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Brixton Liveable Neighbourhood and LTN schemes - improvements for pedestrians and cyclists

Like Uber drivers for example, also couriers and all tradesmen.

Our error here is trying to distill their logic
No, not the same. Shortages in staffing social care is the largest and most immediate crisis facing this country, bar maybe Covid.
You guys love talking about historic systems. Let’s just start with access to all LtNs which have been put in as a response to covid. The historic ones we can look at later but that’s a start.

Yes, because you cannot logically just be against today’s traffic calming measures
It was a general point given your "do your own research" attitude in the past, not backed up by what happened in the court case. And now it turns out Lambeth are willing to tweak their plans, as they said they would all along...
Hence the reason I said that the decision was taken a long time ago.
That's not what I said. I pointed out, it shouldn't be necessary to consult on fair access for the disabled.
Especially if consultation is going to be used as a guise to say that offering next to nothing is doing something.
It seems that the council is trying to outsource this decision. There probably won’t be that many people that get involved in consultation and they’ll then use that to back up their position. In the meantime disabled people will suffer. Consultation is a good thing but not if the decision has been made already
It seems that the council is trying to outsource this decision. There probably won’t be that many people that get involved in consultation and they’ll then use that to back up their position. In the meantime disabled people will suffer. Consultation is a good thing but not if the decision has been made already
Can you link me to the consultation?
Can you link me to the consultation?
I don’t know if it’s up and running yet tbh. I also don’t know how it’s going to be managed. They did a “consultation” via commonplace which was supposed to be “the” consultation but they didn’t get the answer they wanted so said it wasn’t representative. Hopefully they won’t just do a digital consultation this time but emails have already gone out to supporters with pre-consultation material asking what they would like to see in the consultation
Like Uber drivers for example, also couriers and all tradesmen.

Our error here is trying to distill their logic
It seems the logic is that as the shortage of care workers is acute (and I'm not going to dispute that) it's not acceptable to take any measures which might extend the journey times of the portion of them who have private transport available to them. Even if those extensions are relatively marginal. And this has to override the benefits of lower traffic levels that others (including care workers using public transport) could enjoy. Perhaps there should be exemptions from speed limits as well.
I don’t know if it’s up and running yet tbh.

How are you so ignorant about something you’re meant to be so heavily involved in?

The consultations for Oval & Railton start tomorrow links at the bottom of this page to register.

The council has said the other areas will be consulted on in the next few months.
I don’t know if it’s up and running yet tbh. I also don’t know how it’s going to be managed. They did a “consultation” via commonplace which was supposed to be “the” consultation but they didn’t get the answer they wanted so said it wasn’t representative. Hopefully they won’t just do a digital consultation this time but emails have already gone out to supporters with pre-consultation material asking what they would like to see in the consultation

The commonplace was never a consultation it was for people to raise issues as the council could make changes to the temp scheme.

As for pre consultation material - no idea what this is.

You’re just making spurious claims to make it sound like a great conspiracy- very OneLambeth!
How are you so ignorant about something you’re meant to be so heavily involved in?

The consultations for Oval & Railton start tomorrow links at the bottom of this page to register.

The council has said the other areas will be consulted on in the next few months.
Because I haven’t been approached. That’s the point of consultation, if someone who is involved hasn’t had anything through their door then how far reaching will this consultation be? As mentioned, all the pro groups have had emails telling them when it will start.
The commonplace was never a consultation it was for people to raise issues as the council could make changes to the temp scheme.

As for pre consultation material - no idea what this is.

You’re just making spurious claims to make it sound like a great conspiracy- very OneLambeth!
The council told us after the deputation that the consultation would be via common place.
Because I haven’t been approached. That’s the point of consultation, if someone who is involved hasn’t had anything through their door then how far reaching will this consultation be? As mentioned, all the pro groups have had emails telling them when it will start.

It’s been mentioned in at least the following places:

on the email updates for each scheme - have you signed up to these?
in an email from our local councillors - do you not get these?
in Q&A sessions the council have been doing -have you attended any of these?
in the announcement about the proposed exemptions - presumably you read this as you’re aware of the exemptions.
Brixton Buzz & Brixton Blog news articles
Tweeted about by your organisation, OneLambeth Justice.

If you don’t know this you’re not paying attention, but this is probably going to be OneLambeth’s next play, to make out people aren’t aware of it.
It’s been mentioned in at least the following places:

on the email updates for each scheme - have you signed up to these?
in an email from our local councillors - do you not get these?
in Q&A sessions the council have been doing -have you attended any of these?
in the announcement about the proposed exemptions - presumably you read this as you’re aware of the exemptions.
Brixton Buzz & Brixton Blog news articles
Tweeted about by your organisation, OneLambeth Justice.

