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Caps on economic migrants

Originally Posted by durruti02
FAQs??? .. they seem to be about not doing 'personal abuse' as it happens .. maybe you should check them out ..

Did you miss the bit about "robust language" being entirely acceptable?

your swearing and abuse actually only emphaises your inadequate answers, sadly, as you too speak sense a lot of the time

I speak sense but give inadequate answers?

That makes, well, NO sense.

doh VP .. note " a lot of the time" .. no contradiction at all ..

p.s. robust is differrent to the nonsense you regularly come out with .. seriously mate you overdo it .. not neccessary .. if i was the reporting sort id report it but im not :-D
durruti02 said:
not 'wrong' but 'sad'??? wtf! .. pure semantics mate .. if it is sad it is wrong and you should oppose it .. have some bottle ..

on the other hand tbh i think i caught you out and you are digging yourself deeper ;) :D

either way it is liberal .. most of capitalism is 'sad' and or 'wrong' .. the point is to develop, to defend, to create opposition. IF we genuinley want to help these people it will not be thinking it all so sad but creating a new movement out of who we have here and now ..

;) no eply to this?? ;)
tbaldwin said:
Thank you so much...Mr VP.I really have learnt a lot from the likes of you and 2 braincells nino....Its been a real education! I bet your front rooms look like libraries cos your both awwfully clever.

Whereas I'm sure Chez Baldwin got good working-class sawdust on your floor, a picture of Lev Bronstein on the wall, and a stack of copies of "Socialist Worker" to read/light the fire with/wipe your arse on.

My front room looks nothing like a library. No big stack of card-file boxes, no shelves with books all "dressed" correctly to present the spine to the public, and no four-eyed old dragon making sure you don't stick a copy of "das kapital" down your kecks.

And balders? people like you never learn anything. You know why? because you're already sure you know it all. :)
durruti02 said:
Originally Posted by durruti02
FAQs??? .. they seem to be about not doing 'personal abuse' as it happens .. maybe you should check them out ..

Did you miss the bit about "robust language" being entirely acceptable?

your swearing and abuse actually only emphaises your inadequate answers, sadly, as you too speak sense a lot of the time

I speak sense but give inadequate answers?

That makes, well, NO sense.

doh VP .. note " a lot of the time" .. no contradiction at all ..
"A lot of the time" doesn't alter the context at all, you're still saying that I speak sense ("a lot of the time") but give inadequate answers.

p.s. robust is differrent to the nonsense you regularly come out with .. seriously mate you overdo it .. not neccessary .. if i was the reporting sort id report it but im not :-D
Hey, don't let your conscience overwhelm you, feel absolutely free to report me. In fact I insist that you report me whenever I'm offensive. I wouldn't want you to have to suffer my horridness if it's that vile, disgusting and unbearable.
durruti02 said:
;) no eply to this?? ;)

if you insist.

durruti02 said:
not 'wrong' but 'sad'??? wtf! .. pure semantics mate .. if it is sad it is wrong and you should oppose it .. have some bottle ..
"If it is sad, it is wrong"?
How do you make that out?
If something is wrong it is either legally or morally transgressive.
If something is sad it's neither of those things. It may be regrettable, and in the case of migrant labour it IS[/I] regrettable that people will lose a method of helping themselves, but given that it as things stand it isn't illegal or seen as particularly morally reprehensible by many people (myself not included) to want to control immigration, then as I said, "wrong" is the wrong word.
on the other hand tbh i think i caught you out and you are digging yourself deeper
You thought wrong then.
try again, and get up earlier next time.
either way it is liberal .. most of capitalism is 'sad' and or 'wrong' .. the point is to develop, to defend, to create opposition. IF we genuinley want to help these people it will not be thinking it all so sad but creating a new movement out of who we have here and now ..
But if things don't make you sad, upset you or piss you off, even if those things aren't legally or morally "wrong", then you're never going to have the impetus to change, to develop, to defend in the first place, are you?

