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Just wondering here.

Reason high buildings cannot be built in central Brixton is that it's a conservation area

Recent application for tower of flats was knocked back by planners in LJ was due to it affecting views. Which are protected under planning rules.

Are posters saying that these kind of planning rules should be scrapped?

As they are nimby's charter?
This is one of 24 site allocations in this planning doc: https://www.lambeth.gov.uk/sites/de...allocations-development-plan-document-psv.pdf
Details here (including more views of the massing model from that tweet): https://www.lambeth.gov.uk/sites/de...eth-sadpd-psv-sa20-tesco-13-acre-lane-sw2.pdf
(also attached here cos these things tend to be ephemeral)

Supermarket and (smaller) carpark to be retained. 35% affordable housing, however Lambeth defines that these day I don't know.
Max height 9 storeys (32m) which is a bit taller than the new town hall building, but shorter than the new flats where Olive Morrid house used to be.
This is merely Lambeth's suggestion and developers would have freedom to change it.

It's a totally appropriate use of the site.

consultation here: Have your say on the Site Allocations Development Plan Document Proposed Submission Version (SADPD PSV)

There's a document on the previous consultation - the Green Cllrs put in a lengthy submission on the whole programme. Quite critical. Including of heights if I remember correctly.

I will look it up again and post it up. Read it last week.

The points I remember are:

The consultation page on Lambeth website is difficult to navigate. Lots of info spread out and not user friendly. Even for planning nerds

The consultation has been backwards. With Council deciding on sites and producing plans. Only then consulting.

Instead of asking local communities first and doing this bottom up in a cooperative council way.

They were also concerned about over development. Loss of green space and small local initiatives like city farm type things. Which might appear poor use of land but are in fact essential to quality of life.

Greens thought this is lost opportunity to also put into these site based planning guidelines for quality of building. New development should be future proofed for climate change. Passiv Haus standard/ no concrete / use timber construction and green alternative to concrete.

They appear to be against high rise for green reasons.

I thought they made good points.

I'm not against high rise in principle. But this should include no loss of light for neighbouring housing and be appropriate for area. Also adequate light for housing in new developments.
Just wondering here.

Reason high buildings cannot be built in central Brixton is that it's a conservation area

Recent application for tower of flats was knocked back by planners in LJ was due to it affecting views. Which are protected under planning rules.

Are posters saying that these kind of planning rules should be scrapped?

As they are nimby's charter?
What views are protected in LJ?

And yes, Brixton shouldn’t be limited to 4 stories. If we can’t build density here where can you?
There are 20 houses on that road, you could buy the whole lot for less than 20 million quid, which would free up from tescos to the the town hall.


Nice to see you and some other posters here as so keen to kick people out of their homes

Perhaps they like their homes and want to stay?

Opposition to the Hollamby plan years ago was also from some Afro Carribbean people who had scraped enough money to buy houses in Brixton. Then found they were in area where Council would possibly CPO them.

As CH1 said this was also one of the origins of the Brixton Society.

Things like making central Brixton a Conservation area are the upshot of this campaigning.

Ru saying things like Conservation areas should be scrapped in urban areas?

Another thing about CPO- there are arguments about proper compensation. This is endemic to CPO of properties.

It also blights an area. With properties CPO for possible development then left empty for years.

This is why central Brixton was squatted and short lifed

The other thing is if one is to build high rise properly this means plenty of space around blocks. As happened with the Loughborough Estate in LJ.

High blocks are not necessarily any more high density than low rise.

Unless planning guidelines for light are reduced. ( teuchter has done post on this).

Is it acceptable to reduce provision of adequate natural light on new developments?

I don't think so. This is a step backwards.

What do you think?
What views are protected in LJ?

And yes, Brixton shouldn’t be limited to 4 stories. If we can’t build density here where can you?

There are London wide protected views. Some of this comes under London plan. If a developer puts in a very tall tower GLA London Plan also comes into operation.

In Lambeth area Local Plan also means that high developments have to justify affect on nearby conservations areas. As happened with Hondo Tower. Not in the CA but adjacent to it so its height effecting it.

Do you want to scrap all this as its Nimbyism?
I'm not against high rise in principle. But this should include no loss of light for neighbouring housing and be appropriate for area. Also adequate light for housing in new developments.
Honestly don’t see how you can build high rise without effecting someone’s “light”.

Being able to buy a 30s terraced house on Baytree Rd shouldn’t give you the right to stop housing being built for others.

Most European cities are 7 stories throughout - if we don’t build up in London what are we meant to do?
What views are protected in LJ?

And yes, Brixton shouldn’t be limited to 4 stories. If we can’t build density here where can you?

In LJ the tall residential tower planning application was refused. As it was contrary to tall Building policy in Lambeth

Q26 of Local Plan

Application ReceivedFri 01 Nov 2019
Application ValidatedWed 15 Jan 2020
Address1, 3-11 Wellfit Street, 7-9 Hinton Road & Units 1-4 Hardess Street London SE24 0HN
ProposalDemolition of existing retail and industrial buildings and erection of a part 3, part 20, part 29-storey mixed-use podium building comprising 2073m2 of employment floorspace (Use Class E (g) (i) and (iii)) with ancillary sandwich bar/cafe and site caretakers accommodation (Use Class E (a) and (c)), an industrial yard of 55m2 and 170 dwellings with associated disabled car parking, cycle and bin stores, and hard and soft landscaping.