If you don’t know this you’re not paying attention, but this is probably going to be OneLambeth’s next play, to make out people aren’t aware of it.
I haven’t had any of these. Consultation should be far reaching enough that you don’t have to pro-actively sign up and search it out. Speaking to people on our road WhatsApp group about this, only one person new it was happening.
It seems the logic is that as the shortage of care workers is acute (and I'm not going to dispute that) it's not acceptable to take any measures which might extend the journey times of the portion of them who have private transport available to them. Even if those extensions are relatively marginal. And this has to override the benefits of lower traffic levels that others (including care workers using public transport) could enjoy. Perhaps there should be exemptions from speed limits as well.
Except one of the problems with care work is the number of people who have to be visited and given essential and quality care in a short space of hours, making it difficult to do on public transport. Especially in London when you are travelling around large boroughs.
Care workers essentially fill the roles of community nurses after decades of cuts to the NHS. They are working medics. I think you are missing the point of LTNs, they're not to get all cars off the road but to reduce significantly the traffic on the road leaving the roads free for those that really need them. Carers who fulfil the role of community nurses are those.
But perhaps we shouldn't allow those with cars to use them because some might not have cars. Seeing as this is your version of fair. We can then deter even more workers from doing this chronically understaffed role.
I haven’t had any of these. Consultation should be far reaching enough that you don’t have to pro-actively sign up and search it out. Speaking to people on our road WhatsApp group about this, only one person new it was happening.
You haven’t gone to any of the Q&As or signed up to the email updates? It sounds like you’re not really that interested in LTNs at all then.

It’d be great if the council can write to every address but can see that that would be v expensive for the whole of Lambeth. Maybe they’re doing it for the areas being consulted on.
You haven’t gone to any of the Q&As or signed up to the email updates? It sounds like you’re not really that interested in LTNs at all then.

It’d be great if the council can write to every address but can see that that would be v expensive for the whole of Lambeth. Maybe they’re doing it for the areas being consulted on.
Your level of interest shouldn’t decide whether you are involved or alerted to a consultation.

People in areas which are being consulted haven’t been contacted, unless they got that pre-consultation email sent out to specific people
Your level of interest shouldn’t decide whether you are involved or alerted to a consultation.

People in areas which are being consulted haven’t been contacted, unless they got that pre-consultation email sent out to specific people

No, but if you’re actively interested in it, as you supposedly are, it’s been very easy to stay up to date and ask questions and raise concerns.

The pre-consultation email was sent out to everyone that had left comments on any of the commonplace LTN sites and said they could be contacted, so nothing sinister as you keep trying to make out. It also means that you didn’t even do this.

Have you ever even contacted your councillors or was it just straight to legal action?
No, but if you’re actively interested in it, as you supposedly are, it’s been very easy to stay up to date and ask questions and raise concerns.

The pre-consultation email was sent out to everyone that had left comments on any of the commonplace LTN sites and said they could be contacted, so nothing sinister as you keep trying to make out. It also means that you didn’t even do this.

Have you ever even contacted your councillors or was it just straight to legal action?
Yes, I spoke to our councillors and also sent a deputation to the council. That was when we were told that it would be impossible to exempt BB holders. I pointed out that in Fulham it was already being done but was told that I was lying. I sent the link through to show I wasn’t but got no reply. That is indicative of the engagement from the counci.

You’ve just proved that you have to be proactive to make sure you stay up to date. Lots of peope didn’t even know about commonplace and most people will not know that this is actually happening.

The emails to which I am referring were not as a result of signing up to Commonplace.
You’ve just proved that you have to be proactive to make sure you stay up to date. Lots of peope didn’t even know about commonplace and most people will not know that this is actually happening.

No - it shows there have been lots of different outlets to keep people informed and you've (deliberately) disenganged from all.

The emails to which I am referring were not as a result of signing up to Commonplace.

Okay - what are the ones you're referring to?
No - it shows there have been lots of different outlets to keep people informed and you've (deliberately) disenganged from all.

Okay - what are the ones you're referring to?
No, it shows that you have to be proactive. If you’re not then you won’t know it’s happening.

there was a pre-consultation email sent out by the council telling people to get on the consultation as soon as it came out. A cycling mate of mine showed me
there was a pre-consultation email sent out by the council telling people to get on the consultation as soon as it came out. A cycling mate of mine showed me

Can you share it & do you know who it was sent to?

You do have a habit of making claims of conspiracy without anything to back them up.
Can you share it & do you know who it was sent to?

You do have a habit of making claims of conspiracy without anything to back them up.
I also knew that you’d focus on the email rather than the council lying and the steps we took to engage with them.
I also knew that you’d focus on the email rather than the council lying and the steps we took to engage with them.
So no you don't have any details of the secret email sent out to all cyclists in the borough?

What council lying? That they have supposedly said they couldn't exempt blue badges and that commonplace was the consultation? I've never heard either of these (in fact the opposite) so I'm doubtful they happened and you haven't proved very reliable on a lot of what you've said on here.
So no you don't have any details of the secret email sent out to all cyclists in the borough?

What council lying? That they have supposedly said they couldn't exempt blue badges and that commonplace was the consultation? I've never heard either of these (in fact the opposite) so I'm doubtful they happened and you haven't proved very reliable on a lot of what you've said on here.
When they told me it was impossible to do. An FOI showed me that they had discussed it but decided against it. So, they were lying when they said it was impossible
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