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Brixton's Club 414 - closure, news, discussion

The club people have done well - if it rests there.
Love the description of the music on offer: “... wholly or predominantly characterised by the emission of a succession of repetitive beats”
That's the old Criminal Justice Act descriptor!
Nice to see Lambeth having their collective nose rubbed in it again by a court, interesting that they didn't actually try & argue it in front of a judge. Obviously they had been strongly advised that they would not win it. Also nice to see them have to pay costs.
I've had another letter through saying Market Row have another decision date for their planning application. Since last year has anything change in policy and legal ways to help them fight on?

Sadiq's night Tsar/Czar (which is it?) ? to the rescue

It looks like the planning department are using the same submission as last year.
The guidance on the Brixton Buzz article is excellent. This is exactly what is needed in order to fight stuff via the planning process.

It's what the arches campaign needed. Not poetry and glitter bombs.

Important now is that people actually do lodge objections using that advice.
I am posting this as we are not sure of the expiry date for objections/representations for the 'Change of Use' for Club 414.
Letters were sent out first by Lambeth, dated the 22nd August 2016 giving 21 days for comments etc., with the last date being 12th September.

The site notice, was put in place on the post of the zebra crossing on Friday 2nd September with a date of the 23rd September as the closing date. Although it was removed some 4 days later by whom nobody knows. However a request for another notice was granted, that is now in the window of 414.

The advertisement in the 'Lambeth Weekender' states three weeks written representation (21 days) from the publication date of the 9th September which will mean that the closing date should now be the 30th September? The Planning Database gives the expiry date as the 23rd September, the same as the site notice.

We find this whole situation confusing.
May we suggest that should anybody wishing to make a comment on the planning application, should do so within the next 24 hours.
Hopefully Lambeth will confirm shortly the correct date we should abide by.
I imagine they'll just be regrouping before their next assault, all of which gives valuable time for the club to garner more support.
I was talking to Louise recently, She was overwhelmed by the support she has received and mentioned that some of the legal advice and help they are getting is from former patrons who are now lawyers.:)
I've heard that Be At One (possibly the worst named chain in London) are negotiating to purchase the 414 site.

Planning application is in for change of use to a bar. From the application it would appear that the purchase is subject to planning permission.

Lots of quotable sound bites in the cover letter for folk to get their teeth into.
That would be a massive shame. I haven't been to the 414 in years and years, but I've friends who make it the centre of their annual visit from Holland, they rave about how friendly and accepting everyone there is. would be a real pity if it closed to make way for the expanding cocktail empire.
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