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Caps on economic migrants


Messy Crimbobs, fellow humans.
We constantly being told that caps on economic migration are to the benefit of us working people. Rubbish!!

Whilst businesses are free to move to any country they want, restrictions on the movement of people only strengthens the hold that business has over employees. Limits on economic migration keeps wages low elsewhere and therefore encourages outsourcing which cost us jobs.

Why can't people see this logic?
I don't see why not, though from a personal, esoteric perspective I'd prefer Homberg's or Pork-pie hats.

Couldn't really expect the tax payer to cough up for those though.
ItWillNeverWork said:
We constantly being told that caps on economic migration are to the benefit of us working people. Rubbish!!

Whilst businesses are free to move to any country they want, restrictions on the movement of people only strengthens the hold that business has over employees. Limits on economic migration keeps wages low elsewhere and therefore encourages outsourcing which cost us jobs.

Why can't people see this logic?

Businesses are not free to move to any country they want. Please get your facts right, ta.
ItWillNeverWork said:
We constantly being told that caps on economic migration are to the benefit of us working people. Rubbish!!

Whilst businesses are free to move to any country they want, restrictions on the movement of people only strengthens the hold that business has over employees. Limits on economic migration keeps wages low elsewhere and therefore encourages outsourcing which cost us jobs.

Why can't people see this logic?

logic? Or just a pile of shite....

Economic migration has very different effects for people who use Immigrants and people who compete with them for Jobs and Housing.
It also has a devestating effect on poorer nations who are losing their most skilled workers to richer countries.
tbaldwin said:
Economic migration has very different effects for people who use Immigrants and people who compete with them for Jobs and Housing.
It also has a devestating effect on poorer nations who are losing their most skilled workers to richer countries.

Yes, economic migration does not benefit working class people. Look at Ireland a country where the labour movment has never had a decent foothold at least partly because the most militant workers fucked off to England.
Economic migration has very different effects for people who use Immigrants and people who compete with them for Jobs and Housing.

True, but this is short term thinking. The long term effect of a restricted movement of people is the blackmailing of us employees with the threat of outsourcing. We already compete with overseas workers, isn't it time to make business have to compete with us as a global workforce?

It also has a devestating effect on poorer nations who are losing their most skilled workers to richer countries.

I agree that this is a problem. However, once again it is still only a short term problem. People invariabley prefer to live in their country of origin near their family and familiar surroundings.

By allowing migration you open up market forces that will start to close the wage gap accross countries. Before too long, people will move back, taking with them experience and wealth.

Yes, economic migration does not benefit working class people.

And the people migrating are not working class? Or are we only bothered about us in the UK?
ItWillNeverWork said:
And the people migrating are not working class? Or are we only bothered about us in the UK?

Do you think it is good for millions of people to be forced to abandon their homes and families to go and work in a thankless task for a shit wage for years at a time? How does it benefit them?
ItWillNeverWork said:
True, but this is short term thinking. The long term effect of a restricted movement of people is the blackmailing of us employees with the threat of outsourcing. We already compete with overseas workers, isn't it time to make business have to compete with us as a global workforce?

I agree that this is a problem. However, once again it is still only a short term problem. People invariabley prefer to live in their country of origin near their family and familiar surroundings.

By allowing migration you open up market forces that will start to close the wage gap accross countries. Before too long, people will move back, taking with them experience and wealth.

Your views seem to be that trickle down economics can be a good thing...Margaret Thatcher etc etc believed the same thing...Or at least said they did.......

But the long term effects of taking skilled workers from poorer countries is catastrophic.
Look at a country like India which has lost so many skilled workers...Look at how many people are piss poor in that country...
How long will it take for those people to benefit from trickle down economics?????????
tbaldwin said:
Your views seem to be that trickle down economics can be a good thing...Margaret Thatcher etc etc believed the same thing...Or at least said they did.......

But the long term effects of taking skilled workers from poorer countries is catastrophic.
Look at a country like India which has lost so many skilled workers...Look at how many people are piss poor in that country...
How long will it take for those people to benefit from trickle down economics?????????