Give me bloody strength. :rolleyes:
ViolentPanda said:
And balders? people like you never learn anything. You know why? because you're already sure you know it all. :)

Thank you doctor that's very very profound...You really do seem to have such great insight.
ViolentPanda said:
It's my glasses.

You should have gone to SpecSavers, balders.

I was on my way there but got caught in between a conundrum and a dilemna.. And being a thick OIK i had no idea about any of it,Doc!
tbaldwin said:
I was on my way there but got caught in between a conundrum and a dilemna.. And being a thick OIK i had no idea about any of it,Doc!

Poor balders, trying to play the class card again. "Thick OIK" indeed! :rolleyes:

Thing is, playing the class card only works when the people you play it on aren't of the same class as you.

Still, if it makes you feel better to think that you're a poor working class victim of the evil middle classes, you go ahead.
ViolentPanda said:
Poor balders, trying to play the class card again. "Thick OIK" indeed! :rolleyes:

Thing is, playing the class card only works when the people you play it on aren't of the same class as you.

Still, if it makes you feel better to think that you're a poor working class victim of the evil middle classes, you go ahead.

I dont know does it?
Are you sure thats OK?
ViolentPanda said:
if you insist.

"If it is sad, it is wrong"?
How do you make that out?
If something is wrong it is either legally or morally transgressive.
If something is sad it's neither of those things. It may be regrettable, and in the case of migrant labour it IS[/I] regrettable that people will lose a method of helping themselves, but given that it as things stand it isn't illegal or seen as particularly morally reprehensible by many people (myself not included) to want to control immigration, then as I said, "wrong" is the wrong word.

You thought wrong then.
try again, and get up earlier next time.

But if things don't make you sad, upset you or piss you off, even if those things aren't legally or morally "wrong", then you're never going to have the impetus to change, to develop, to defend in the first place, are you?

Give me bloody strength. :rolleyes:

no sorry mate don't get it .. if it is sad .. (and i have no problem with that word ) .. it is also wrong .. and should be treated as wrong simple as .. to say something is JUST sad , is to just shrug your shoulders .. and that IS sad .. ;)
durruti02 said:
no sorry mate don't get it .. if it is sad .. (and i have no problem with that word ) .. it is also wrong .. and should be treated as wrong simple as .. to say something is JUST sad , is to just shrug your shoulders .. and that IS sad .. ;)

So by your definition if a 90 yr-old person dies of old age-related causes, then if it is sad that they've died then it's also wrong?

I don't think so. I think anyone who says something as meaning-free as "simple as" about the meaning of those words hasn't thought it through.

IMHO you're doing exactly what you accused me of. You're trying to alter the meaning of words to support your point.
ViolentPanda said:
Poor balders, trying to play the class card again. "Thick OIK" indeed! :rolleyes:

Thing is, playing the class card only works when the people you play it on aren't of the same class as you.

Still, if it makes you feel better to think that you're a poor working class victim of the evil middle classes, you go ahead.

Funny you and nino keep missing the point which is not "Im working class your not ner ner ner"
The point is about the hypocrisy of sections of the middle class left who pretend to love the people they look down their noses at.
tbaldwin said:
Funny you and nino keep missing the point which is not "Im working class your not ner ner ner"
The point is about the hypocrisy of sections of the middle class left who pretend to love the people they look down their noses at.

Funny how you keep missing the point that the premise of your posts tends to be that you're "considerably more working class" than anyone else, that you speak for "most people", and that you present some kind of authoritative "working class line".

Here's a bulletin for you. Your being ignorant doesn't make you working class, balders.

It just makes you ignorant.
In almost 5,000 posts i have never said "Im considerably more working class than anyone else" Its a preety sad arguement of yours....And your man of the people comments are also preety pathetic.
My point has never been about being more working class than you and nino etc it has been about how hypocritical it is to claim your left wing and then to reject what you see as populism..
Neither of you have any coherent arguement against that.
Crikey brilliant another arguement where i crushed the feeble minded liberal racist scumm......oooooohhhh CR youve made my christmas....
In the spirit of the festive season I would like to offer a visual representation of the oft-made joke throughout this thread:


thank you
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