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I take comfort from the fact that unlike Alliance Boots they are at least registered in the UK and not Zug in Switzerland.
It's quite possible Millenium Pharmacies may pay more tax to the UK than Boots.
Probably not. The sad fact is that many small pharmacies are loss-making. A recent EY report forecasts that 75% of pharmacies will be loss-making within 5 years. This is especially true of small pharmacies and micro-chains that are small in space and more reliant on the fixed-fee prescription revenue as a proportion of sales than larger format Boots and Superdrug stores. Alliance Boots was HQ'd in Zug for a while but since 2012 is part of Walgreen Boots Alliance and a public company quoted in the US. Boots UK Ltd does actually pay corporation tax here.
Whether it is corruption or not, a big part of it is that the opposition doesn't have the numbers to make real challenges. 5 Greens and 1 Tory in the council, even if they work together and are amazingly effective, can be easily ignored. Don't get me wrong, they'd still probably push this stuff through, but if there were a lot more opposition councilors then at least they'd have to work for it a bit harder. Although presumably a few of you were around pre 2014 when there were a lot more and remember that things were not necessarily much better!

The lack of local newspapers doesn't help either even though Buzz does a good job of raising housing issues and other council issues. But the old style proper newspapers that used to have a few local reporters nosing about would be good as well. I sometimes read stories from elsewhere in London or UK where the local papers still are able to send council reporters along to every public meeting and then run stories on papers that thousands of people read everyday and feel a bit jealous.
Yes. I know it might not be a popular view but the demise and vanishing of the local rag is very sad/worrying. They used to have council reporters, court reporters, links to all the opposition and to those in power.
The lack of local newspapers doesn't help either even though Buzz does a good job of raising housing issues and other council issues. But the old style proper newspapers that used to have a few local reporters nosing about would be good as well. I sometimes read stories from elsewhere in London or UK where the local papers still are able to send council reporters along to every public meeting and then run stories on papers that thousands of people read everyday and feel a bit jealous.
What depresses me is the thought that if Brixton Buzz hadn't found the time to unearth some dodgy Lambeth activities, they'd go unreported and they'd get away with it.

As a tin-rattling aside, I've put up a donation form today on Buzz. If we cover our costs that would be great but it would be even better if could at least pay the expenses of local journalists and get more coverage. Tricky Skills does some amazing work as do a few contributors, but it's a never ending task. Even organising a yearly piss up would help!
Just got this comment on the Buzz 'please donate' article.

I kind of hope they're trolling but it's not an attitude that would surprise me:

"Honestly, I’m torn about how I feel about this request: On one hand, BB provides lots of essential information about our community. On the other, it takes a deeply hostile tone towards anyone who is relatively new to the area (aka gentrifiers). I would feel much more inclined to financially support a site that tries to be more inclusive."
Just got this comment on the Buzz 'please donate' article.

I kind of hope they're trolling but it's not an attitude that would surprise me:

"Honestly, I’m torn about how I feel about this request: On one hand, BB provides lots of essential information about our community. On the other, it takes a deeply hostile tone towards anyone who is relatively new to the area (aka gentrifiers). I would feel much more inclined to financially support a site that tries to be more inclusive."

Why won’t anyone think of the gentrifiers ?
Just got this comment on the Buzz 'please donate' article.

I kind of hope they're trolling but it's not an attitude that would surprise me:

"Honestly, I’m torn about how I feel about this request: On one hand, BB provides lots of essential information about our community. On the other, it takes a deeply hostile tone towards anyone who is relatively new to the area (aka gentrifiers). I would feel much more inclined to financially support a site that tries to be more inclusive."
It's just one, hopefully you've had a good response from everyone else 💪😊

I would urge people to attend next Zoom meeting of Brixton Neighbourhood meeting. Next Tuesday. Details in the link on how to attend.

Council are going to give presentation of their ideas for the development of the Pop Brixton/ International House site. Both sites in Council ownership ( unlike the Hondo site).

This is major development is central Brixton.

From what Ive been hearing the Council have already worked up how they would like it to be developed. With the "consultation" with community groups being rather limited.

As a supporter of Brixton Rec Im personally not happ with sell of the International House to a developer. At this time it is being put to good use as affordable woprkspace.

As is usual with this Progress led Council they are keen to "partner" up with a property developer.

Also to be remembered is that the only reason the Pop site is available is that officers managed , against stiff community resistance, to demolish the Rec/ Brixton Market car park.
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Local legends The Klf have decided to unleash their previously deleted back catalogue on popular streaming platforms even making the bbc national news......

one of the projected uploads will feature music from a less well known local legend Tony Thorpe/moody boys. this Is great news if he becomes more widely appreciated, especially as a notable music hotspot cut him loose from his residency and regular income stream even before the current pandemic...... The Moody Boys - Wikipedia

more exciting KLF news......

Just got this comment on the Buzz 'please donate' article.

