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Bristol drinks. Early 2024.

Any of these dates? Venue TBA but central ish.

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I’ve got a stinking cold / sore throat that I wouldn’t wish on anyone let alone randoms off the Internet so we’re bailing I’m afraid

Hope you all have a great time
I have arrived, table on the left as you come in the door but a) it's reserved for a band at 8pm and b) there appears to be a rugby occurring in the not too distant future!
I'm sorry, I've been ill this week and ended up working from home and resting today, so my plan to come straight from work didn't pan out. I'm trying to work out if I have the energy to come out.

E2a: No, sorry, my body isn't up to it. I feel bad as one of the initiators of the gathering but a virus has been dogging me all week. I kept thinking I would throw it off and it has just continued.
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