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Brixton water lane under water

Well i got a bus down the hill late this morning and it stopped to let me off!!

I think the stop opposite somers road is closed though.
Well i got a bus down the hill late this morning and it stopped to let me off!!

I think the stop opposite somers road is closed though.

I'd imagine the one outside Renton Close is as well? Will take note as I'm off to Streatham now.

This has really fucked up my plant/compost/heavy shopping if the one near the prison is shut.

I'd been winding down my fridge/freezer as well to order an online grocery delivery, but that's probably fucked now

Oh well
The hole is at the other side of the road now. :hmm:

They're have a good old drill and shout just now. Bless 'em. Lucky it's outside mine and not AJ's.

Yep, I've been listening to them, but at least they've finished the hole on Elm Park and filled that in and tarmaced it. All the kerbstones on this side of the road were ripped up/dislodged which might explain the works this side. Didn't even notice them 'til today as have been crossing by Jebb Avenue instead

The electricity just went off as well and I thought it was them again. Realised money on the meter had run out :D
The flood seems to have damaged the road quite extensively

I like the fact there is less traffic

It makes it much quieter and calmer when walking my kids to school

I didn't realise how noisy the A23 was.
The flood seems to have damaged the road quite extensively

I like the fact there is less traffic

It makes it much quieter and calmer when walking my kids to school

I didn't realise how noisy the A23 was.

I nearly got run over by cyclists today. Was so used to only one way traffic, it didn't occur to me to look the other way for cyclists going up the Hill on the road
Message from Thames Water...

I am writing to you with an update on the situation at Brixton Hill and with my apologies on behalf of Thames Water for the disruption and the length of time that this water main has taken to repair.

I know that you have been kept informed via Dr Kyron Peters-Bean, Head of Resilience, but I thought you might like to have another update this evening.

The water main was repaired initially as planned, but a leak at the next joint required a further repair. The work has been particularly challenging because of the quantity of underground cables and ducts from the other utilities, including high security fibre-optic cables. The trench is now extremely wide and deep and the teams have been working twenty-four hours a day to complete the work. This additional repair has meant that the water main could not be recharged with water until now. The backfilling and reinstatement will be carried out overnight and tomorrow, and if all goes well, the work will be completed by the end of tomorrow. However, until the reinstatement is well underway, we cannot be absolutely sure of the timing.

As a result of this unexpected problem, the reopening of the southbound carriageway has been delayed. The carriageway will not be open tomorrow morning (Tuesday) but we are hoping that it might be open by the end of the day tomorrow afternoon.

I'm extremely sorry that you have had to deal with so much disruption over the past ten days and I hope that this will soon be at an end.

With kind regards

Elizabeth Sale
Local & Regional Government Liaison Manager

Thames Water
2nd East Clearwater Court, Vastern Road, Reading RG1 8DB
Tel: 0118 974 4596
Mob: 07747 640775 (40775)
Message from Thames Water...

I am writing to you with an update on the situation at Brixton Hill and with my apologies on behalf of Thames Water for the disruption and the length of time that this water main has taken to repair.

I know that you have been kept informed via Dr Kyron Peters-Bean, Head of Resilience, but I thought you might like to have another update this evening.

The water main was repaired initially as planned, but a leak at the next joint required a further repair. The work has been particularly challenging because of the quantity of underground cables and ducts from the other utilities, including high security fibre-optic cables. The trench is now extremely wide and deep and the teams have been working twenty-four hours a day to complete the work. This additional repair has meant that the water main could not be recharged with water until now. The backfilling and reinstatement will be carried out overnight and tomorrow, and if all goes well, the work will be completed by the end of tomorrow. However, until the reinstatement is well underway, we cannot be absolutely sure of the timing.

As a result of this unexpected problem, the reopening of the southbound carriageway has been delayed. The carriageway will not be open tomorrow morning (Tuesday) but we are hoping that it might be open by the end of the day tomorrow afternoon.

I'm extremely sorry that you have had to deal with so much disruption over the past ten days and I hope that this will soon be at an end.

With kind regards

Elizabeth Sale
Local & Regional Government Liaison Manager

Thames Water
2nd East Clearwater Court, Vastern Road, Reading RG1 8DB
Tel: 0118 974 4596
Mob: 07747 640775 (40775)

Over the past 10 days?!! Has it been that long already. I hadn't noticed!
I spoke to them today and they reckon it'll be open tomorow but there's still tarmac to go down. Aren't they supposed to let that dry properly first?

Whilst there, I liberated two pallets from them for my garden :D
Brixton Hill is still surprisingly empty. Obviously lots of people haven't sussed out it's re-opened.

Oh, forgot to say, the engineers yesterday told me there's still a leak but they don't know where it is, so last time they were shoving a camera in to try to find the leak.
Could be that anyone south of Jebb avenue is lucky to be alive.
No idea whether there is any truth to this, it is 2n'd hand from an electrician that put a new circuitboard thingy in my flat. Does anyone with an engineering bent know if such a thing is possible?:
(redacted for anonymity)
When carrying out his final tests he was concerned at the level of power entering the building, not just your flat but the entire block .
Basically without trying to make this complicated. The impedance level supplying the buildings was too high. This means that normally if anybody touches a live circuit the circuit breaker should blow within 0.4 of a second with the level of power entering <the block>t the same circumstance would mean the circuit would not blow for about 10 seconds – long enough to seriously injure of possible kill someone. Also it means that over a period of time the protection of all the circuits is slowly breaking down to a point where one day a circuit will arc and potentially catch fire.

As I say this was nothing to do with your flat, it was all down to the power coming into the rising main in the building. Fortunately our electrician was sharp enough to spot this and called out UK Power Lines who are responsible for the power lines into the building. They turned out on Saturday and rectified the problem. It turns out that when the road on Brixton Hill was dug up due to a burst water main a couple of weeks ago somebody removed the earth spike in the ground and did not replace it. This is now being sorted out.


UK Power lines have thanked our electrician as they say this was a potentially serious accident waiting to happen.

By the way they also now have to check every building from Jebb Avenue upwards as they have all probably been affected

Sleep well - and don't forget to put on rubber shoes before you touch a light switch. :eek:
Brixton Hill is still surprisingly empty. Obviously lots of people haven't sussed out it's re-opened.

This always happens. It's sometimes called traffic evaporation. When a road closes people stop driving so much. They use other modes of transport instead.

The opposite is also true. When a new road opens it doesn't reduce congestion, it just encourages more people to drive.
Heads up.

Not exactly sure what the situation is, but when I was just crossing Brixton Hill (at Elm Park), noticed a notice on the traffic lights saying Elm Park was going to be shut for four nights from 10.30pm. Unfortunately the lights changed and I crossed the road before I could finish reading the sign. I'm assuming they're just doing night roadworks but am not sure so if anyone knows, can they please let me know.
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