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Brixton's Club 414 - closure, news, discussion

Really sorry to hear this, I've been to some great nights at the 414.

Word is being passed around, I saw Ed's Brixton Buzz article posted by Louise +1 on Facebook this morning.
Used to practically live in there 20 years ago....My son's mum worked the door. Had many many bonkers days and nights at the 414. Used to love Sunday night to Monday mornings.....was that Nuclear Free? Many a brain cell ruined in the 414. Was pleased to see at the recent aftershow how little it had changed and that they still put snacks and fruit out for weary ravers.

414, like the Canterbury, are blood vessels feeding life into the heart of Brixton. Brixton will still have a heart beyond all this destruction, but it will beat slower and with less energy.

Chnage isn't something I worry too much about, but this slashing and burning of Brixton cornerstones is crushing.

Very sad times.
Another place I've never been to. Back in my clubbing days (that was a long time ago) it was far too straight for me to consider it. I might have gone along recently for the after party the other week but as a non-driving over 50 yr old (ie no photo ID), obviously I would have been allowed in.

Oh well, now I never will.
39 objections so far. Well, 38 plus one eedjit who wrote an objection but has clicked "supports".:facepalm:

I can't see any planning reason for this not to go through, sadly. The proposal ticks all the boxes and night club uses are not protected in any way.
I suspect that behind all this there's nothing sinister - it's just that the market owners have been assessing how to make more money from the site. They know how much rent they could get if the site was let to a retailer, they may have a retail tenant lined up. Now Tony has to match the retail rent. Presumably he's been paying much less and has had a nasty surprise.

eta. Rather than become an expert in defamation law I've deleted some posts - editor, please feel free to tidy up! I don't think my speculation was contributing anything tbh.
I suspect that behind all this there's nothing sinister - it's just that the market owners have been assessing how to make more money from the site. They know how much rent they could get if the site was let to a retailer, they may have a retail tenant lined up. Now Tony has to match the retail rent. Presumably he's been paying much less and has had a nasty surprise.

Plus the value of the to-be-constructed flats - business premises are increasingly being sacrificed for housing.

Londoners are eating, while London is eating itself
On what grounds? Not being funny but remember reading on the boards that objections have to be about the proposal fitting with policy rather than expressing a preference against something happening.
(and I'd be happy to object if given the right wording. Ta)

I have read the covering letter in the docs on the planning application.

As Rushy says I cannot find concrete objection in planning terms to oppose this so far.

In the covering letter the applicant says they have been discussing this application ( pre application discussions with planning officers). That Council say ( that is the planning officers):

"The Council pre application letter confirmed that the replacement of the nightclub use with retail would not conflict in land use terms. The application now proposes the flexibility to implement either retail of food/drink use elements which are in accordance with the adopted policies. The Council also accepted the use of residential use in the upper floors." (page 3)
Its also easier in planning terms to change from nightclub to another use than the other way around.
I suspect that behind all this there's nothing sinister - it's just that the market owners have been assessing how to make more money from the site. They know how much rent they could get if the site was let to a retailer, they may have a retail tenant lined up. Now Tony has to match the retail rent. Presumably he's been paying much less and has had a nasty surprise.


Its not that. It turning the upstairs into flats that would make the money.
I'm not happy seeing these potentially defamatory rumours and suggestions concerning the venue next door being posted here so I'm going to delete them. Please keep all discussion about the 414.
Except the night club already exists.

If you want the quiet of the suburbs, fuck off back to the suburbs and don't move in next to a nightclub that has been operating for 30 years.
You've lost me

I'm just saying I doubt there's many people who would live above an all night nightclub, except in this case the owners
But there appears to be plenty of people who are happy to move right next door to pubs and clubs in gentrifying and trendy 'vibrant' areas and then set about complaining about the existing noise until they've closed the places down.
Wouldn't that make them "nu" by default, on account of them moving in?

Sounds like the complaints are coming from established residents/businesses so don't know what you're saying in this regard
Anyway, let's keep this to what we know and what is on on topic, and that is the planning application.
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