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Brixton Space - Tapas Cafe/Bar on Brixton Water Lane

Has anyone actually tried the food?

when we went they were still putting the menu together so we just had the bread and olives (as I said above). I know it's just bread and olives etc but it was the best bread selection I've had in a long while. I'm looking forward to trying the food.
Has anyone actually tried the food?

Nice selection of sliced meats, good cheese with excellent chutneys, stonking houmous (big portion too). Limited menu because the oven was not installed yet. The food was pretty relaxed affair - perfect for eating whilst having a natter and a glass or two - and three of us were stuffed for just over £20.
I can see why residents object - but it's also hard to see how the council can deny a business a licence allowed to two neighbouring, and larger, sites.

That may well act against it as they are big on considering the "cumulative effect". From the Lambeth licencing strategy:

11.1 When considering whether any licensed activity should be permitted, the Council will assess
the likelihood of it causing unacceptable adverse impact, particularly on local residents, by
considering all following factors and other relevant matters:
f) the cumulative effect of licensed premises in an area. In judging the effect on residents of
a particular activity the Council will take into account any affect that is already occurring as
a result of other licensed premises. This consideration will apply irrespective of any special
policy which may be adopted of refusing licences in certain areas because of cumulative
Residents will soon have another licence to object to.

The Allmarks/florist corner site on Brixton Hill/Arodene is, apparently, to become a bar/restaurant.

This comes from the guy in the adjoining barber shop, who also told me the people behind the venture run four bars around Brixton.
Yes and very good it is too.

We tried it the other night - thought it was very reasonably priced and pretty good on the whole. Huge portions for tapas too - we ate well for £15 for the two of us. I particularly liked the quesadillas.
We got evacuated from our flat due to someone drilling through the gas mains next door - so we had lunch there today with the nipper. It was lovely. An especially nice cheese salad with figs and flowers and a lovely dressing. Gaijinboy had some chorizo that he said was amazing. The quesadillas - as mentioned above, were very nice and particularly good value I thought. Bit stuffed now though.

For parents...they did have a high chair and were lovely to gaijinbaby - giving her some teddy bears and making a fuss of her. I still wouldn't recommend taking a pram though and also bear in mind that they keep the door open onto BWL which is busy - although I'm sure they would have closed it if asked it was more comfortable for everyone being open. It would depend on the age of your child really whether you thought it suitable.
" Finally, if a late licence is granted it will be much easier for other premises on that parade to get one and it is possible that whole little stretch could become bars and clubs. While Brixton Space have a great, family friendly concept other businesses might not. For the families living opposite this would considerably increase noise levels"

We been open for 10 days, fully booked last Friday with few people queueing out side for a short bit. Every one brought there own drink and we didn't have any issues at all.

We have residents on the top floor of the bar and we agreed with them to set the music volume to a point and we respect them and so far no issues at all.
We have a family with kids living on the right side of the bar and we didn't have any issues at all.

If the main concern is the noise, we don't produce ANY noise, so if our neighbours next door or above can't hear anything how could be an issue for some one living from 50 metres away or more a problem? It's a non sense.
People who were drinking and eating on our busy evening are living the premises quietly as they live around and they know it's a residential area.

Finally we received a date for a hearing to be held on June 7th at 7pm in the Council. We have 5 days to prepare our self for the date.
So far there are only 7 objections to the license application coming from 5 households non of them with in 30-40 metres from our doorstep.

The council officer dealing with this told us, NON of the supporting letter were valid as they arrived after the closing of the consultation date...
Quiet unfair but that's the rule.

We have 5 days to get ready for the hearing and at this stage, who ever wants to support the application is most welcome to be include in the speakers list.

In days where the government is trying to encourage the creation and support of small businesses like our it's very disappointing to see how narrow it's the mentality of some people stacked in time and not willing to realised that the changes and developments of areas like BWL it's beneficial for the majority of the residents.

Putting obstacles to the development and trying to sabotaged the big effort that supposed to start a small business and independent business show no consideration for any one but just for them self's.

