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Brixton 'Splash' 2017 street festival - news and discussion

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Ye gods! What the fuck is this shit if you are serious? Links? He could ask you for those/ I could provide you with links about me but who among us deserves to be that scrutinised and picked over? He doesn't speak for you? Speak for yourself.

You said earlier that you had hoped for a British Rosa Parks or whomever...BE that person...there is so much all of us can get behind and involved with..

Dude. Lee has swerved every single thing that he has been asked to prove on this thread. I'm only asking as a kinda proof that he really is who he says. If he doesn't want to or decides not to, I won't change my opinion. But Lee has a chance in my eyes to prove he is my champion, that he speaks for me, that he supports my ambitions as a black man, that he can equal the scales of justice at least. That he can provide a solid future for my kids, that he can provide for my parents.

But he doesn't. When I ask him serious questions, where I link to his Google search searches, when I question his improrties that are online, then he accuses me of meting white. When I ask him about black racism he says that my mate Mickey wouldn't have said that. But he did.

So I'm not sure what to make of Lee. I would love a strong voice in government for black people. I'd love time where everyone was equal and we're judged on there ability. I'd love a time where I don't have to walk down the street without people either mentally or physically retracting from themselves. I'd love a time when my kids are not subject to latent and subconscious racism (cos the kids aren't racist, the parents are, but lazily because they haven't been told any better, even they know me)

That's all I want. And I've asked Lee for quotes, texts, responses with facts, and more.

And he's come back with nothing.


So I guess i have to do myself because for me, bringing up black kids in a white background isn't actually that tough these days because young kids don't see colour-they just see friends.

But their parents do. Whether consciously or not. My job is to stop that shit. Not the kids. Cos young kids these days are brilliant and do t look at colour, it's a shame us older people don't feel the same way. Black or white or whatever.

Nuff love. I don't want to carry in tonight. Jah bless x
I got to page 7: does it change much after that? To that point, the thread reminded me of one of those carnival dunk tanks, with Jasper sitting on the collapsible board, and posters lining up to throw their best hardball at the dunk paddle.

Doing a bit of reading, Jasper appears rather an impressive figure - he seems to be someone who gets out in the public domain, and does things, takes action, against racism - as opposed to merely talking about it. As with anyone who takes the step of trying to do things, it hasn't been smooth sailing all the way - and as usual, there is no shortage of internet commentators available to point fingers.

As for the opinions of white U75ers: everyone is entitled to their opinion, but I can't help but think back to the many lectures I've received about the realities of black life. I find such situations useful in getting a better understanding of the parameters of white privilege, and of the many misconceptions and misunderstandings that persist.

I hope Lee Jasper continues to hang around U75 - I for one find it enjoyable reading commentary from an in-your-face black advocate. :)
dude. You are so far off. Imagine a black Donald trump who has scammed and created money from public purses and when someone says 'hey!' he goes 'you're racist' not because they are racist but because he knows that normal sensible people can't come back from that without tarnishing their own rep.

Lee is a fucking parasite. Claims to represent me and other blacks. Has no credibility but plays on the race card to get himself a job and then push cash grants out to where he sees fit without any public or private say so, because 'he's a black guy in a white government' so they back off.

He's the most corrupt mother fucker you ever met. He does met give a shit about black rights or anything. All he cares about is lining his own fucking next. He's scum.

And Lee, you can quote me on that.
I saw those accusations by the Evening Standard etc; but it appears that he was cleared of those; similarly, there was something about some untoward communications with a woman; but the police said there was nothing criminal in what happened.

I haven't found anything that substantiates the accusations: have I missed something?
Yeah. Read the whole fucking thread. He is scum but makes you think it's your fault. He's the political equivalent of a mentally abusive relationship where he blames and twists his other halves thought to make her (or him) think it's their fault for doing wrong.

He's a fucking bully paid for by for by public money.
What I read was a thread where this person gets dissed by a few posters before he's even contributed to it; then, there's an all-out free for all of posters lining up to have a go at him. But like I said, that was just the first seven pages. I'll try to read the other 16 pages, maybe after dinner.
Whatever I think about Lee Jasper, I don't think it's fair or accurate to compare him to either Donald Trump nor to Nigel Farage. In fact, it's a gross exaggeration. For one, he has the neither the power nor the influence or either figure. I'm not saying he's fucking spotless, mind.
there was something about some untoward communications with a woman; but the police said there was nothing criminal in what happened.
So that makes it ok then?

