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Brixton news, rumour and general chat - May 2014

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Are joggers the new champagne drinkers? I think it's time we had a new bogeyman in any case.

No... I'm sure they are alright really - I tried jogging once but got really distracted by the nice architecture and wished I'd had my camera. Then I also thought that being out on my own at 6 in the morning on the quiet streets on London was a bad idea especially when blokes are shouting at my wobbling flesh.

Really teuchter you need to be getting irritated by the proper stuff. :)
Are joggers the new champagne drinkers? I think it's time we had a new bogeyman in any case.
It's just another indicator that if you're poor and/or in rented accommodation you may well find yourself soon being priced out of your own community. I don't find it much to joke about.
Here's one for you old school Goa glowstick types:


Return to the Source 21st Anniversary Reunion Party spins into the Electric Brixton, 1st August 2014
I would like to caution any prospective all-nighter customers that just because the Electric brixton says it will run till 7am, doesn't mean it will. They might shut it down at 3am with no explanation. Yes I do bear a grudge.
Happy to put down a wager that this night will stay open past 3am!
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