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Brixton Liveable Neighbourhood and LTN schemes - improvements for pedestrians and cyclists

I think the confusion is that it was probably a “gut to concrete frame” and rebuild. So little evidence left of previous building.
I think the confusion is that it was probably a “gut to concrete frame” and rebuild. So little evidence left of previous building.
Yeah - it looks v ‘90s. Have always hated it particular the weird flat balcony details on the windows & how the ground floor makes the street really bland.
So was it an office block built built in the 90s in a kind of imitation faux historic residential block style, and then later converted into an actual faux historical residential block?
it didn't have the faux historic cladding when it was an office block, that was added when it was converted to flats.

The one that edcraw mentions was then also converted later on (in the 00s I think?)
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The Tories have pledged to remove all LTNs older than 3 years in their manifesto but wll "support walking, cycling and cycle quiet routes". Nice and clear there. :rolleyes:

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Have you actually read what you posted?

It says that they propose to "review all closed roads over three years old in a proper consultation with all local residents."

Whatever you might feel about that I don't see how it reasonably translates into anything like a pledge to remove all LTNs over three years old.

Have you actually read what you posted?

It says that they propose to "review all closed roads over three years old in a proper consultation with all local residents."

Whatever you might feel about that I don't see how it reasonably translates into anything like a pledge to remove all LTNs over three years old.
Sorry, you're right, they've pledged to consult on all over 3 years. Presumably they'll campaign against these though. Any idea how much those consultations will cost? There must be hundreds in the borough. Will it include proposals to demolish Virgina Walk Estate in Tulse Hill to reopen Beechdale Rd??

They're definelty removing all the ones under 3 years - or is it just the one that "create traffic gridlock & high pollution levels" - or is that all of them? Crystal clear!
Sorry, you're right.
You really need to ask yourself what you are doing when you have to make stuff up to posture against.

Presumably they'll campaign against these though.
Will it include proposals to demolish Virgina Walk Estate in Tulse Hill to reopen Beechdale Rd??

Do you see what I mean?

It's just you and your inner boogeyman having it out in public.
So they won't consult on opening Beechdale? Going back on manifesto prmises already?

Looking forward to the Josephine Av one.

Have you actually read what you posted?

It says that they propose to "review all closed roads over three years old in a proper consultation with all local residents."

Whatever you might feel about that I don't see how it reasonably translates into anything like a pledge to remove all LTNs over three years old.
If they thinking it's worth consulting on (which will cost a fair bit of money), surely the must have some idea of which ones they think might be worth removing - Josephine Avenue? Crescent Lane? Lambert Road?

Have you actually read what you posted?

It says that they propose to "review all closed roads over three years old in a proper consultation with all local residents."

Whatever you might feel about that I don't see how it reasonably translates into anything like a pledge to remove all LTNs over three years old.
Are you having a laugh?. They pledge to remove the new ones and review the historical ones in the next sentence. Do you think they want to keep them?.
If they thinking it's worth consulting on (which will cost a fair bit of money), surely the must have some idea of which ones they think might be worth removing - Josephine Avenue? Crescent Lane? Lambert Road?
It depends what you mean by worth it. It's an election pledge and they seem to be fairly straightforwardly offering to consult on an issue. They must believe that there are areas where there are enough people who want to be consulted. Otherwise it's a fairly pointless pledge.
Are you having a laugh?. They pledge to remove the new ones and review the historical ones in the next sentence. Do you think they want to keep them?.
Pretty sure the Tories would want to keep Park Hill & Crescent Lane ones. If they believe filters displace traffic than these must push it onto Clapham Park Estate to save the multi million pound houses on Elm Crescent etc.
They say "review all closed roads over 3 years old".

Not something like "review historically closed roads where there is a demand to do so".

Is anyone actually going to contend that this is not a silly and rather strange pledge to make?
You're thinking about it wrong if you think this is a well-thought out election pledge. All it is, is a way to try and square being "anti-LTN" with the problem that there are filters all over the place and no one really objects to old ones, just new ones. They don't have have to have a proper answer to whether an old filter is good or bad, as the answer is "dunno, we could ask people I guess".
They say "review all closed roads over 3 years old".

Not something like "review historically closed roads where there is a demand to do so".
I'd agree that "where there is a demand to do so" would be more practical. I'm not even sure how they would go about working out what qualifies as a "road closed over three years old".
You're thinking about it wrong if you think this is a well-thought out election pledge.
I'm not sure that I suggested that it was. I simply acknowledge that I don't know (and don't really care to know) the ins and outs of every ward so I accept that it might be a hot potato in one, even if I don't know about it.
It's odd that they should raise it as a thing, as I am not aware of anywhere that people are asking for a >3 year old closure to be reversed, and it's a question that they normally dodge for that very reason.

It might be that there are a couple of locations where people do want something reversed, but I find it more plausible that it's in there simply because they are completely clueless about coming up with a coherent transport policy.
Sorry, you're right, they've pledged to consult on all over 3 years. Presumably they'll campaign against these though. Any idea how much those consultations will cost? There must be hundreds in the borough. Will it include proposals to demolish Virgina Walk Estate in Tulse Hill to reopen Beechdale Rd??

They're definelty removing all the ones under 3 years - or is it just the one that "create traffic gridlock & high pollution levels" - or is that all of them? Crystal clear!
It's a minor point in response to a spectacular bit of poor logic - but Virginia Walk has never been open to cars. Sure, the bit of road that existed there prior to the Blitz was, but old streets get covered up by buildings all the time. That's urban planning rather than traffic engineering.

Even in it's pre-WW2 state, Beechdale just looped back onto Endymion. It was never a through road to Helix and Leander. There's a 3m height difference that dates back to the development of fields from two different farms. The steps at that corner have been there since the 1880s when the streets were first laid out.
The go fund me campaign has stalled again after an initial rise following the appeal. It’s all very well saying let’s carry on but if you are not the one who is liable at the end, pity the poor sod that is.
I'd agree that "where there is a demand to do so" would be more practical. I'm not even sure how they would go about working out what qualifies as a "road closed over three years old".
Yes - Clapham high street sainsburys used to be a tram depot, I demand the road through sainsburys is reopened.
The race for Croydon Mayor is hotting up to the point that on LTNs both Val Shawcross and the Tory candidate appear cagily against. Then again this is reported speech.

Neither of them say they will remove any ! Lol

( it’s all cagey “I didn’t say that” answers )
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