URGENT: Get ready to fight for Brixton Market
As already noted by Gramsci, London Associated Properties are displaying their plans thursday, friday, saturday in Granville Arcade.
Thursday 22nd January 12 to 3
Friday 23rd January 2 to 5
Saturday 24th January 10 to 1
They are doing this as part of their supposed 'consultation' - which seems to consist of zero opportunity for actual feedback to be taken on board. They have already distributed a leaflet about the presentation which contains the line "The redevelopment will NOT change or alter the nature of the market in any way". What are they going to do then, leave it as it is?
Friends of Brixton Market are going to be distributing leaflets on these days giving the alternative view. If you are able to pop by and help, we'd be very grateful.
Please check the (new!!) FBM website: www.friendsofbrixtonmarket.org for more info or email us at [email protected]
LAP's application is a very frightening development for Brixton. The proposal within itself would be disastrous for Brixton and were it to succeed would set a precedent that could see Brixton change beyond recognition into blandville in the next ten years.
What's especially frightening about LAP is their tactics in other developments around London.
In the past week or so, both the Islington Tribune and the Evening Standard have reported on two separate developments where LAP are destroying historic and much loved markets, riding roughshod over the desires of the community and local council and are quoted as "bullying" traders.
Evening Standard article about Antiquarius in King's Road, Chelsea
Antique Traders Gazette
Islington: LAP evict all traders
Islington: LAP try to turn market into nightclub
If you are in any doubt that this is serious, please read these articles.
When LAP's application is validated by the council, there will be a link on FBM's website to the Lambeth planning website where you can register your opposition.
Friends of Brixton Market and other local groups are working on alternative plans to safe guard the market for us all for the future.
None of them will go anywhere if LAP succeed. Beating their application will only be the first battle with them. Please tell everyone you know, and check back here and at www.friendsofbrixtonmarket.org
As already noted by Gramsci, London Associated Properties are displaying their plans thursday, friday, saturday in Granville Arcade.
Thursday 22nd January 12 to 3
Friday 23rd January 2 to 5
Saturday 24th January 10 to 1
They are doing this as part of their supposed 'consultation' - which seems to consist of zero opportunity for actual feedback to be taken on board. They have already distributed a leaflet about the presentation which contains the line "The redevelopment will NOT change or alter the nature of the market in any way". What are they going to do then, leave it as it is?
Friends of Brixton Market are going to be distributing leaflets on these days giving the alternative view. If you are able to pop by and help, we'd be very grateful.
Please check the (new!!) FBM website: www.friendsofbrixtonmarket.org for more info or email us at [email protected]
LAP's application is a very frightening development for Brixton. The proposal within itself would be disastrous for Brixton and were it to succeed would set a precedent that could see Brixton change beyond recognition into blandville in the next ten years.
What's especially frightening about LAP is their tactics in other developments around London.
In the past week or so, both the Islington Tribune and the Evening Standard have reported on two separate developments where LAP are destroying historic and much loved markets, riding roughshod over the desires of the community and local council and are quoted as "bullying" traders.
Evening Standard article about Antiquarius in King's Road, Chelsea
Antique Traders Gazette
Islington: LAP evict all traders
Islington: LAP try to turn market into nightclub
If you are in any doubt that this is serious, please read these articles.
When LAP's application is validated by the council, there will be a link on FBM's website to the Lambeth planning website where you can register your opposition.
Friends of Brixton Market and other local groups are working on alternative plans to safe guard the market for us all for the future.
None of them will go anywhere if LAP succeed. Beating their application will only be the first battle with them. Please tell everyone you know, and check back here and at www.friendsofbrixtonmarket.org