That's the same line the Trump comes out with, are you going to give him a free pass on his "untoward" interactions with women now?

(Note for the hard of thinking I'm not saying that Jasper's actions are comparable to Trumps, just that in neither case should their behaviour be absolved on the basis that the police say there's nothing to see here)

Likewise any amount of internal investigations have cleared Mandelson, Blunkett etc of any dodgy dealings - do we accept them. Only if you're an idiot.
I got to page 7: does it change much after that? To that point, the thread reminded me of one of those carnival dunk tanks, with Jasper sitting on the collapsible board, and posters lining up to throw their best hardball at the dunk paddle.

Doing a bit of reading, Jasper appears rather an impressive figure - he seems to be someone who gets out in the public domain, and does things, takes action, against racism - as opposed to merely talking about it. As with anyone who takes the step of trying to do things, it hasn't been smooth sailing all the way - and as usual, there is no shortage of internet commentators available to point fingers.

As for the opinions of white U75ers: everyone is entitled to their opinion, but I can't help but think back to the many lectures I've received about the realities of black life. I find such situations useful in getting a better understanding of the parameters of white privilege, and of the many misconceptions and misunderstandings that persist.

I hope Lee Jasper continues to hang around U75 - I for one find it enjoyable reading commentary from an in-your-face black advocate. :)

Impressive? Fucking hell. Yes, bullshitting his way into being the senior race relations advisor in London is impressive given that he's a massively corrupt, sexist, racist himself.

It's Japser btw. Not Jasper.
No he didn't, he claimed that his "grab them by the pussy" comment was "locker room talk". And AFAIK he's not been charged with any criminal offence, which by your logic clears him.

Has Trump been investigated by the police?

It appears that Jasper was investigated, and cleared.
Trump also talked about kissing women without their consent - a claim that was verified by a number of women.
And yet the police have brought no charges so according to you nothing to see.

Of course Trumps actions are vile, but we don't need the police to tell us that. The fact that the police (do) don't see anything criminal in someones actions doesn't mean that their behaviour is (not) OK.
And yet the police have brought no charges so according to you nothing to see.

Did the police investigate Trump?

It would appear that Jasper was investigated:

In January, the London Development Agency, which provided the grants, cleared Jasper of improperly influencing their allocation. And although it found that 12 of the Standard's 16 allegations were unfounded, it did refer allegations that individuals had misappropriated funds to the police, as it had no powers to formally interview and investigate external parties.

Two weeks ago, Scotland Yard, which looked into the how the grants were given, said that Jasper had no criminal case to answer.

Livingstone's race adviser resigns in cronyism row
Maybe it's because I've lived on and off in Brixton for years but believe me Johnny, Jasper is filth. Absolutely. There's a lot more he's involved in too which I know of.
I accept that people living within a situation will likely have more understanding of what's going on on the ground, so to speak.

It's just been my experience as a general rule, that black activists who speak about race issues in ways that make white people uncomfortable, tend to come in for a lot of stick. They will be investigated more, will be denigrated more, and will have to be twice as squeaky clean.

Imo, white people who have adjudged themselves to be 'racism free', don't like it when black people accuse them of still having racist tendencies, even unconscious ones, and they will turn on anyone who attempts to disrupt their comfortable complacency.

It may be that there are things about this man that can't be learned from reading articles online; but I can't help but have some sympathy and even admiration for black activists - even flawed ones - who discuss race issues on their own terms, even if those terms aren't comfortable for white readers and listeners.
Japser wanted to 'honey glaze' a married woman in his 200 quid a night council funded hotel room then gave her 65k of public funds a few days later. How on earth can you justify that?

Hang on, from the ES link you posted: "City Hall refused to say whether Mr Jasper's £200-a-night hotel room in Manchester was paid for by London taxpayers. Mrs Chouhan denied that she had shared it with him."

Again to be clear, I think these emails are weird and gross. Your post makes it sound like he actually did share a room with her and it was paid for out of public money. Did that actually happen, then?
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