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10 days set up, 3 days festival, 7 days take down, apparently.

And same 20 days for Field Day.
Interesting backstory to Lovebox:

They had their contact cancelled 18 months early after clashing with Tower Hamlets Council over "excessive late night noise affecting families living close to the park"
and crime. "Figures showed a 155 per cent rise in crime in the area whenever Lovebox events were staged"

“Summers have become a misery for families. The huge increase in crime when these events are held shows the impact on people’s lives.” Labour Cllr Joshua Peck.

Also it links to another article about the new festival taken over at Vic park. They're offering a lot more to the local community...

"free community events using the festival facilities such as the stage, lights, toilets, bars and the huge screen to use as an open air cinema"

"The four community weekdays include school programmes, local bands, choirs and youth groups, as well as ping pong, lawn golf and giant jenga. The council wants to train mentors for schools and colleges, while a craft beer event for small breweries is also planned."

No love lost as Lovebox festival quits Victoria Park for south London after ‘13 electric years’
That article says it was a £2million deal for 5 years. If this is correct there seems to be a be zero missing off the amount they are paying Lambeth per year
it is all very confusing how much Lambeth are being paid. I don't know but I get the impression that much of their charges are being disguised as other types of levy so as to get around restrictions on how income from the park can be spent.
I wonder why Lambeth has suddenly decided to reveal this:

The Lambeth Country Show remained free in 2017 for all to enjoy. The cost of producing a show of this scale is increasing each year for various reasons such as health & safety, security, crowd management and medical. We have published a full budget to demonstrate how public money is spent on the show.

Total expenditure in 2017 was £690,909.71. Organisers secured income from concession sales and small sponsorship packages to the value of £322,629.16. Additional income was obtained in the form of cash donations during the event with a total of £10,000.09 collected. This income is offset against the total expenditure and Council budget is assigned each year to pay for the shortfall. The total cost to the Council in 2017 was £358,280.46. With an attendance of 150,000 people, this amounts to a cost of £2.39 per person.

A copy of the final budget is available to view online: LCS 2017 Final Budget. Please note this is a summarised budget due to commercial sensitivities.

Lambeth Country Show
Presumably they are thinking about charging? If they get Field day & Lovebox perhaps these will subsidise other events, or perhaps they just have to pay for the new town hall.
Yeah, maybe it's part of the 'softening up' approach so if these festivals get turned down they can blame the locals for then having to charge for the Country Show.
10 days set up, 3 days festival, 7 days take down, apparently.

And same 20 days for Field Day.
From the facebook page:

1. Gated Closure of the site
Both events, as they are currently proposed, require the event area to be fenced off prohibiting through access for the public for a period of time covering the set up, the event days and the set down period. This is a crucial piece of information as the erection of barriers walling off the park is the most exclusionary part of the whole set-down/set-up process of any event in the park. Under current plans the total fenced off time of the period the companies will be in the park is
Lovebox 6 days fenced off
Field day 10 days fenced off

This is subject to further change given revisions in the event footprint or their construction method.
So only 16 days in total.
From the facebook page:

So only 16 days in total.
I saw that this morning. Those aren't the set up times - they are the times that some one is now saying the sites will be 100% fenced in. Not clear where this info has come from though. It's not what was said at the meeting with Field Day (the guy responsible for building the site). But it has become clear to them that it is a major issue.

Of course, it will still be a huge construction site for that whole period whether it is 100% fenced or not.
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Looking at that map, the parkrun won’t be able to go ahead as the path from the Lido to Water Lane seems to be taken over.

Fuck that.
And the path from the lido to the tennis courts. And the space everyone meets for the start. And where everyone finishes.
The park is right on the border of Southwark too so you'd expect lots of locals might come from there.
Yeah, a 50:50 split for something on the county border makes massive sense. Someone living on 1 Half Moon Lane will be a Southwark resident but able to walk to the show in a minute.
Quote from Tower Hamlets labour councillor Joshua Peck whose ward borders Victoria Park and hosted Lovebox for more than ten years:

Whilst I totally understand the financial predicaments of councils who have had their budgets slashed by Central Government, I’m afraid I can’t in good conscience recommend Lovebox to residents of South London or their Council.
Posted this on December chat.

The use of Brockwell park for events came up at last Brixton Neighborhood Forum on December 14th.

The Lead member for Community Relations and Neighborhood Lead for Brixton Cllr Donatus was present. Now Cllr Rachel is a non person for the Labour group Donatus has taken over what she did. Cllr Donatus is a 120% loyalist to the Labour leadership. Nice bloke but so nice I forget to ask him questions. He is a clever operater on that score.

Donatus take on Lovebox/ Field day is that the Council had given them a good talking to about selling tickets before official permission had been given for events. That the Council , at date of meeting , had not given permission for events. ( Officially) That the Council really wanted to consult stakeholders first.

I wondered after meeting how these two business had got impression permission was a foregone conclusion. The Council line of " nothing has been decided yet" is the one I've heard in LJ over the adventure playground. In narrow terms correct but one knows but cannot prove that decision in practice has been made.

What I heard at the Forum was serious backpedaling from Council. If some residents had not kicked up a fuss this would have all gone through quietly with no queries from Labour Cllrs.

Even at the meeting Cllr Donatus was carefull not to agree or oppose this extra use of Brockwell park.

Imo as Rushy says the Labour party have such big majority that they think they can do what they like. I would have thought that a big majority would mean that Cllrs could have freedom to question what officers do more. The opposite is the case.

There was a long discussion on this. Much repeating what's already been reported on Urban and Brixton Buzz.