This application is a DEPARTURE APPLICATION: The proposed development is a departure from Policy Q26 of the Lambeth Local Plan (2015).
That would mean scrapping the CA. Are you ok with that?
Yes - if that’s stopping building density in a town centre we should change it.

I get hating property developers but people actually need homes and we need more of them in town centres like Brixton. Protecting the interests of people that already live in houses in central Brixton at the expense of everyone else is a very weird stance.
Honestly don’t see how you can build high rise without effecting someone’s “light”.

Being able to buy a 30s terraced house on Baytree Rd shouldn’t give you the right to stop housing being built for others.

Most European cities are 7 stories throughout - if we don’t build up in London what are we meant to do?

It part of planning policy.

Are you saying that should be ditched?
In LJ the tall residential tower planning application was refused. As it was contrary to tall Building policy in Lambeth

Q26 of Local Plan

Application ReceivedFri 01 Nov 2019
Application ValidatedWed 15 Jan 2020
Address1, 3-11 Wellfit Street, 7-9 Hinton Road & Units 1-4 Hardess Street London SE24 0HN
ProposalDemolition of existing retail and industrial buildings and erection of a part 3, part 20, part 29-storey mixed-use podium building comprising 2073m2 of employment floorspace (Use Class E (g) (i) and (iii)) with ancillary sandwich bar/cafe and site caretakers accommodation (Use Class E (a) and (c)), an industrial yard of 55m2 and 170 dwellings with associated disabled car parking, cycle and bin stores, and hard and soft landscaping.

This application is a DEPARTURE APPLICATION: The proposed development is a departure from Policy Q26 of the Lambeth Local Plan (2015).
I do t understand. What view was protected?
Honestly don’t see how you can build high rise without effecting someone’s “light”.

Being able to buy a 30s terraced house on Baytree Rd shouldn’t give you the right to stop housing being built for others.

Most European cities are 7 stories throughout - if we don’t build up in London what are we meant to do?

Also will I'm at it are you saying Lambeth tall buildings planning policy should be scrapped

Yes - if it’s stopping density being built in Brixton.

I don’t understand what you want to preserve and for who.

I'm not talking about me.

I'm talking about this Councils planning policies. This Labour Council.

Appears to me you have significant problems with them.

All I'm asking is if you want some of these Council planning policies ditched
I don’t not what the policy is but yes, we need to build taller. Who’s interests are you caring about that you’d stop that?

I'm not. I'm asking you to clarify if you object to this Labour Councils planning policies. Simple yes or no would suffice.
What is their to understand?

This is normal practise for any Councils local plan.

Heights of buildings are restricted in certain agreed areas.
Sounds like the Loughborough Estate wouldn’t be built with this attitude. Is that a good thing?
I'm not. I'm asking you to clarify if you object to this Labour Councils planning policies. Simple yes or no would suffice.
and I’m saying yes if it’s stopping 9+ story buildings on Acre Lane.

For someone that seems to disagree with the council on nearly everything it’s weird that your son-in-law step with them on this.
and I’m saying yes if it’s stopping 9+ story buildings on Acre Lane.

For someone that seems to disagree with the council on nearly everything it’s weird that your son-in-law step with them on this.

I'm here supporting the Brixton CA

Supporting the Council turning down an application by a developer for a high rise in LJ

And you not answering my question is twisted around to say that I disagree with the Council over everything.

Don't call me weird. This is just abuse.

So what makes you think I disagree with Council on everything? Specifically- not just a general swipe at me. Which specifically issues I supposedly oppose makes you think this?

BTW be interested in your views on the Green Cllrs take on this. Are they to be dismissed as disagreeing with the Council over everything.?
and I’m saying yes if it’s stopping 9+ story buildings on Acre Lane.

For someone that seems to disagree with the council on nearly everything it’s weird that your son-in-law step with them on this.

Seems to me you accusing me of just opposing anything Council does.

Yet you are disagreeing with fundamental aspect of this Labour Council Local Plan.

I really object to this broad swipe at someone like me for reading up on issues sometimes disagreeing with Council and a poster like you whose prejudice is just to write off someone like me as just one of those people who are just negative

But when you do it its different.
I'm here supporting the Brixton CA

Supporting the Council turning down an application by a developer for a high rise in LJ

And you not answering my question is twisted around to say that I disagree with the Council over everything.

Don't call me weird. This is just abuse.

So what makes you think I disagree with Council on everything? Specifically- not just a general swipe at me. Which specifically issues I supposedly oppose makes you think this?

BTW be interested in your views on the Green Cllrs take on this. Are they to be dismissed as disagreeing with the Council over everything.?
Really not being abusive - you’re the one who’s constantly being confrontational.

All I’ve said is Brixton (& London generally) needs to be taller and denser for housing. I don’t know the ins and outs of the councils guidelines but presumably their plans for the Tesco site are in line with those.

By not building housing in central London we’re only going to help those that already own property at the expenses of those that haven’t - that seems very unfair and so I’m not so concerned about someone being slightly overshadowed - buying a house gives you the house not the right to stop all development around you.
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