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Brixton's Club 414 - closure, news, discussion

Why would you say that?
I was referring to the way the supporter quoted on the planning application says Coldharbour Lane is dangerous, urinated in and plagued by drug dealers (talking from memory).

I think its actually pretty safe at the moment and the urination issue applies to most of Brixton. I am probably very naive when it comes to spotting drug dealers, but it seems to me they are much less conspicuous now than in the 1990s say.

That is all I was saying about that comment.

As regards the planning application itself it is clear we are saturated with restaurants - as I said - at both planning meetings - in responding to the Rosa's Thai cafe application at 400 - 402 Coldharbour Lane.
I was referring to the way the supporter quoted on the planning application says Coldharbour Lane is dangerous, urinated in and plagued by drug dealers (talking from memory).
Ah right. Well, I'd say the urination levels are certainly higher than a decade ago although the street isn't as dangerous as it has been. There's still plenty of dealers about, although they seem to have changed their offerings to suit the area's new night time clientèle.
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Ah right. Well, I'd say the urination levels are certainly higher than a decade ago although the street isn't as dangerous as it has been. There's still plenty of dealers about, although they seem to have changed their offerings to suit the area's new night time clientèle.

You mean more coke less crack/horse?
According to this http://companycheck.co.uk/company/02229018/MARKET-ROW-LIMITED Market Row Ltd's web site is lap.co.uk, they have the same registered address and Market Row Ltd's company secretary is A.K. Thapar. And LAP's 2014 accounts say that Mr Thapar is their FD http://www.lap.co.uk/downloads/lap14.pdf.
London & Associated Properties PLC (“LAP”) is a Main Market listed UK shopping centre and Central London retail property specialist which owns and manages £250m of property investments. The Group also holds a substantial investment in Bisichi Mining PLC, which operates coal mines in South Africa and owns UK property investments
Looks like the 414's days are numbered :(.


I assume Market Row Limited (the applicant) is part of LAP?
I have been coming to the 414 aince 1992. It is 1 of Londons most iconic clubs and is known, not just locally and nationally but internationally. The club brings revenue to so many local businesses (including local shops restuarants, bars and cab companies) with its many clubbers that attend on a weekly basis. It is 1 of the only venues in London that cater for many specialized music genres. Each genre alone attracts crowds of followers to the area. The club is family run by T and Lou and they care about their attendees and look after everyone. The club to me and so many others is our 2nd home. T and Lou live at the premesis to, and have always helped out with local policing (using the clubs cctv) and done what they can to follow procedures incl. Having photo id entry and scanners etc. They have not only invested all their money into the club over the years, but also all their time and effort into making this iconic venue what it is today. To close this and the Markets surrounding it will be a huge loss to Brixtons heritage. The club is loved and supported by so many people and we are all willing to do what we can to stop the 414 from closing.
I think this is the last day for objections. Unfortunately some people have clicked 'Supports' rather than 'Objects' on the planning consultation even though their comments are all pro the club :rolleyes:

Here's someone who actually does 'Support' the redevelopment:

I strongly support the renovation of this late-night venue to something that would better serve the community, as proposed.

The club may be popular, but it's under-used and this particular street with little traffic in the evenings and being poorly lit, makes a bad location for a late-night venue because it inevitably leads to undesirable elements. If the local police had the resources to monitor the situation then maybe Club 414 wouldn't have this negative impact on the area but unfortunately that's not the case.

This particular stretch of Coldharbour Lane has basically been set aside for drug deals and public urination. Any improvement to this road is hugely welcome.

As 414 used to be just down the road from I used to live I think this is bollocks. I certainly never saw 414 as having a bad effect on the street. ( and I am speaking as someone who did not use it).

I also agree with CH1 about the dealing. Or lack of it.
I've been sent this. Any thoughts?

The freeholders LAP have changed the town planning application to A1 only with the flats and have dropped the A3 & A5 use. Could this be a ploy to avoid the application going to committee - and is there any way that this change of mind can be utilised to help the 414? Seems all a bit underhand.
Agreed. Doesn't make sense. Nightclubs are Sui Generis, A3/5 is restaurants and takeaways which is closer to the current use, which would seem a more obvious tactic to get planning. Saying that, planning departments seem to make it up as they go along these days, so are difficult to second guess.
...So disappointed with Lambeth Council Planning Department....
An on line petition with 2257 signatures from all over the world, two written petitions one with local shop keepers business' and residents (45) and another with night workers, shift workers and key worker (83), 443 objections on the actual planning site and a Lambeth Councillor. Policies from Lambeth UDP and the London Plan quoted for support for refusal.
Yet permission is granted without the application even going for discussion at a committee hearing.
Can this be right?
It seems that every fucking place that is a bit different, or a bit old school, or a bit unfucked-about-with has to go. And it's fucking me off.
...So disappointed with Lambeth Council Planning Department....
An on line petition with 2257 signatures from all over the world, two written petitions one with local shop keepers business' and residents (45) and another with night workers, shift workers and key worker (83), 443 objections on the actual planning site and a Lambeth Councillor. Policies from Lambeth UDP and the London Plan quoted for support for refusal.
Yet permission is granted without the application even going for discussion at a committee hearing.
Can this be right?

If the udp and London plan references are accurate then how come the application can go through?
totally. all these small, but vital niches in clubland. i wasn't in love with their music policy, but the space they occupy is so important. fill that niche in and it won't be a niche any more
If you worked in one of Brixton's clubs, the 414 was just about the only place you could get a pint after work - and be let in for free.
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