Coldharbour has a large population compared to other wards (16,600). It has a young age profile, with a high proportion of children aged 0-15. It is the poorest ward in the borough.
It has the highest proportion of people from ethnic minorities, and a high proportion of people not born in UK. 4.8% of Coldharbour residents speak an African language as their first language, and 4% speak Portuguese.
Coldharbour has the highest proportion of Black Caribbean residents, and the highest proportion of Black African residents. Less than a quarter of residents are White British.
Much of the ward is in the 10% most deprived in England. Much of the wards is less affluent estates, such as the Loughborough, Hertford, Angell Town and Moorlands estates.
It has the highest proportion of social rented households (60%, compared to 22% private rented and 16% owner occupation). There is a high percentage of dwellings in council tax bands A or B.
Coldharbour has a high rate of working age benefit claimants (Nov 2014), a high rate of out of work claimants, and a high rate of claimants aged under 25.
It has the highest proportion of dependent children in out-of-work households and the highest proportion of households with no adults in employment with dependent children. There is a high proportion of lone parents not in employment, and of residents with no qualifications. The crime rate is high for Lambeth