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Brixton news, rumour and general chat - May 2014

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No... I'm sure they are alright really - I tried jogging once but got really distracted by the nice architecture and wished I'd had my camera. Then I also thought that being out on my own at 6 in the morning on the quiet streets on London was a bad idea especially when blokes are shouting at my wobbling flesh.

I try jogging at regular interval. And am distracted every time by age and fat and unfitness. And decide the way to deal with this is to spend the next three weeks doing no exercise and eating cake, then try again and expect a different outcome…. There's a definition of madness in there somewhere.
I try jogging at regular interval. And am distracted every time by age and fat and unfitness. And decide the way to deal with this is to spend the next three weeks doing no exercise and eating cake, then try again and expect a different outcome…. There's a definition of madness in there somewhere.

You could try Parkrun. Times range from very fast to very slow.
I try jogging at regular interval. And am distracted every time by age and fat and unfitness. And decide the way to deal with this is to spend the next three weeks doing no exercise and eating cake, then try again and expect a different outcome…. There's a definition of madness in there somewhere.

Walking fast is a good alternative, i have imaginary races with people ahead of me; must get past them before next street.
I think the speed of my walking is the thing that keeps my weight down. I walk very fast. But then I'm usually in a hurry as well.
You could try Parkrun. Times range from very fast to very slow.
problem is (this is a very first world problem, I'm aware) is I used to be fit and fast. I ran the New York marathon and qualified for a good for age entry in the London marathon …. I am a competitive control freak and running with other people and discovering I am now the fat slow one at the back makes me very angry with myself and frustrated. If I can't win I don't want to play :)

But yeah, you're right, I need to stop making excuses.
Didn't realise keeping fit was the preserve of the rich. If only somebody had told Haile Gebrselassie :p
there was a programme on R4 the other day about epidemiology- social epidimiology and whether being middle class (with a longer life expectancy) is a causal or contributory factor of better health. http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b01mw15s
worth a listen
there was a programme on R4 the other day about epidemiology- social epidimiology and whether being middle class (with a longer life expectancy) is a causal or contributory factor of better health. http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b01mw15s
worth a listen

I'm having a listen to it now but off the cuff i would suspect better health has everything to do with economics.
problem is (this is a very first world problem, I'm aware) is I used to be fit and fast. I ran the New York marathon and qualified for a good for age entry in the London marathon …. I am a competitive control freak and running with other people and discovering I am now the fat slow one at the back makes me very angry with myself and frustrated. If I can't win I don't want to play :)

But yeah, you're right, I need to stop making excuses.

I'm 37 and have always been overweight and can eat the worst foods imaginable with a smile on my face.

My midlife crisis has me running now and I absolutely love Parkrun. Possibly my favourite thing this Christmas was Parkrun.

I have found that most of the answers to my queries is more mileage. Pissed off with not being quickest? Run more. Wonder if I can do 10k? Get out there. What are these socks like? Run on them.

I own very little with a Nike logo but since I have started running, the 'Just do it ' slogan makes massive sense.
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