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I don't know how true it is but I keep hearing that London is going into full lockdown on friday. I was rushed off home today with the loads of computers and drives. . . . told that we only have only one day to sort out the kinks.
I’ve had people call me from the North East, and from Dublin to tell me that they have it on good authority that all army leave is cancelled so they can come down here and enforce a lockdown .

The fact that the school closure isn’t universal, key workers’ kids will need to be brought to school, those key workers will go to their jobs, teachers will be moving about etc makes me think that it’s just another disruptive rumour.
Was just talking to my brother in Norfolk. He said Look East (local news programme) had a feature about Londoners with second homes in Southwold carrying on as if nothing it wrong.

A bit like the Beehive I presume -except stinking rich (by my standards).
It's going to be a coronavirus conga!

The Beehive is rammed as usual. No social distancing going on. I somehow doubt the regulars keep up with world events.

A view from the Right (which may not be welcomed):

"So, stop taking a chance with the lives of those older and more vulnerable than you.

It’s time many millennials stopped being so bloody selfish and asked themselves the question President John F. Kennedy asked in his 1961 inaugural address: ‘And so my fellow Americans,’ he said, ‘Ask not what your country can do for you - but what you can do for your country.’

Before it’s, like, too late y’all."

If coronavirus killed young people like it does the old, we would have shut down society weeks ago - so the least dumb, selfish millennials like Vanessa Hudgens can do is stop partying and like, wake the f*ck up
It’s just the same question you always ask.

Bit boring, that
I've never asked you if you were here in 1995 before. Not once. You're making that up.

But if you've got time to come back with more of your pithy comments, why haven't you got time to answer my questions? They're very much related to the topic of the thread.
I’ve had people call me from the North East, and from Dublin to tell me that they have it on good authority that all army leave is cancelled so they can come down here and enforce a lockdown .

The fact that the school closure isn’t universal, key workers’ kids will need to be brought to school, those key workers will go to their jobs, teachers will be moving about etc makes me think that it’s just another disruptive rumour.

Had friend who had to go to a funeral in the Republic last week. He also said the army had been mobilised. Partly due to the trouble during the last economic crisis . Another Irish friend said some looting of food shops happened.

My friend said he had been told that Irish police had been told not to arrest and put people in cells unless absolutely necessary. To let people off with cautions.

Chatting to my local shop keeper His wife works in state education in London. They are going to close schools. A few school buildings may be kept open for children of NHS staff etc. So they are discussing how that will work. Also vulnerable children and those on school meals.
It was a death in custody issue. Took out the baked potatoe, the Seven.Eleven, and resulted also in a mild attzck on the Dogstar.
It was not about gentrification but about people dying in the Police Station.

I saw that.

In 81 the Atlantic didnt even get a broken window. Despite the large scale rioting in central Brixton. Why? Because it was Black run pub.

By 95 it was considered part of Council led gentrifaction of Brixton.

I saw it being attacked and looted. It clearly was symbol of resentment that the local Black community decided to trash. This was no accident or case of pure lawlessness.
I don't know how true it is but I keep hearing that London is going into full lockdown on friday. I was rushed off home today with the loads of computers and drives. . . . told that we only have only one day to sort out the kinks.

As Ive reported on the Coronavirus threads the City of London business having bee moving out nearly all the office staff. Ive been helping with this.

I hope there is not full lockdown as I will be out of a job next week. I might be anyway. We have been all grafting to move computers etc out of peoples offices. When its done we are stuffed. And its been a risk as central London is high risk area. Ive been using sanitiser a lot and being careful but its still been a risk. Know one guy whose girlfriend has been getting really worried about it

I did ten hours today in the City. Which is almost empty now. Me and my workmates have been moving a lot of stuff.

A whole load of people are losing their livelihoods over this. Not everyone can work at home.

For instance the stall I pass every day that sells gifts to tourists closed today. He told me yesterday it was no point opening. The Black Cab drivers are parked up with no fares in central London. The buskers have been banned.

A whole load of people are losing a significant part of their income.
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I wish all the panickers out there who are stripping the shops of essentials would just STOP IT. I am disgusted at the thoughtfulness of people queueing with piled up trolleys, filling cars with enough stuff to last months. Or are they just selling it at extortionate prices on ebay? Empty shelves all over the place - which must make it very difficult for those with mobility / health problems.

I hear Iceland are letting in only older/disabled people only in the mornings (til 10 or 11am?) and they are enforcing it too, they were refusing entry to a friend of mind who didn't look old enough - until she showed them her bus pass. Sainsburys are reserving the first hour of trading for the elderly/vulnerable people, so thats 7 - 8am in Brixton Water lane.

Are any other shops around here (not internet shopping) rationing goods / preventing stockpiling / giving priority to disadvantaged groups?
Had friend who had to go to a funeral in the Republic last week. He also said the army had been mobilised. Partly due to the trouble during the last economic crisis . Another Irish friend said some looting of food shops happened.

My friend said he had been told that Irish police had been told not to arrest and put people in cells unless absolutely necessary. To let people off with cautions.

Chatting to my local shop keeper His wife works in state education in London. They are going to close schools. A few school buildings may be kept open for children of NHS staff etc. So they are discussing how that will work. Also vulnerable children and those on school meals.
People in the Republic are more used to seeing army though. Cash transit vans are often accompanied by army, as are prisoner escorts.