We have a lease for 15 years on this premises, we are here to stay we are not going anywhere next year! we are making every effort possible to be in good terms with most of our neighbours. People have to understand that if they have any issues with the Hootannany or Montego or even the off licence, they should sort these problems with them, not with us or against us. We are not them and our product it's completly different from them. In the last 6 weeks we heard enough about most of the people or businesses around. We are commited to not to caused any travels nor commite the same mistakes they made. We are fully aware of the situation and we are not put in danger our business or our relationship with any one around.

Feel free to email us or pop in if you have any enquiry you will be welcome.
well it's quite small in there but then they bill themselves as family friendly - with high chairs etc.. I think if you could fold it up it might be ok but honestly speaking, I think they'd struggle with more than one pram.

For all the worry Mums about the prams, we had days of 2 prams (double decker? as they were 4 babies!) and we managed to suit them with out any fuss or problem. We only have 1 hight chair at the moment but there is no problem to park your prams inside.

Feel free to call at any time to ask if you have any space on the day for more prams! we can close the door and leave the kids playing around. You Mums are most welcome to have a break here!
Residents will soon have another licence to object to.

The Allmarks/florist corner site on Brixton Hill/Arodene is, apparently, to become a bar/restaurant.

This comes from the guy in the adjoining barber shop, who also told me the people behind the venture run four bars around Brixton.

He told me he was going to rent it!!!!! The owners were the people who ran the flower shop over xmas and Valentines to get get a quick buck. They also own the flat above that is for sale.
After seeing queues of what must have been about 200 people still waiting to get into the Hoot at 12.30am the other night I can understand why Brixton Space feels that a representation against them getting a licence on grounds of causing drunken disturbance is really a complaint against the Hoot. Despite being fairly orderly and good humoured, the pavement was full of people drinking and being pretty noisy and the queue was wrapped right around the garden, down Brixton Water Lane (and past Brixton Space).

Then again, given what was happening at the Hoot that night I can also see why locals might want to curb any more bars.
Was there for lunch today with leanderman and three kids, one in a pram.

Excellent food, friendly guy (hi Oscar) and clearly not going to be bringing any trouble to the neighbourhood. Good luck with the hearing - there have been a lot of businesses coming and going in that spot and it would be good to see someone make a success of it.
haha... we were there too... VERY cute kids! We thought the youngest to be about the same age as our little girl - although she seemed much better behaved! :) Ours was with my mum. I was envious of you guys with your wine!
He told me he was going to rent it!!!!! The owners were the people who ran the flower shop over xmas and Valentines to get get a quick buck. They also own the flat above that is for sale.

All true. Barber wanted the lease but missed out. Awaiting developments on the bar front.
By the way - Brazas also have a hearing tomorrow for the same problem. They've made a lovely little bar area downstairs and had an objection from one of the same people.
By the way - Brazas also have a hearing tomorrow for the same problem. They've made a lovely little bar area downstairs and had an objection from one of the same people.

So the two places that have done something to lift a depressed parade of shops are running into flak. Depressing. And provincial.

I really enjoyed Brixton Space today with my girls and hope it survives until a licence is granted (June 9).
I think it will survive. We've been three times now and each time it's been quite busy. Given that it was a Weds lunchtime - for a small place they did decent business today I think. The food is very good and they're very welcoming! I think that, like Brazas, they will probably build up a loyal, local clientele quite quickly. Realistically, they may have to compromise though and go for an earlier licence (ie midnight or similar).

eta.. I hope they survive anyway because you're right - it is all a bit depressing.
Brixton Space have been granted their late licence. Had a very nice dinner there this evening and it was very full.
TBF they should be entitled to object if they have a concern. It is then up to the applicant to show in their operating plan (which has to be submitted as part of a licence application) how it will deal with the concerns raised by objectors. The licencing team then decide whether the objections are valid, and if they are valid whether the applicant's operating plan deals satisfactorily with the issues raised.