One comment was that a Labour Council should look at who is benefitting from these events. Large areas of park are closed off to locals who cannot afford these events. They are priced out. Council should take this aboard.

Another comment was that the Events dept of Council don't talk to Parks dept. That the Council had told Events officerd to maximise income from Council owned parks. I think the point being made us that it's Labour Cllrs who caused this issue. It's not the fault of officers.

What I see at a meeting like this is Cllrs acting as though they are independent arbitrators above these conflicts. Not taking sides. It's not what they should be doing imo.


One of Brockwell Park’s most iconic trees is set to be cut down
Posted this on December chat.
The use of Brockwell park for events came up at last Brixton Neighborhood Forum on December 14th.
The Lead member for Community Relations and Neighborhood Lead for Brixton Cllr Donatus was present. Now Cllr Rachel is a non person for the Labour group Donatus has taken over what she did. Cllr Donatus is a 120% loyalist to the Labour leadership. Nice bloke but so nice I forget to ask him questions. He is a clever operater on that score.
Donatus take on Lovebox/ Field day is that the Council had given them a good talking to about selling tickets before official permission had been given for events. That the Council , at date of meeting , had not given permission for events. ( Officially) That the Council really wanted to consult stakeholders first.
I wondered after meeting how these two business had got impression permission was a foregone conclusion. The Council line of " nothing has been decided yet" is the one I've heard in LJ over the adventure playground. In narrow terms correct but one knows but cannot prove that decision in practice has been made.
What I heard at the Forum was serious backpedaling from Council. If some residents had not kicked up a fuss this would have all gone through quietly with no queries from Labour Cllrs.
Even at the meeting Cllr Donatus was carefull not to agree or oppose this extra use of Brockwell park.
Imo as Rushy says the Labour party have such big majority that they think they can do what they like. I would have thought that a big majority would mean that Cllrs could have freedom to question what officers do more. The opposite is the case.
There was a long discussion on this. Much repeating what's already been reported on Urban and Brixton Buzz.
One comment was that a Labour Council should look at who is benefitting from these events. Large areas of park are closed off to locals who cannot afford these events. They are priced out. Council should take this aboard.
Another comment was that the Events dept of Council don't talk to Parks dept. That the Council had told Events officerd to maximise income from Council owned parks. I think the point being made us that it's Labour Cllrs who caused this issue. It's not the fault of officers.
What I see at a meeting like this is Cllrs acting as though they are independent arbitrators above these conflicts. Not taking sides. It's not what they should be doing imo.

I have a feeling of déjà vu. Same situation as the closing down of the libraries and changing them into gyms. Done deal before consultation is finished and a lot of hot air to explain the situation.
Lovebox Victoria Park 2012

A wet week and the grass will disappear and won't grow back for Lambeth Country show 2 weeks later. In these circumstances expect a late cancellation of our much loved community get together ...
I've attached a leaflet from organisers MAMA Festivals hand delivered this morning (I live corner Effra Parade/Dulwich Rd).
No maps of event footprint and no dates/timings of set up/breakdown.
Be aware that Lovebox/Citadel is not just over a weekend but 3 days - Friday/Saturday for Lovebox, Sunday for Citadel.

I suggest everyone opposed prints out and returns to sender ...


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The following is an email from Labour councillor Joshua Peck responsible for one of the wards adjoining Victoria Park from whence Lovebox were thrown out by the new mayor of Tower Hamlets:

Whilst I totally understand the financial predicaments of councils who have had their budgets slashed by Central Government, I’m afraid I can’t in good conscience recommend Lovebox to residents of South London or their Council.

IN my view, a festival of this size is simply too big to be held in a residential area without causing some substantial impacts to local people. Even if the operator were fully on top of these impacts – which Lovebox never were – I don’t think they could have been fully reduced to an acceptable level. My experience of Lovebox was that, despite good intentions and some good people:

- Consultation with local people was cursory and did not always feed through to real changes in operation

- Measures agreed in any one year (like stewards in particular locations) would not make it through to subsequent years, so residents and councillors had to spend an inordinate amount of time going over the same ground with Lovebox

- The stewarding was of a very variable quality outside of the site, with a very limited number of fully accredited stewards and most of the ‘crowd control’ done by poorly trained, inexperienced young people who did a poor job – for example, I saw four stewards playing football with festival goers one evening as people sat in front gardens right next to them – precisely what they were there to stop

- Noise impacts were variable – generally much better after a lot of work by the Council in early years, but could be bad if the weather conditions were wrong

- A HUGE volume of rubbish along the ingress and egress routes that required constant clearing by the Council

- ASB that ranged from bottles being thrown into gardens, people knocking on doors to use the toilet, people having sex and taking drugs round the back of blocks of flats etc

- Pretty consistent damage to the grass in the park which didn’t really reseed until the Spring, just before Lovebox was due back

Sorry that’s not more encouraging but I’m afraid I came to the view that we were better off without, despite having started off as a patron of Lovebox originally.

The Lovebox contract to hire Victoria Park was renewed four years ago by then mayor Luftur Rahman despite huge local objections. Mr Rahman has since been found guilty of corruption. He was replaced by Cllr Tim Briggs who, in the run up to his election as mayor, vowed to end the Lovebox contract early because of the misery they were causing residents, including an alleged huge spike in crime during the events. Once elected, he did exactly as promised.

Unfortunately for us, Lambeth Events saw this as an opportunity to pick up Tower Hamlets' sloppy seconds. With a reputation like that it is no wonder that they tried to slip the consultation through unnoticed. If only our own councillors were as interested in representing the people who elected them.
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