I think that any use of army here will be for special skills they have. Medical, firefighting, engineering. If there is force action to be taken against the population, it will be the police that does it. God knows the Met has enough people, batons and bullets.
I wish all the panickers out there who are stripping the shops of essentials would just STOP IT. I am disgusted at the thoughtfulness of people queueing with piled up trolleys, filling cars with enough stuff to last months. Or are they just selling it at extortionate prices on ebay? Empty shelves all over the place - which must make it very difficult for those with mobility / health problems.

I hear Iceland are letting in only older/disabled people only in the mornings (til 10 or 11am?) and they are enforcing it too, they were refusing entry to a friend of mind who didn't look old enough - until she showed them her bus pass. Sainsburys are reserving the first hour of trading for the elderly/vulnerable people, so thats 7 - 8am in Brixton Water lane.

Are any other shops around here (not internet shopping) rationing goods / preventing stockpiling / giving priority to disadvantaged groups?
I know someone in Crofton Park who told me that a neighbour went out and panic bought kitchen roll. Dozens and dozens of the stuff. He comes home, realises he has overdone it and then offers, over a whatsapp group, to SELL it to his neighbours. My mate is disgusted and went back on the whatsapp group and told him that a neighbouring food bank would be glad of it if he was willing to donate.
I wish all the panickers out there who are stripping the shops of essentials would just STOP IT. I am disgusted at the thoughtfulness of people queueing with piled up trolleys, filling cars with enough stuff to last months. Or are they just selling it at extortionate prices on ebay? Empty shelves all over the place - which must make it very difficult for those with mobility / health problems.

I hear Iceland are letting in only older/disabled people only in the mornings (til 10 or 11am?) and they are enforcing it too, they were refusing entry to a friend of mind who didn't look old enough - until she showed them her bus pass. Sainsburys are reserving the first hour of trading for the elderly/vulnerable people, so thats 7 - 8am in Brixton Water lane.

Are any other shops around here (not internet shopping) rationing goods / preventing stockpiling / giving priority to disadvantaged groups?
I haven't been able to buy fresh fruit and veg for two weeks now. I don't get back to Brixton until gone 7pm, so no chance at any of my local shops (Brixton Hill). Just a question: if I were to take a morning off next week, does the market manage to stock up with fruit, veg, etc?
I wish all the panickers out there who are stripping the shops of essentials would just STOP IT. I am disgusted at the thoughtfulness of people queueing with piled up trolleys, filling cars with enough stuff to last months. Or are they just selling it at extortionate prices on ebay? Empty shelves all over the place - which must make it very difficult for those with mobility / health problems.

I hear Iceland are letting in only older/disabled people only in the mornings (til 10 or 11am?) and they are enforcing it too, they were refusing entry to a friend of mind who didn't look old enough - until she showed them her bus pass. Sainsburys are reserving the first hour of trading for the elderly/vulnerable people, so thats 7 - 8am in Brixton Water lane.

Are any other shops around here (not internet shopping) rationing goods / preventing stockpiling / giving priority to disadvantaged groups?
I haven't been able to buy fresh fruit and veg for two weeks now. I don't get back to Brixton until gone 7pm, so no chance at any of my local shops (Brixton Hill). Just a question: if I were to take a morning off next week, does the market manage to stock up with fruit, veg, etc?
OH just left Sainsburys on BWL and said it looks OK for most food stuff including fruit and veg. But not for carbs (pasta, rice, tatoes).
Went past Iceland earlier, it looked mental with queues , like the apocalypse is coming.
The weirdest thing about Iceland is people have stripped the vile 1 kg tubs of allegedly buttery margarine.
It is roughly 40 per cent marge and 60 per cent water, which is why it spreads well - and tastes like dish water.
The Dog got rightly slapped down when it first arrived but it's helped me raise nearly £5,000 for local youth charities in the last few years so I'm not going to get too worked up by what happened in 1995. They definitely played a part in gentrifying the area - as did me and you in a small measure by moving to the area if we're going to drill right down into the causes - but it's nothing compared to the modern onslaught of Brixton Village, Pop Brixton, Brixton Square, Squires, Hondo, champagne bars etc,

I tend to get more worked up by the recent arrival of unaffordable bars and restaurants and elitist, members-only clubs, to be honest. Besides, I think I've given a fair bit back to the community since I've been here.
I'm not digging you for not giving back. Offline was /is going for how long? Often or mostly free, some hilarious bands, it was all good.

It's going to be very interesting watching the plethora of start up bar/eateries that infest Brixton all fail and quite soon.

Most of these places have a six months business plan. Customers are rightly elusive now.

I see empty businesss spread all over Brixton within weeks as places get destroyed by their cash flow issues.

The Village is going to get Mullared.

I hope we get that shop with the big snails back...;)
I'm not digging you for not giving back. Offline was /is going for how long? Often or mostly free, some hilarious bands, it was all good.
The being free bit is really important to me because I remember what it was like not being able to afford to see good bands/entertainment. I think I've only ever strictly charged on five occasions since 2004: a Xmas party night at Jamm in 2005 where I had to make a certain amount to cover fees (with a huge line up), four Bowie charity fundraisers since 2004 and some NYEs where the venue has had to charge to keep up the nutters. Even then, I've always provided a guest list to ensure that everyone who wants to can get in free (as I do with the Dogstar now), so that's probably something like 500+ free shows!
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