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Brixton Ritzy staff in pay dispute for London Living Wage with Picturehouse Cinemas

That feels quite underhand, blocking ticket sales in that way. I'm surprised though as most ticket selling sites only hold them for a few mins.

I see you won't answer my question on whether you see a big corporation sacking Union reps is "underhand". Says it all about you Spam. Right wing troll that ur.
Once again, only a handful of Brixtonites came out to support the sacked workers.

Boy has Brixton changed.
I did send a email to the living wage people quite some time ago of printing window stickers for businesses that paid the living wage. Zero response. Not such a bad idea methinks. The ritzy is far from being alone in this.
Not going to the Ritzy post - hope that's allowed. Because of the consistent publicity about the boycott and the positive feedback on here about the Peckham Plex (thanks), I've checked it out. Black Panther release weekend was very exciting. The audience outfits were amazing. If Picturehouse are not careful they will lose out permanently to regular cinema goers. Once people realise that they could save almost a tenner per visit, habits will gradually change. Once habits change it takes a lot to change them back.
Not going to the Ritzy post - hope that's allowed. Because of the consistent publicity about the boycott and the positive feedback on here about the Peckham Plex (thanks), I've checked it out. Black Panther release weekend was very exciting. The audience outfits were amazing. If Picturehouse are not careful they will lose out permanently to regular cinema goers. Once people realise that they could save almost a tenner per visit, habits will gradually change. Once habits change it takes a lot to change them back.

I like my visits to Peckham on Sundays to see films. Get off the bus and we walk up to the cinema. It's still pretty well working class and Afro Carribbean is Peckham. I feel at home in Peckham. It's like Brixton used to be. The demographics of the people who use Peckham is noticeably different from Ritzy now.

Cineworld know they can charge the prices they do as demographics in Brixton have changed somewhat. Leaves those living on estates ringing the new happening Brixton resentful. Been told by people on my local estate that Ritzy prices exclude people.
I like my visits to Peckham on Sundays to see films. Get off the bus and we walk up to the cinema. It's still pretty well working class and Afro Carribbean is Peckham. I feel at home in Peckham. It's like Brixton used to be. The demographics of the people who use Peckham is noticeably different from Ritzy now.

Cineworld know they can charge the prices they do as demographics in Brixton have changed somewhat. Leaves those living on estates ringing the new happening Brixton resentful. Been told by people on my local estate that Ritzy prices exclude people.
Yes, I am thoroughly working class and I love it there. We went to Peckham Levels afterwards. A wine was £4.50. Obviously I bought several because I could. There was an excellent live DJ playing to a relaxed crowd who could afford to be there (i.e the likes of me who happily works 8 hours a day, 5 days a weeks but loves a wine at £4.50).
I like my visits to Peckham on Sundays to see films. Get off the bus and we walk up to the cinema. It's still pretty well working class and Afro Carribbean is Peckham. I feel at home in Peckham. It's like Brixton used to be. The demographics of the people who use Peckham is noticeably different from Ritzy now.

opps, duplicate.
Yes, I am thoroughly working class and I love it there. We went to Peckham Levels afterwards. A wine was £4.50. Obviously I bought several because I could. There was an excellent live DJ playing to a relaxed crowd who could afford to be there (i.e the likes of me who happily works 8 hours a day, 5 days a weeks but loves a wine at £4.50).

I noticed people going up and down the levels. Fortunately the cinema is on ground floor. So didn't have to look at Pop mark two. Did suggest to my partner we go up and have a look after cinema. At those prices no thanks.
I noticed people going up and down the levels. Fortunately the cinema is on ground floor. So didn't have to look at Pop mark two. Did suggest to my partner we go up and have a look after cinema. At those prices no thanks.
I thought £4.50 was cheap for a wine but perhaps I have been conditioned?
I thought £4.50 was cheap for a wine but perhaps I have been conditioned?
It’s not cheap but not expensive either. The cost of wine in pubs and restaurants has rocketed recently, partly because of Brexit and the falling pound, partly because staff costs have increased because the minimum wage is more.
It’s not cheap but not expensive either. The cost of wine in pubs and restaurants has rocketed recently, partly because of Brexit and the falling pound, partly because staff costs have increased because the minimum wage is more.

