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Brixton news, rumours and general chat: Summer 2019

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You know full well why I quoted your comments on the busker. You said that she drove you insane. If she, in fact, did not drive you insane, then that comment is no better or worse than what I said.?
It's astonishingly obvious that I didn't mean she drove me literally insane, and bringing up such a totally unrelated comment from an entirely different thread gives you no excuse whatsoever to question my mental health here.

Stop obsessing and hypothesising about things on which you have zero certainty because, frankly, it makes you sound mildly insane.
It's astonishingly obvious that I didn't mean she drove me literally insane, and bringing up such a totally unrelated comment from an entirely different thread gives you no excuse whatsoever to question my mental health here.

Let's try again. You asked me to focus on the points and issues being presented. I said this:

"And yes, suits are totemic of professional jobs (I understand your point). But would it be such a bad thing if someone who otherwise might have thought working in a "professional job" was out of their reach because they live in Brixton felt that it is not in fact the case?"

Any thoughts on this?
Let's try again. You asked me to focus on the points and issues being presented. I said this:

"And yes, suits are totemic of professional jobs (I understand your point). But would it be such a bad thing if someone who otherwise might have thought working in a "professional job" was out of their reach because they live in Brixton felt that it is not in fact the case?"

Any thoughts on this?

I would have thought by now that it's obvious you aren't going to get anywhere with this argument. Except probably banned for arguing something that other others on this site don't agree with and don't have to agree with because they have administrator privileges.

Any attempt at reason or objective thought can and will be met with evasion, multiple fallacies and a cast-iron hatred of anything that is 'not-we', even though the definition of 'not-we' can change at a moment's notice...

You really are wasting your time. Which is a shame as it used to be a discussion forum, sadly no longer.

But good luck!

ETA: the picture was posted deliberately to provoke these kind of conversations, so that any that objector can be called out as right wing gentrifiers. It's a regularly used (and very childish) tactic.
Let's try again. You asked me to focus on the points and issues being presented. I said this:

"And yes, suits are totemic of professional jobs (I understand your point). But would it be such a bad thing if someone who otherwise might have thought working in a "professional job" was out of their reach because they live in Brixton felt that it is not in fact the case?"

Any thoughts on this?
For the fourth time of asking, could you explain why the presence of well dressed, privileged white males walking around a seriously deprived neighbourhood might inspire anyone from that area to suddenly think that such jobs and opportunities were now within their grasp?

At what points of contact do you think the mainly ethnic minority youths in the locality might identify with these men and and start seeing exciting new possibilities for their own futures?

And some useful background:

Coldharbour has a large population compared to other wards (16,600). It has a young age profile, with a high proportion of children aged 0-15. It is the poorest ward in the borough.

It has the highest proportion of people from ethnic minorities, and a high proportion of people not born in UK. 4.8% of Coldharbour residents speak an African language as their first language, and 4% speak Portuguese.

Coldharbour has the highest proportion of Black Caribbean residents, and the highest proportion of Black African residents. Less than a quarter of residents are White British.

Much of the ward is in the 10% most deprived in England. Much of the wards is less affluent estates, such as the Loughborough, Hertford, Angell Town and Moorlands estates.

It has the highest proportion of social rented households (60%, compared to 22% private rented and 16% owner occupation). There is a high percentage of dwellings in council tax bands A or B.

Coldharbour has a high rate of working age benefit claimants (Nov 2014), a high rate of out of work claimants, and a high rate of claimants aged under 25.

It has the highest proportion of dependent children in out-of-work households and the highest proportion of households with no adults in employment with dependent children. There is a high proportion of lone parents not in employment, and of residents with no qualifications. The crime rate is high for Lambeth
The Police have issued a witness appeal regarding the incident outside the Domino Club on Saturday afternoon.
Police notice.jpg
For the fourth time of asking, could you explain why the presence of well dressed, privileged white males walking around a seriously deprived neighbourhood might inspire anyone from that area to suddenly think that such jobs and opportunities were now within their grasp?

At what points of contact do you think the mainly ethnic minority youths in the locality might identify with these men and and start seeing exciting new possibilities for their own futures?

Because notwithstanding your view that the men are privileged and newly-arrived, might in fact (despite being well-dressed and white) have lived in the area for a number of years and/or grown up in social housing and simply have found a job that requires them to wear a suit.

The alternative local role model seems to be hammer-wielding men assaulting each other.

I know which I would rather follow...
Because notwithstanding your view that the men are privileged and newly-arrived, might in fact (despite being well-dressed and white) have lived in the area for a number of years and/or grown up in social housing and simply have found a job that requires them to wear a suit.

The alternative local role model seems to be hammer-wielding men assaulting each other.
How deeply patronising and disgustingly racist. Either they aspire to be like the well dressed white professionals or the only other alternative for them is to be "hammer-wielding men assaulting each other."

PS You do understand that for many people living in poverty it's not easy to end up in professional careers even if they work really really really really hard? Harder than the guys in the photos, most probably.
How deeply patronising and disgustingly racist. Either they aspire to be like the well dressed white professionals or the only other alternative for them is to be "hammer-wielding men assaulting each other."