Objecting to a licence is not just about making sure they do not get one at all but also about negotiating on operational conditions - e.g. operating hours, sound proofing (particularly important if you live upstairs and they plan to have music into the night which Cafe au Lait did not), where smoking areas are, etc.. If neighbours don't deal with concerns at this stage they then have to implement a full licence review at a later stage to deal with the most minor problems.

I'll be surprised if they don't get the licence, albeit with some conditions attached. If they don't it should not be viewed as a disaster since Khan's does very well without a licence. I'm not sure that a barrage of emails of support would make much difference (although it surely won't hurt) since the objectors concerns will still have to be dealt with in the same way.

(Someone who knows more might be able to point out if I am confusing different types of licence?)

Might wander up (with a bottle) tonight.

Exactly Rushy. People have the right to put in objections. Its important that people have some say in what goes on in there neighbourhood. I have done it recently on premises license application in CHL.

It led to a compromise. Drinks licence given but no music. Accepted by applicant without going to committee.

Its a negotiating tactic to object to get conditions or limitations on premise license.

The problem I have found is that if you don't object and a venue is a problem then its difficult to do anything about it afterwards.

This sounds like a premises license to sell alcohol. This applicant can also apply to play music-live and recorded and show films as part of a premises license.

A license to sell alcohol is more difficult to get due to public order reasons. The Police are asked there opinion on premises licenses.

Minutes of the Licensing Subcommittee show license was granted with one amendment - no recorded music and seven conditions.

See here the minutes:


Info on how to get premises license here:

In days where the government is trying to encourage the creation and support of small businesses like our it's very disappointing to see how narrow it's the mentality of some people stacked in time and not willing to realised that the changes and developments of areas like BWL it's beneficial for the majority of the residents.

Putting obstacles to the development and trying to sabotaged the big effort that supposed to start a small business and independent business show no consideration for any one but just for them self's.

Also running a licensed premises imo requires ability to deal with local residents and there concerns diplomatically. In London its not unusual for those seeking a Premises Licence to have objections from residents. Language such as "sabatage" is uncalled for.

There are licensed premises near me that are run well. The Lounge has never been a problem for example because the owner is considerate. That is not the case with all of them.

It looks to me that at the Licensing Sub Committee a balance was struck between the needs of residents and the interests of business. Which is the job of the Licensing Sub Committee.
This is how premises licence works for new applications like this one:


"For applications for new licences or variations of existing licences, applicants will also be required to advertise the application, both at the premises and in a local newspaper, to alert local residents and businesses....From when an application is made for a new licence, or to vary or review an existing licence, there is a 28-day period during which any representations in respect of the application may be made. Representations may support or oppose the application.

The licensing authority will usually be able to confirm whether an application has been granted shortly after the end of this period. However, in situations where an objection has been made, the application will usually be referred to a Sub-Committee hearing to be decided."
Thanks for giving the plug. We live round the corner and have seen too many businesses come and go on that stretch of BWL. The fact that this place is virtually full every night now speaks for itself.
Thanks for giving the plug. We live round the corner and have seen too many businesses come and go on that stretch of BWL. The fact that this place is virtually full every night now speaks for itself.

Good to hear from a non-nimby local!
Disappointing lunch there last week - just one member of staff doing FOH and cooking and as a result food not great (e.g. microwaved pre-cooked patatas bravas).

Lunchtime opening hours also seem erratic, and unadvertised.

I hope this was a one-off and it gets back on an even keel, but it's not a great sign.
Last couple of times have also been disappointing for us. The standard of the food has definitely gone downhill.
went in a few months ago with Ms Hatter...it was alright. I like the place and what they're trying to do - it's a bit quirky. There was only a couple of people in there when we went in and it was so quiet you almost had to whisper...but it soon livened up. It wasn't really clear from the menu which were small, tapas-type things, and which were more substantial dishes, so we ended up ordering a slightly strange selection of stuff. It was all very nice though, except they forgot to put the tomatoes & cheese in the rocket, tomato & parmesan salad, which left us with a plain bowl of rocket! They did sort that out though. 6 out of 10 for me that time, but I'd definitely go back again.
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