I was at the SLD in December, which was held in a pub in Peckham. I was shocked to find a glass of wine cost £8! I don't know how people can afford a night out drinking at those prices.
I wouldn't know. It's not in my budget.
I don't go out that much so I treated myself. I couldn't pay that much on a regular basis. I've found wine is normally about £8 a glass which I had budgeted for so I was pleased to be able to get a couple for that price. Slightly regretting it this morning.
Honestly, I think that if you want people to be paid the living wage (which I do), you have to accept that things will be more expensive. “Casual dining” chains are closing hand over fist because they can’t make the business model work in an environment of rising food prices and increasing wages.
I was at the SLD in December, which was held in a pub in Peckham. I was shocked to find a glass of wine cost £8! I don't know how people can afford a night out drinking at those prices.
I went to The Great North Wood in West Norwood the other day and they didn’t have a single bottle under £20. Made Herne Hill look cheap!
I was at the SLD in December, which was held in a pub in Peckham. I was shocked to find a glass of wine cost £8! I don't know how people can afford a night out drinking at those prices.

That does sound expensive. Was it 250ml?
I went to The Great North Wood in West Norwood the other day and they didn’t have a single bottle under £20. Made Herne Hill look cheap!

That's enough to have a night out drinking (lager and shots) in town where we are now.
Less tax on booze?

Yeah there's a lot less tax on booze (and fags) but I think the taxes on wages are higher and in general the cost of living such as rent and transport is a lot lower.

Obviously drink prices depend where you go. There are some very fancy/expensive places here too.

In London it feels like pretty much everything is expensive with exceptions such as Peckham Plex and cheaper boozers like the old White Horse in TH becoming rarer and rarer.
Honestly, I think that if you want people to be paid the living wage (which I do), you have to accept that things will be more expensive.
Or perhaps bosses could trouser far less money for themselves as their workers help them rake in all that lovely lolly.
Cinema goers absorbed by movies like Star Wars: The Last Jedi and Beauty and the Beast — while munching on popcorn and swilling fizzy pop — has led to a strong boost in revenues and profits at UK-based Cineworld. Last month, the group completed a $3.6bn acquisition of US rival Regal Entertainment in a deal that has created the world’s second largest cinema chain by number of screens. The group will move into that merger on the back of strong trading, which it said was due to increases in ticket sales as well as patrons buying food and drink before the movies.

Reporting results for 2017, the company said revenues increased 8 per cent on a constant currency basis to £890.7m, while pre-tax profits increased 22.7 per cent to £120.5m. It said that box-office sales were up 6.4 per cent on a constant currency basis to £553.7m, while retail sales increased 11.1 per cent to £220.4m. The group said it was boosted by hits like Star Wars, Beauty and the Beast and Dunkirk which outperformed the top grossing movies released in 2016.
The CEO of Picturehouse paid himself £2.5m in salary and bonuses last year.
Honestly, I think that if you want people to be paid the living wage (which I do), you have to accept that things will be more expensive.
This is correct. Higher wage costs for companies will be likely passed on to the consumer.

There is a risk of there being less jobs too as companies try not to pass on increases by using automation for example.
This is correct. Higher wage costs for companies will be likely passed on to the consumer.

There is a risk of there being less jobs too as companies try not to pass on increases by using automation for example.
All costs get passed on. That's how it works. If a company can't pass on enough then......
Arguments that decent wages will undermine jobs aren't new.

These kinds of arguments have been given since the early days of modern Capitalism. Mill owners opposing 8 hour day, ending of child labour back in 19C for example. The argument from factory owners being that well meaning but economically misguided reforms, like ending child labour, would only hurt the less well off.

Reforms to improve conditions of work for the workers have always been resisted on basis of cost to business. Which will be passed onto consumer and possibly lead to loss of jobs. Back in 19c mill owners would threaten strikers with more automation of factory system if they didn't stop demanding more money. The "your lucky you have a job" line of argument.

Automation happens already in film industry. Projectionists are no longer needed. With digital film projection. Internet booking means less need for staff selling tickets.

Automation could be used to reduce working day but keep same wage. That was feasible back in 19c. The new factories increased productivity so much that the working day could have been shortened.

Automation could reduce jobs. Is that so bad? Read one person who said that UK is becoming "Car Wash" economy. Years back one took one's car to petrol station and used automated car wash. Now with supply of cheap labour ( EU, South Americans) this technology has gone backwards. One can have a hand car wash. Rather than a business pay for car wash machines one can get East Europeans working in poor conditions for little pay. Car Washes are the worst case. But there has been move backwards over last thirty years. Looking at car washes and I'm reminded of what I read of work in 19C.

The Ritzy dispute isn't only about Living Wage. They also want proper conditions of work like decent maternity pay. All these conditions of work are costs on business.
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