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Brunei - Limb-Severing, Flogging, and Stoning to Death

Once again: why the difference between the Uganda anti gay law thread, and this one? Here, the emphasis by posters is on the existence of the thread. There, it was people deploring what is obviously a deplorable state of affairs.
Once again: why the difference between the Uganda anti gay law thread, and this one? Here, the emphasis by posters is on the existence of the thread. There, it was people deploring what is obviously a deplorable state of affairs.
Don't be a fucking twat. YOU on POST 2 on this thread started the emphasis on the existence of the thread.

Really, stop being such a dick.
Hypocrites, sharia lovers, cowards - as you've amply demonstrated by repeated sulky assertion. For which, thanks.
With a two minute gap. Almost like it had been planned and both post and reaction written out before. And ignoring that a thread about world affairs with this sulking cunt starting it is a surefire way of making sure no one looks at it, replies to it with anything substantive or does anything but laugh at your pathetic sulk.
In fairness, the people who spoke out against the hate laws in Uganda on the other thread aren't the same people who are having a go on this thread.
Because a religion having penalties for not attending prayers, while not to my personal liking, at least is somewhat understandable. So is punishment for murder.

Discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, gender or ethnicity/race, isn't defensible, imo.

So you're generally happy with the principle that an all-powerful hereditary ruler can impose a system of law based on centuries old religion (even on those of his subjects who practice a different or even no religion), including crimes that most of the post Enlightenment world wouldn't even recognise as crimes, with punishments including severing of limbs and flogging for property crimes, death by stoning for crimes including adultery and gay sex, and death sentences for rape, adultery, sodomy, extramarital sexual relations, insulting verses of the Koran and murder, you just think it should be done on a non-discriminatory basis?

You unbelievable fucking idiot :eek: :rolleyes: :mad:

Apologies to anyone (other than Johnny) who finds my use of the word idiot in this context offensive, BTW. It's not a word I use often, but on this occasion it really is the only one which will do.
Perhaps the posters attacking this thread can explain the difference between treatment of threads about anti gay laws in Russia, Uganda.... and Brunei?

The reaction to the hate laws in the first two countries in the threads here were as one would expect.
Having a sulking bastard starting a thread because they're sulking, having a poster who is know for being duplicitous that sort of thing - might have got more interest.

What is the best way to treat a sulking child/old man/man-child - give them attention?
Perhaps the posters attacking this thread can explain the difference between treatment of threads about anti gay laws in Russia, Uganda.... and Brunei?

The reaction to the hate laws in the first two countries in the threads here were as one would expect.
That's easy. This thread was started by you in a transparent attempt to make some stupid point.
Perhaps the posters attacking this thread can explain the difference between treatment of threads about anti gay laws in Russia, Uganda.... and Brunei?

The reaction to the hate laws in the first two countries in the threads here were as one would expect.
Hypocrites, sharia lovers, cowards. Simple.

Now, onto the next thread where you do this all over again. And again.
That's easy. This thread was started by you in a transparent attempt to make some stupid point.

Perhaps in your paranoid mind: not mine.

The later posts got made not because of an agenda; but because of the large amount of time that passed with zero comment from anyone else. That led me to wondering just why that was?
Perhaps in your paranoid mind: not mine.

The later posts got made not because of an agenda; but because of the large amount of time that passed with zero comment from anyone else. That led me to wondering just why that was?
Because you started it and people are aware of your sulking fucking agenda.
No need to apologize. For certain people, when logic/reason/argument dry up, they turn to calumny and naughty words. :(

Your logic/reason/argument, if you ever had any of things, is right up your arse on this one Johnny.

I don't mind institutionalised state torture and execution for imaginary crimes, as long as it's not discriminatory.

You fucking idiot
To get back to the topic at hand: come next year, homosexual people having sexual relations in Brunei will be committing a crime that could result in their being punished via stoning to death.
At least you're being honest about your motivation. This isn't a discussion forum to you; it's an arena for you to exercise your personal grudges and peeves.
This, i'm sorry, is what this thread was about - your own sulky agenda. Trampling over the issue in the meantime. You've done many things that you should be embarrassed about on here over the last decade. This thread is right up there.
Dotcommunist and I, at the same time, both directed you to your own post - the second post on this thread, before anybody else had posted anything. I would advise you to go back and reread it. Neither dc nor I have a grudge against you, jc3.
Dotcommunist and I, at the same time, both directed you to your own post - the second post on this thread, before anybody else had posted anything. I would advise you to go back and reread it. Neither dc nor I have a grudge against you, jc3.

The second post made by me, was made after twelve hours of silence about this issue by any other poster.
Perhaps in your paranoid mind: not mine.

The later posts got made not because of an agenda; but because of the large amount of time that passed with zero comment from anyone else. That led me to wondering just why that was?

edit, my eyes are failing
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