I went to the Future Brixton meeting on the SPDs on the 18th September.
There still is time to put comments on the Council
"Draft Brixton SPD- work in progress". This document has been added to by the Council giving it more detail.
There is only until next Monday to add comments to the Google Doc.
That however is not the end of the consultation. The timetable is:
Draft SPD to be agreed by Cabinet in December
Formal Statutory consultation starts January 2013
Responses to statutory consultation considered February
Cabinet approves and adopts SPD in spring 2013
The main issues that came up at meeting:
The Rec--- The Cllr and officers present were discussing knocking down the Rec and replacing it somewhere else. This was also in the Draft SPD (see above). So the Council is seriously thinking about this. There are two issues. Whether the replacement of Rec should be stated in the finished SPD or not. And should the Rec should be kept and maintained/ refurbished.
I am very wary of agreeing to knocking down of Rec. The Council view is that it is very expensive to maintain and is not a feasible building to retain in the long term . The idea is that the land could be sold to developer and part of the agreement is that the developer builds new Rec. Bit like the Streatham Ice Rink scheme.
The Rec is large. I do not believe a replacement would be as big and have the same range of facilities. The Rec is not that old.
A point was raised at meeting that the SPD should be specific. So if the Council want to replace Rec this should be clear. If SPD is vague or gives different options it could be weakened. The SPD is a legal planning document. Developers, not for profit groups and Council will all refer to it to justify what they do in the area. If its vague, the argument went, developers will use it to wriggle out of any commitments.
The section from the other thread on the SPDs