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Fire Island closing and Beat Box bars who own buffalo bar and 10ft tall too 'awaiting buyers'
£250k of public money
Fire Island, on the corner of Westgate Street and Quay Street, opened in November following a £250,000 investment by the Welsh Government’s Finance Wales.

Attempts to contact the directors of the company behind Fire Island, Beatbox Bars Ltd, were unsuccessful.

Beatbox Bars Ltd also owns two other Cardiff nightspots, Buffalo Bar and 10 Feet Tall. It’s understood those clubs will remain open until a buyer is found.

don't like fire island personally but it would be a shame if the other 2 venues went
Anyone got idea what the giant scaffolding is around a building near the coal exchange? Spotted it from the Bay train station earlier, looks like some fairly major work.
coal exchange is fucked isn't it, dangerous apparently
from last month
The building’s main hall was closed earlier this year following an inspection by Cardiff council’s public protection team and South Wales Fire Service,

The decision to carry-out the emergency works follows a council structural survey. The council will have a charge on the building to the value of the work undertaken – which it is empowered to do under section 78 of the Building Act 1984 ,
The initial phase of work will start within the next two weeks, with support structures needed to be in place before the winter weather adds to the deterioration. of the building.
Cabinet Member for Finance, Business and Local Economy, Russell Goodway, said: “Our priority is public safety and we have no choice but to close parts of the Coal Exchange and make sure the building is secure.

“We were made aware of the deterioration of the building by the owners and commissioned a structural report to gain a clear understanding of its current condition.
“The report confirms that parts of the Coal Exchange are structurally unsafe and emergency support work is necessary to ensure the safety of these parts of the building and of the surrounding area.
“As a council we have a duty of care to residents, businesses and the public, which is why we are acting now.”
Does anyone know any news about the paddling pool and play area at Victoria Park? Seen rumours on various Facebook pages related to stuff I take my kid to, but can't find anything substantiated. Is it just rumour? I'd be irate if they meddled with the park!
another old pics site

Say hello to 'Diff Beach. Smaaart, likes.
With more than 300 tonnes of sand and 900 gallons of water transported into Cardiff Bay – visitors are hoping that the current sunny weather will continue.

Roald Dahl Plass has been transformed into a city summer haven with Cardiff’s first man-made beach, as part of Cardiff Festival.

The beach opens on Saturday and is expected to draw thousands.

The attraction is set to include live music and entertainment as well as deck chairs and shaded areas under giant parasols.

Activities available at the beach will include volleyball and a shallow water play area.

Similar urban beach projects have been developed in other cities across the UK and Europe, such as Amsterdam, London and Liverpool.

The beach, which will be free to access, will be open until September 1.

a shit replacement for the big weekend
wonder how much Norman Sayer is putting into it...
every 20 mins is a bit much tho no?
it is good tho, saves having to beg family for a lift
yay for Spillers and yay for vinyl! :)

For Cardiff independent retailer Spillers Records the figures were equally encouraging.
“Last year the national average sales increase in vinyl was 15.3%, for us it was a 38% increase,” said store owner Ashli Todd. “We were really pleased with that and it shows the rise in popularity of vinyl.
“But we’ve always supported vinyl,” she added. “I remember around the year 2000 people were declaring vinyl dead, but we never did in the shop and continued to support vinyl, now we’re reaping the rewards of that policy.

“We’ve seen over a decade of vinyl growth, it’s not a fad. It’s a way of life for many people now.”
To mark this trend Spillers, the world’s oldest record store – founded in 1894, recently had its customers in a spin by teaming up with hi-fi manufacturer Rega to release its own branded turntable.
dunno, having a quick look for ya but taking a while
what we need is some kind of Cardiff Buzz!
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