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Can anyone recommend some cool, unusual high quality bars/restaurants/cafes in Bristol?

Also yeah, that is shit if there are no longer gigs at the Crofters Rights. What do they use that back room for then? Last time I saw a band there, I got tinnitus. My fault, metal band, - no earplugs.
The Cornubia was always good. Behind my work, now covered in all sorts of army flags.
Long Bar was where the EDL took a pasting wasn't it?
Not getting at you btw big eejit! I've had this argument many times with friends on twitter, which you've probably caught bits of :D

I think you and I can be united in our dislike of Brewdog - the only pub in Bristol that has actually tried to dissuade me from ordering cider in favour of something else.

Brewdog is a cunt's bar. Run by cunts for cunts.

Crofters seems fine to me. The decor says hipster but the staff are friendly and the clientele not really of that ilk. They're still mostly over the road in the 'trying-far-too-hard, look-at-me-mummy-I'm-on-Stokes-Croft' Canteen.
Had some great nights in there when it was The Brewhouse. Funnily enough I was thinking about it earlier, can anyone remember what it was before that? It wasn't a pub, was it?

Edit - ah, already answered, didn't see those. Mozarts rings a bell but I don't think I ever went in there.

We used to go to a great restaurant in the 80s where the Runcible Spoon is now. Can't remember the name, Bakers maybe??
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I like the apple in the centre. It's good cider and it's on a boat. Duke of York in St Werburghs purely because it does my favourite cider and it's quite a decent pub, lots of hipsters though of course.
I'm generally pretty rubbish at recommending bars though.
What cider?

Apples and Pears. I have an immensely sweet tooth that's why I love it. That and bee sting. Tbf it's probably no longer my favourite as I do love a Thatchers and Stowford but Apples and Pears is great on a sunny afternoon/early summer evening. Not many pubs do it. It's definitely not one to go on the piss on though as it gets a bit sickly after two or three.
Walked into the Naval Volunteer the other day. Couldn't understand their fucking price list so walked out again.

It's ridiculous isn't it? Not keen on those silly grid beer lists with no pumps on the bar.
Persisted & ended up with a 'sour' beer that I was quite enjoying till I realised it tasted just like someone had poured grapefruit juice into my lager.
If you'd stayed you could have wandered into the gents & muttered 'oh for fuck's sake' at the urinals, which are sawn-off metal beer barrels. :facepalm::D
Apples and Pears. I have an immensely sweet tooth that's why I love it. That and bee sting. Tbf it's probably no longer my favourite as I do love a Thatchers and Stowford but Apples and Pears is great on a sunny afternoon/early summer evening. Not many pubs do it. It's definitely not one to go on the piss on though as it gets a bit sickly after two or three.

DOY always used to, and I think still does, a few rough ciders. Can't remember who actually makes them but they're labelled such as 'Rumpy Pumpy' and 'Up Yer Ass'.

That's scrumpy for you.

I like Addlestones, not many places seem to have it though. Stowford Press is a good second choice.

I like scrumpy but it tends to be very strong.
It's ridiculous isn't it? Not keen on those silly grid beer lists with no pumps on the bar.
Persisted & ended up with a 'sour' beer that I was quite enjoying till I realised it tasted just like someone had poured grapefruit juice into my lager.
If you'd stayed you could have wandered into the gents & muttered 'oh for fuck's sake' at the urinals, which are sawn-off metal beer barrels. :facepalm::D
Christ, really?
I used to like the Volley :(
I like Addlestones, not many places seem to have it though. Stowford Press is a good second choice.

I like scrumpy but it tends to be very strong.

Not tried Addlestones, is it sweet or medium? I like most medium sweet ciders it's the dry strong stuff I can't do. Give Apples and Pears a go if you see it. It actually tastes a bit like pear drops but in a non alcho pop way. Probably not selling it very well am I? :D
Not tried Addlestones, is it sweet or medium? I like most medium sweet ciders it's the dry strong stuff I can't do. Give Apples and Pears a go if you see it. It actually tastes a bit like pear drops but in a non alcho pop way. Probably not selling it very well am I? :D

That sounds interesting! I'm guessing it's a mixture of cider and perry?

Addlestones is neither sweet nor medium, it's kind of dry and cloudy.
What's with the Ark Bar now. Has flag saying Palistinion Embasy.

I might have to try one in the Volley next week. I hope it's not as wanky as it sounds.
That's what it is now. And an alcohol free zone. I did a talk there a few months back and wasn't forewarned about this state of affairs.
That's what it is now. And an alcohol free zone. I did a talk there a few months back and wasn't forewarned about this state of affairs.

Not good, the second bit. I'd have gone in last night had it been open. That would have been most disappointing.

I guess getting the license back was too much hastle. Not that I'm against alcohol free places, except when I want a drink.
That sounds interesting! I'm guessing it's a mixture of cider and perry?

Addlestones is neither sweet nor medium, it's kind of dry and cloudy.

You'd think it would be but I don't think it is.

Don't think I'd get on with Addlestones by the sounds of it!
Hi, I moved back to Bristol after 6 years away and am keen to try cool new places. Naturally when I used to live here I had my favourite haunts but now I'm looking for interesting independent places (no chains) for the day and/or evening so show off how diverse and unique Bristol is to my boyfriend. Any recommendations on individual places or on how I might be able to find little hidden gems would be much appreciated. Thankkksssssssss.
Stay out of pubs they are full of the stupid and the opionated. get an allotment
Any updates for this thread? I'm around in bristol quite a lot at the moment. When did so many places become so fancy and glitzy and posh bar-y? :hmm: Not found myself a decent local yet although Cat and Wheel just down the road. I also rate the Bell, the Apple, Thali Café and had some good food at the Palestinian museum for the film festival recently, vegetarian but tasty. Also checked out the Cube cinema for the first time... small but quite fun. Miss Ark bar though that place was great!

There's so much music things on I cant even keep track tbh and just been to bugger all. DJ Producer and Duvet Vous in Easton both on this weekend and loads of good nights been on at Lakota and Black Swan recently too. Crofters Rights always seems busy and got music on but looks a bit too hip to just rock up at by yerself.

Oh went for lunch at Adelina's Yard which is fancy pantsy but really amazing food and nice staff. Lunch deal isn't bad value actually for special occasion.
I'm not a huge fan of the crofters, but I definitely think you'll be fine turning up on your own for a night. I went to Collective on a Thursday on my own and it was great. If you like Drum and Bass it's worth a visit.
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