I kind of hope they're trolling but it's not an attitude that would surprise me:

"Honestly, I’m torn about how I feel about this request: On one hand, BB provides lots of essential information about our community. On the other, it takes a deeply hostile tone towards anyone who is relatively new to the area (aka gentrifiers). I would feel much more inclined to financially support a site that tries to be more inclusive."
thought of patroeon? people can contribute monthly and its rolling. just slung you a few quid
Well the Buzz and the forum do feel quite different? Maybe that's always true when there's a community attached to a news/info site.
does anyone know about this - I don't have the energy to read it myself - but I'm rather hoping the rest of you will be able to study it and tell me what it means,

Have your say: Main modifications to the Draft Revised Lambeth Local Plan 2020

It basically says, if you don't read what is presented before you then there's gonna be a good chance you'll not have a clue what is occurring.
does anyone know about this - I don't have the energy to read it myself - but I'm rather hoping the rest of you will be able to study it and tell me what it means,

Have your say: Main modifications to the Draft Revised Lambeth Local Plan 2020

The Local Plan lays down planning rules for Lambeth and aims for development in local areas.

It is revised and updated every so often.

The amended version goes to a Planning Inspector. Who takes submissions from local groups and business. He can suggest further alterations.

This is the version with his amendments.

LJAG/ LJ neighbourhood forum put in submission to protect Grove Adventure playground. Which Council opposed.

I'm going to search through this doc to see what happened about that.
Just got this comment on the Buzz 'please donate' article.

I kind of hope they're trolling but it's not an attitude that would surprise me:

"Honestly, I’m torn about how I feel about this request: On one hand, BB provides lots of essential information about our community. On the other, it takes a deeply hostile tone towards anyone who is relatively new to the area (aka gentrifiers). I would feel much more inclined to financially support a site that tries to be more inclusive."
there's two sorts of people who move into brixton (or hackney or tottenham or wherever) - people who like it as it is, and people who want to change it to reflect their own image. people who use the same shops as existing locals and people who patronise shops catering to gentrifiers. and it's no surprise that there's a great deal of antipathy to people, gentrifiers, who want to evict the existing residents, the working class people who've lived there many many years. carry on with bb as you are, editor, it's doing a grand job :thumbs:
I would most likely be classed as a gentrifier but have still donated. There should be a mixed community where people of all races and classes can live side-by-side. I would rather not agree with everything in BB but have it there because it is a truly independent resource that does a great job at exposing the council and wider goings on in the borough in a way most people don't have access to.
I would most likely be classed as a gentrifier but have still donated. There should be a mixed community where people of all races and classes can live side-by-side. I would rather not agree with everything in BB but have it there because it is a truly independent resource that does a great job at exposing the council and wider goings on in the borough in a way most people don't have access to.
I'm not even sure where this 'deeply hostile tone' is suppose to manifest itself. I'd agree that the site doesn't generally welcome self identified gentrifiers in with open arms but then why would it?

To me it's more about people giving a shit about the existing community of the area they've moved into. Anyone who does that is fine by me, whatever their background or wealth.
Actually, here's an example of where I may have found myself briefly adopting a hostile tone:


Outside the Ritzy. Large crowd of workers demanding that the venue be boycotted in their quest to earn a decent wage.

And just one metre away, sitting in the Ritzy bar area were these guys, ignoring the demo and having a great laugh



That said, there was surprisingly very little hostility in the Buzz report considering how angry I was at the time:

Has anyone heard much from Jonathan Bartley of late? Usually he has quite a high profile in the news but I don't recall anything of late - his co-leader is of course but then she's running for mayor so that would make sense.
does anyone know about this - I don't have the energy to read it myself - but I'm rather hoping the rest of you will be able to study it and tell me what it means,

Have your say: Main modifications to the Draft Revised Lambeth Local Plan 2020

Just spent the evening trying to get my head around this. Looking for Loughborough junction.

I'm quite used to Council docs but this you need degree in planning.

I do wish Council would try to make these kinds of documents a bit more understandable.
They're really not 'my mates,' so I've no idea why you're saying that or even bringing it up.

FYI: all their Brixton pubs are staying open, as far as I know, so there is no 'gap in the market.'
I was fiddling about re Antic. I've a revived gripe about the Eagle Print Works - but I'll bump that thread.
Meanwhile can you throw any light on this Fleurets | Antic London and Downing LLP 48 London properties

This is some sort of commercial estate agent claiming to have eleven Antic/Downing LLP pubs for sale.
If you try to drill down there is nothing there - almost as if they never got the details, or maybe the instruction has been pulled.

Or maybe these were the pubs apparently taken over by Portobello?
I hope more Antic's dont go in addition to the ones Portobello apparently nabbed. Whilst they are not as good value for money as they once were, they are still preferable to the likes of Youngs, Fullers, Metropolitan etc etc.
Xmas trees STILL uncollected by Lambeth on Brixton Hill. McCloud is unimpressed


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