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Brixton Windmill (not the pub) grand re-opening ceremony - 2nd May

Maybe they could hold an annual event, on Mayday of course, it would be very good for raising funds, good thinking editor!!

They've had events their before but hardly anyone's turned up (compared to yesterday), which is probably why they weren't expecting the turnout they got yesterday
But, bizarrely, some of the earlier, less well attended events had far more stalls!

Yeah, I remember, but maybe these stallholders thought it was a waste of time. They're probably kicking themselves now! Or maybe they're away for the Bank Holiday weekend.

The icecream van ran out of flakes. Maybe he wasn't expecting as many either :D
The Endurance Steel Band were excellent. And it was nice to meet up with lots of friends but we didn't stay long as it was too windy.
Ah, that explains it. It was a real shame that the sails didn't move and no one explained why as that was kinda the whole point of the day!

It was unfortunate that there were so few stalls there too - they could have raised a load of money for the Windmill with the amount of hungry/thirsty/souvenir seeking people there!

That said, I enjoyed the day very much. Great to see the place in such fine shape.

The thing I most remember about the day is you saying to me "how can someone be so angry at this time of day" about that chap having an argument at the bar. We'd loads of fun in the venue afterwards. No Frills Band played another set and there were six other Brixton acts on til late.
The thing I most remember about the day is you saying to me "how can someone be so angry at this time of day" about that chap having an argument at the bar.
He was spectacularly "on one." I liked it when he left still mumbling about the various things that should be shoved up your barman's arse.

What a nutter!
I had no idea what to expect (well, I expected it to be small), but had a good time, probably because there were so many familiar faces in there :) Made a change from sitting in the park I guess.

dog on roof of windmill (pub) was pretty cool:

full set: http://www.flickr.com/photos/plasmatika/sets/72157626506595225/with/5680219089/

He's a bit of a cult figure
Over 500 "fans"!!
Mind you, you wouldn't want the dog positioned above you when it's sending out vast globules of dribble.
Had a really lovely afternoon although tbh after the parade nothing much seemed to happen for ages. Didn't hear any speeches, musicians just sat around for over an hour looking bored and expectations just withered away.

There were some operational difficulties. Fab day though :D
There were some operational difficulties. Fab day though :D
Agreed! Part of that was the ambience of a truly local event, its nice to be part of something that isn't *sponsored* and laden with advertising and hard-sell. A few food stalls wouldn't have gone amiss though. :)
We had a really lovely day. It was one of those "I love Brixton" days... it wouldn't have been the same without at least a tiny bit of chaos..
I Tweeted them to suggest that they make the procession and event a yearly one and it looks like they're considering it.
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