Odd idea of "trickle-down" you've got if you think itwillneverwork's point has anything to do with it.
SuburbanCasual said:
Do you think it is good for millions of people to be forced to abandon their homes and families to go and work in a thankless task for a shit wage for years at a time? How does it benefit them?

Because a shit wage is better than no wage to some peoples' thinking?

If we look at "the big picture" we see so-called "mass immigration" and that can be a scary thing (my own great-grandparents were at the receiving end of an immigration scare in late Victorian Britain), but that tends to obscure the fact that you don't have whole communities deciding to migrate, what you have is loads of skint and desperate individuals trying to make life better for themselves. I can't fault people for not wanting to live and/or die in shit conditions, in some cases for things as sad and pathetic as not being able to afford basic healthcare in their home country.
ViolentPanda said:
I can't fault people for not wanting to live and/or die in shit conditions, in some cases for things as sad and pathetic as not being able to afford basic healthcare in their home country.

No..And i cant fault people who want to stop the flow of Nurses,Doctors,Teachers and Engineers from those countries.

What kind of healthcare would you expect with so few doctors and nurses left?
I think caps on economic migrants is a fairly good idea really.

The caps could also be colour coded. e.g. migrants from Poland wear red caps and migrants from Iceland wear blue caps.
ViolentPanda said:
Odd idea of "trickle-down" you've got if you think itwillneverwork's point has anything to do with it.

"Opening up market forces,leading to closing the gap" !
You dont think that has anything to do with trickle down economics????????
tbaldwin said:
"Opening up market forces,leading to closing the gap" !
You dont think that has anything to do with trickle down economics????????

The sentence you've quoted has everything to do with classic economics a la Adam Smith's "The Wealth of Nations" (notice how itwillneverwork mentioned "market forces"?) , and bugger all to do with trickle down, which (to simplify horribly) is about making the rich richer on the spurious premise that if the people on the top of the economic pyramid have more, then they'll spend more and the wealth will "trickle down".
Yes I think they should all wear caps. Nice blue ones with some sort of 'economic migrant' logo.

Yeah, but what sort of caps?

Forage caps?

Baseball caps?

Flat caps?

Dutch caps?

I think we should be told!
ViolentPanda said:
The sentence you've quoted has everything to do with classic economics a la Adam Smith's "The Wealth of Nations" (notice how itwillneverwork mentioned "market forces"?) , and bugger all to do with trickle down, which (to simplify horribly) is about making the rich richer on the spurious premise that if the people on the top of the economic pyramid have more, then they'll spend more and the wealth will "trickle down".

Free market policies on migration are all about making the rich richer. Its they who benefit most from a free for all.
ViolentPanda said:
Yeah, but what sort of caps?

Forage caps?

Baseball caps?

Flat caps?

Dutch caps?

I think we should be told!

it doesn't matter but they need to be colour coded against the country of origin.
User 301X/5.1 said:
it doesn't matter but they need to be colour coded against the country of origin.

Red for Russians, white for Poles, Prussian blue for Bulgarians, that sort of thing?
SuburbanCasual said:
Yes, economic migration does not benefit working class people. Look at Ireland a country where the labour movment has never had a decent foothold at least partly because the most militant workers fucked off to England.

Thats one of the reasons that the right and their allies on the Liberal/Left are so keen on it.They see the benefits of migration to themselves and dont really give a shit about the consequences for those less fortunate whether they live in Basildon or Bombay.
Yossarian said:

:eek: But if tbaldwin, man of the people and the person who knows what "most people" think, says it's so, surely it is? :eek:

You're not telling us poor uneducated mortals that the "Great Authoritarian Socialist" has been fibbing to us, are you? :(
tbaldwin said:
Look at a country like India which has lost so many skilled workers...Look at how many people are piss poor in that country...
How long will it take for those people to benefit from trickle down economics?????????

Apparently, India is one of the worlds fastest growing economies currently as well.

Trickle down economics is and alway's has been an ideological sham to bolster greed and inequality.

blue baseball caps for economic migrants
red baseball caps for retirement migrants
green baseball caps for refugees
orange baseball caps for missionaries
purple baseball caps for foreign students
and yellow Cowboy hats for illegal immigrants (so they stand out)
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