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Brockwell Park news, festival updates and more...

From FB:

Bicycle Thieves are operating in Brockwell Park, I just witnessed 2 racing bikes padlocked outside the Lido entrance un-padlocked and stolen in 3-4 seconds, I tried to photograph the incident but missed them. Two 30-ish thin black guys one quite tall. I would suggest that if you take your bikes to the park don't leave them outside the Lido when there is no-one on the desk and no security guys around. Also the speed with which these thieves freed the bikes suggested professionalism and/or feeble padlocks so please make sure your security is up to scratch
Some pics

Brockwell Park, trees and shadows - photo feature, April 2020

Brockwell Park, trees and shadows - photo feature, April 2020

Brockwell Park, trees and shadows - photo feature, April 2020

Brockwell Park, trees and shadows - photo feature, April 2020

Brockwell Park, trees and shadows - photo feature, April 2020

Photos from Brockwell Park Brockwell Park, trees and shadows – photo feature, April 2020
I have just been out to the park this afternoon for my daily permitted exercise. It was absolutely lovely. Very few people there due to the rain we have had today, and every corner turned brought a different smell. The smell of wet grass, different trees and plants. It has all obviously been in need of rain for some time now.
Hello all. The ground outside the entrance to the park at Tulse Hill has been marked and lined, which makes me think they are going to change the layout. Anyone know anything about this pleaee?
Oh yeah must be. For a horrible moment I thought the council were going to redesign the entrance, like they did at the Herne Hill end and we woukd loose more of the park!
Council update:

Brockwell Park Latest – June 2020
Brockwell Park continues to be busier than ever as the government’s new regulations permit socialising in parks and the park continues to be enjoyed by the whole community. The vast majority of park users continue to use the park safely and considerately, keeping to social distancing guidelines and helping reduce the spread of Covid-19.

Increased park use is causing a lot of litter to build up in the park and whilst we are providing more bins, in line with the general policy when the weather improves we would strongly recommend tat people take their litter with them where possible. Park officials have met with local fast food teams about providing messages on the wrappers and containers to reinforce this message and we hope to get some more signage up to support this.

Toilets by the hall and then later by the BMX track are set to reopen soon. Lambeth parks staff are working out the safest way to do this in order to minimise the risk of transmitting Covid-19. This will include examining a rigorous cleaning schedule and having guidance by the toilets on appropriate use. This is an important step as with so many private facilities remaining closed and so much socialising taking place in parks there is an increased demand for the facilities.

There have been a lot of concerns raised about the possible use of BBQs in the park. All BBQs and fires are strictly prohibited. Public Protection teams from Lambeth are monitoring the park and the police do monitor park use and can and will fine people for such behaviour. If you see any unlawful BBQs please report them here as this enables the authorities to target enforcement onto problem hotspots (no pun intended!)

The Lambeth Country Show and the Mighty Hoopla/Across the Tracks festival, along with other commercial events, are cancelled this year. This will mean a drop in revenue to the park. The impact of this on the parks investment programme going forward will need to be assessed and more details will be released about the implications of that in due course. However, I am very pleased to announce that there will be no change to all of the standard operations and maintenance in the park for the rest year. We will try and make things carry on as normal in spite of the ongoing Covid-19 crisis.

Finally work on plans for the refurbishment of Brockwell Hall are still going on. Current designs preserve current attractions such as the cafe in place. Work is underway about how further rounds of public engagement can be undertaken with exhibition of the plan and consultations done remotely.

I was supposed to be DJing at the festival there yesterday 😭

Anyway, I took a walk around and it was wonderfully empty. It's the most I've enjoyed a walk there for ages.

After the rain: a deserted Brockwell Park after a thunderstorm

After the rain: a deserted Brockwell Park after a thunderstorm

After the rain: a deserted Brockwell Park after a thunderstorm

After the rain: a deserted Brockwell Park after a thunderstorm

Here's some interesting stuff on the proposed works to be done on Brockwell Hall, circulated by Friends of Brockwell Park.


  • June MAC UPdate.pdf
    844.9 KB · Views: 16
  • Brockwell Hall_HF_Existing and Proposed Use Document.pdf
    6.6 MB · Views: 9
I was supposed to be DJing at the festival there yesterday 😭

Anyway, I took a walk around and it was wonderfully empty. It's the most I've enjoyed a walk there for ages.

After the rain: a deserted Brockwell Park after a thunderstorm

After the rain: a deserted Brockwell Park after a thunderstorm

After the rain: a deserted Brockwell Park after a thunderstorm

After the rain: a deserted Brockwell Park after a thunderstorm

Not to sound selfish, it's utterly wonderful when there's not a lot of people there.
Thanks for the pics.
Not to sound selfish, it's utterly wonderful when there's not a lot of people there.
Thanks for the pics.
It was the same yesterday. I'm not a fan of the park when it's rammed full of people and there's a puffing flotilla of joggers sweating by every 20 seconds, so it's lovely to enjoy some space and quiet.

Thanks for posting the update, though the possibility of moving the cafe out of the main building is no longer on the table.

I took part in the consultations in February and March and was quite heartened by how closely the design team was listening to input. I was one of several people who felt that putting the cafe within the walled stable yard was the wrong solution. The site demands maximum use be made of the grandest spaces and the excellent views.

The latest proposal keeps the cafe dining room in the main building, but moves it to the Picture Room, on the opposite side of the entrance hall. This allows the kitchen and toilets to be in the service wing, thereby freeing up all of the principal rooms on the ground floor in a way consistent with the original logic and architecture of the building.

I'll be interested to see how this is detailed in the planning application.
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