PS You do understand that for many people living in poverty it's not easy to end up as well off professionals even if they work really really really really hard? Harder than they worked, most probably.

I do understand that it is not easy. But if nobody tries, then how can anything ever change?

The two sets of people being discussed on this thread most recently are the suited men in your photo and those reported to have been fighting at the weekend. The suited men could have been black or white. The fighting men could have been black or white. My point is the same regardless and my intention is not to be patronising or racist.
Oh fuck me - they are "white" as well..

What the fuck are you doing in Brixton then Ed...or do you not count because of your dreads and ever so edgy lifestyle?

You give it all this about gentrification - yet you (incomer) set up a website promoting the area and are happy to take the shilling DJ'ing in middle class "white" pubs!

The blatant hypocrisy is what pisses me off.

Gwan all you want about "ad hominems" and "deprived wards" you are a fucking joke.

If it makes you happy me and my shitty, shiny suit that I never wanted to wear fucked off a while back.

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Trying to make a positive difference. How about you?

That's what all the hipsters say...you were the original!

Positive difference by taking up needed social housing and gentifrying the area..

I left the area - so that probably helps you as I'm "white" and had to wear a suit occasionally.
A hammer? Fucking hell. That is awful.
Apparently the police have told councillors etc that the Domino Club & Soup Kitchen were closed when this happened. Three suspects have been arrested and are now released on bail.
That's what all the hipsters say...you were the original!

Positive difference by taking up needed social housing and gentifrying the area..

I left the area - so that probably helps you as I'm "white" and had to wear a suit occasionally.
It must be awfully nice being able to dig up random, second-hand details about someone's personal life and present them as fact - and then criticise them publicly while you sit nice'n' comfy in your advantageous position of cowardly anonymity, with no one able to scrutinise your supposedly 'hypocrisy-free' life.

I believe the FAQ is crystal clear on personal attacks like this, so take a fortnight off.
Apparently the police have told councillors etc that the Domino Club & Soup Kitchen were closed when this happened.

Also on the Met twitter feed. Made clear social media rumours were incorrect.
Come back hatboy, all is forgiven!

Well yes.

I've only skated over the previous posts. As I cannot stomach them.

I've had a few community meetings in last week plus I live in the the cordon that the police put up after the murder.

Living nearer LJ now.

I must say when I contrast LJ with present day Brixton its the tale of two Cities.

Walking from LJ to Brixton the change in demographic, the change from poor to well off is obvious.

Like a lot of social divisions due to disparity of wealth and social power one way to deal with it is ridicule. To silence any critique.
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Thank you for drawing attention to this information.

The figures to which you draw attention cover the period to the end of May 2019.

It is unclear how this explains what the operation between 19.00 on Saturday 29 June 2019 and 04.00 on Sunday 30 June 2019 achieved.

Well, I suspect that might be because there is a delay between arrests or otherwise between made and statistics being collated across London (which has over 10 million residents). What the fuck do you expect?

Everything is flawed. And you never respond meaningfully to any replies to your posts.

Look stuff up for yourself rather than offering up piss-poor questions about information that is freely available.
Well, I suspect that might be because there is a delay between arrests or otherwise between made and statistics being collated across London (which has over 10 million residents). What the fuck do you expect?

Everything is flawed. And you never respond meaningfully to any replies to your posts.

Look stuff up for yourself rather than offering up piss-poor questions about information that is freely available.

I do disagree with GarveyLives but in this case he has a point.

To say everything is flawed is meaningless.

The Met make these exclusion type orders with little or no public evidence.

Same thing with the one that cuppa tee posted about for Myatts Fields.

I had a look at that one last night. It was for a few days and was around the Myatts Field estate.

It was not in response to any actual incident. It was Met saying that this was in place because they said so and law gave them powers to do this.

Imo its misuse of powers. I was confused about the Myatt Field one as the legal wording is about a specific building that is cause of ASB. The Met are stretching this definition to include whole Streets. Which is not in the spirit of the legislation. Its creative use of it.

Which is my problem with it. Legislation is made and the Met use it in ways that stretches the definition.

There is no public evidence for these temporary zones.

They give Met the powers to control areas without direct evidence of loss of public order.

So GarveyLives is right to ask what is the quantifiable benefit of these police defined zones.

If policing is to go this way is an evidence based policy being built up to show the effectiveness of these temporary zones?

I don't think so.
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I'm hearing that the the splendid Brixton Pound cafe may soon be getting their marching orders, with an inevitable trendy restaurant taking its place.

That's probably my fault as well.
The problem is the front bay of the building. It's enormous and often when the club is "closed" all sorts happens out there.
Yep, and often with a lively overspill onto the wall outside the Barrier Block. People sometimes seem to be able to access the garden at odd hours too. I don't want the place closed down even if it is a pain in the arse at times and the least welcoming venue in London (although I've never made a complaint), but they do have a problem with some of the people who hang around there.
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