, artist; Anne Gibbs, maker; Cat Gardiner, Cardiff Open curator
will check it out :) the "head thing" is a form of painting with oils in 3d - skilful for sure but i'd need to see it in the flesh to decide if i actually like it or not...
yea looked at one of the artist's videos earlier :cool:
simple flower in 2 and a half mins!
Not sure if anyone knows the exact area, but there's proposed building of MORE flats in Cardiff bay, this time around the old Hamadryad hospital. It's a lovely green belt rammed full of trees and shrubbery and be a real shame to have it flattened. If anyone fancies objecting, you can email the council - details of how and what are here

There's also a Facebook group set up to object to the planning application: Cardiff South Docks
“The area covered by the safety grilles are not hot air vents but boiler flue vents that can potentially produce products of combustion - diluted amounts of carbon monoxide being one of these - as part of the diluted boiler flue gases,”
are they endangering everyone going past and in the building above then?
obviously it is a business etc
You wont have an issue walking past, but sleeping there all night breathing in the fumes would be an issuse.

assuming they have have some sort of heating running over night or reason for the boilers to be running.
It's like people who take a BBQ into a tent when camping to keep warm, then they wake up dead.
more art stuff in Cardiff


Other attractions and activities include:

  • A red brick extension to Cardiff Castle
  • "Sound pieces" based on the speeches of the late MP Aneurin Bevan to be broadcast daily from the castle's clock tower
  • An underground map of Cardiff, with markers telling people what lies in the tunnels, basements and cellars beneath their feet
  • Walls at Cardiff Central railway station to show images of artist Erwin Wurm posing in his series of One Minute Sculptures
  • A "tap-mob" mass tap dancing event outside the register office at city hall
  • A sculpture trail along the Docks Feeder Canal near Schooner Way
  • An art hotel where visitors will be invited to book themselves in and create work
  • Mystery bus tours around the city
  • Live performances in empty shops
I meant this :hmm: but it came out as that, and i was going out so didnt change it :D

however im not sure what went down.
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